You can't pretend to make a point saying that Fukushima in Kojima's place would make a mess. I believe that too since he's a writer and the other is a game designer.
Still waiting for anything of note to be posted. Where's the op?
Its just a list of complaints that are somehow linked or attributed to the lack of Fukushima without anything to back it up.
I was sleeping.

I didn't open this thread to force my assumption on you, I did it to share our opinions as to why MGS changed so drastically after MGS Portable Ops, if you think it did, and why.
It's pretty obvious we'll never know from the sources since our journalists prefer to ask Kojima what he eats rather than asking some interesting questions, we can only do some math on our own and search for good info.
Yes, I do believe Fukushima was a better support for Kojima than Murata is but I also believe Kojima needed a good co writer with MGS4-V more than he did with MGS1-3 due to his lack of passion (or fucks given) about the saga. At the same time I wonder if he even cared to have a good co writer and make sense of the overall because when you see the results, the exaggerations, and you listen to what he says and his lies, it seems like he didn't.
There can be different reasons. I look at the writers since most of what happened is, in my opinion, due to different narrative choices: the pen, after all, is the very starting point for everything else. Now, if you see the credits you'll see a "STAFF" section before anything else that, I suppose, are like the "Leads" in western productions and the major writers are Kojima, Fukushima and Murata and only one of them left just before shit started to go down. His name under "Written by" and "Setting research/justification" leads me to believe he helped to shape the MGS I liked. I'm not saying he's the true and sole reason of MGS success, that's bullshit. Then there's Nojiri but I didn't mention him as he worked on Ghost Babel and Acid with Fukushima but was never credited as Writer for the main saga as far as I remember.
And while I can accept that MGS4 was a false step for the reasons already stated, it doesn't explain what were they thinking with Peace Walker and V.
As far as Meryl's panties go, use the same viewpoint that you're using to judge Naomi's design in MGS4 with that. What purpose does Meryl being in panties serve? It's the exact same reason as seeing Naomi's cleavage. Or the same reason why Sniper Wolf's cleavage is exposed. And why Fortune wears a leotard. Kojima's never tried to hide that he's a perv, nor has it been hidden in any way in his games. That's always front and center to some degree. You can argue that he started going more in that direction with later games, which is true, but acting like it never happened in the early games is just completely false. It's literally always been there ins the exact same ways that it is now.
What? No, lol, we disagree on everything >.< seems like you look at their clothes and nothing else matter, context or intentions. How can Meryl or Wolf be compared to any female character post MGS Portable Ops is something I don't understand. I didn't read all of News Bot posts but so far I agree with him totally.
Look, I can't use the same viewpoint because Naomi is designed and dressed to be liked, a sexy and beautiful female doctor with a skirt, nice tits, long legs and heels, that's the only
intention. Is there anyone to seduce? Nope. Is the dress suitable for the environment? Hell no, it's a battlefield! Meryl's shirt wasn't either but at least it gave her the "I'm strong" look. Naomi is dressed like that even on the airplane with a sweatshirt over the shirt, it doesn't make sense! The only thing Meryl in MGS1 and Naomi in MGS4 have in common, is Snake's reaction but, then again, it's ok to tell a joke about Meryl's ass that allowed you to recognize her, I think it's pretty honest and funny, but to drop a cigarette on purpose to allow the player to watch Naomi's panties by pressing R1? What the fuck is that?
There's a big difference between characters like Wolf or The Boss and Mei Ling (MGS4) or Quiet in my opinion. I'm not saying it was perfect before (see Fortune) and obviously I respect your opinion, but I don't share it one bit, sorry.
The sexualization of the female characters did exist before MGS4, it just happened to better written characters, and a smaller percentage of the female characters.
Characters like the B&B unit and Quiet simply did not exist in the series prior to MGS4. MGS4 is the start of when Kojima introduced female models who pose for the player. But given that Peace Walker isn't quite that bad I think it's more because technology allowed him to do that, rather than the lack of Fukushima.
I think the technology, coupled with the fact that most of the characters post-MGS3 are written more poorly, makes the sexual objectification appears that much worse.
And this too, I agree.