Kotaku & Vice Collude To Trash Mortal Kombat 11 & Ronda Rousey?

Stupid bullshit as usual. The only real argument against using Ronda Rousey was due to it being for voicework when she can't deliver dialogue to save her life and doesn't have the vocal charisma to negate that either.

Course they only hired her for publicity reasons anyway. Whether that was worth it, I don't know.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
she was great in beating up soccermoms that did mma on the side. once the sport went fully professional she was out.

Stop talking crap. She was just overhyped, horribly mis-managed, and a classic example of how a fighter with specialist skills is vulnerable to opponents forcing them out of their comfort zone. MMA history is littered with similar cases where a rapid evolution in the skill-set of the competition can make formerly invincible looking athletes look hopelessly non-competitive.

Also, losing to Amanda Nunes is no shame, given how phenomenal she's become.



Am I reading this correctly? A person supports the notion that trans people may be different on a muscular, bone density, physical characteristic level. Then a response gets in their face because they have a female user name?

Phew, we dodged discourse there. Thanks internet.


Gold Member
Am I reading this correctly? A person supports the notion that trans people may be different on a muscular, bone density, physical characteristic level. Then a response gets in their face because they have a female user name?

Phew, we dodged discourse there. Thanks internet.

No, they are adding to the conversation. I believe they are referring to the original article in which Sophia is referencing.


Gold Member
She's an awful actress though, which is all that matters for a voice actor.

True, but directors and producers are every bit to blame for accepting those deliveries and not coaching or having her coached as well. If they found it acceptable, they are every bit at fault.

It does not squarely just fall on her shoulders. It is also Mortal Kombat, the whole shit is cheese, now with social engineering included.
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No, they are adding to the conversation. I believe they are referring to the original article in which Sophia is referencing.

Oh okay. Good. I just thought that was a strong reaction. When a trans person says something level headed like this I hope we can all applaud it. Divisiveness doesn’t go anywhere.
as i said before, i'm no expert..but in all the studies i've seen is reported that science still doesn't know exactly what is the precise cause of the blatant difference in physical performance between genders.

testosterone is an obvious suspect but apparently science still doesn't know exactly if it is the only culprit and if the effects it has on the body gets reduced, and by how much, if not completely eliminated, when you artificially stop the production of it through the usual hormone therapy given during change.

a reduction in the muscular tone is definitely there, at least according to the studies i've read, but no scientist, at least in the studies i've read, has been able to measure if that reduction really brings an ex male to the level of a woman athlete.

and of course there are several other biological differences between male and female that can be equally as relevant..but since we have very little transgender athletes and even less of them that are available for prolonged testing and comparison from when they were of the opposite gender, scienntists are still being cautious to emit any sentence.

are those politically motivated? frankly i don't know, but since they are scientist that studied this sector and I am a no one, i'm inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt.

I only even read all those studies because during a similiar thread on era an user linked all of them as supporting his thesis...maybe without thinking that someone would actually take the time to read them line by line and discover that most of them were inconclusive and only on the basis of that inconclusiveness suggested that since we have no proof of an advantage, we had no reason to deny them the right to compete in their new genre's cathegory..but also clearly said that more research was needed before we can give any kind of blanket assessment on the matter.
The best explanation for the physical differences between males and females is due to the greater male variability hypothesis, which states that in the kingdom of anamalia, males are more variable in traits such as height than are females. There was an study from a Georgia Tech professor which was published in two journals; however, activists wanted to suppress the research and succeeded in getting the journals to remove the study.

Ted hill, professor Emeritus at Georgia Tech wrote an op ed in Quillette on how activists successfully sent his research down the memory hole because it didn't fit their political narritive.



And this is the reason I have zero interest in games media today, and i'm losing interest FAST in current gaming. What does Rousey's personal beliefs have to do with the game Mortal Kombat 11? Why does what she believes (or MAY have believed) have to do with me enjoyment of this game? Why are they reviewing the actors personal lives and not the actual game itself? Who gives a fuck what she believes? I enjoy the game for what it is... As for the poor voice work, I dare anyone to tell me of any good work in the game? It's all cheesy, over the top crap much like the story is.


Kotaku trying to hide the embarrassing smash bros/persona5/"retarded" click bait they attempted in order to wring out the last drop of SJW outrage from a game that tries so hard to be 'woke' but evidently wasn't woke enough! XD

MC Safety

The Vice editorial on Mortal Kombat/Ronda Rousey was the worst sort of self-indulgent writing I've read in a while.

These people don't realize that if you're going to write about yourself, you should be interesting or insightful. Even if you meet these requirements, you still have to be wary about writing something so personal it has no appeal to anyone beyond you.

The first-person editorial has some value, but not in this particular case.


I remember when Kotaku and Joystiq used to be legitimately useful websites to visit to get news on the video game industry (I'm talking back around the time of the 360 & PS3 launches).

What Kotaku has become now just makes me so sad. Not only does it only contain about 30% of news stories, but even they aren't immune to some kind of form of politicizing.

It's almost like the "journalists" who write for it now are trying to destroy it from the inside.

I miss the old Kotaku. At least I got to know Neogaf because of them. Sad to see what they became.
This is now like the inverse of the "MK11 getting review bombed because of SJWbashing" clickbait article, wheres in that one the primary culprit for the reviewbombing was the microtransactions, in this case the primary culprit for Ronda getting bashed was her shit-ass VO performance. The shit outside of the game didn't really do her favors, but her VO was bizarrely flat and bad for a game with otherwise good performances,.


Noted MMA pioneer

I'd say good for her, she got all that fight money.
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