Atom Zombie Smasher is really addicting. I think I'm missing some key gameplay element, because I keep getting steamrolled after a bunch of zones go full zombie outbreak, but I keep coming back to it. 
My first campaign ended up a complete mess when level 4 zones started popping up. I'm in the middle of the second one and I think capturing zones early on (by killing all the infected before night) makes a big difference. That's what you should aim for as much as possible.gregor7777 said:Atom Zombie Smasher is really addicting. I think I'm missing some key gameplay element, because I keep getting steamrolled after a bunch of zones go full zombie outbreak, but I keep coming back to it.![]()
MrOogieBoogie said:I've always been interested in NightSky but I hear the game looks very pixelated blown up to higher resolutions. Is this true?
Also, some impressions about these would be nice:
The Path
The Polynomial - Space of the music
The UnderGarden
The Whispered World
The Longest Journey
Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars (should I bother with the others?)
Syberia (still not convinced on this one, not sure why)
Yeah, it takes a couple tries to get the hang of it. Hope to God the level 4 zones bunch up, because the llama bombs make quick work out of them. Same with the super arty, but you have to head down to use it.Palette Swap said:My first campaign ended up a complete mess when level 4 zones started popping up. I'm in the middle of the second one and I think capturing zones early on (by killing all the infected before night) makes a big difference. That's what you should aim for as much as possible.
Palette Swap said:My first campaign ended up a complete mess when level 4 zones started popping up. I'm in the middle of the second one and I think capturing zones early on (by killing all the infected before night) makes a big difference. That's what you should aim for as much as possible.
Palette Swap said:My first campaign ended up a complete mess when level 4 zones started popping up. I'm in the middle of the second one and I think capturing zones early on (by killing all the infected before night) makes a big difference. That's what you should aim for as much as possible.
I was about to gift it to you!SalsaShark said:Last game i got was CreaVures
Avencast is a kind of isometric diablo game I guess. You play a fledgling mage. It's pretty neat I really recommend giving it a shot.LastWindow said:Any feedback on Avencast and Demensity?
Stranger's Wrath is still a mess, sadly.Kamaki said:I posted this in the summer sale thread but it either moves to fast or no one knows the answer so I thought I'd post it here. Does anyone know if they fixed up the Oddbox? I know when it came it was kind of a mess. Mostly interested in Strangers Wrath as I always wanted to play it but that was the one with the most problems if I remember correctly.
Oh well that's a shame, thanks for saving me the money thoughAaron said:Stranger's Wrath is still a mess, sadly.
Whenever you restart a campaign, you should try getting a capture on the first few level 1 zones. Snipers can be pretty good, particularly if you have items that can somehow change the flow of the zombie invasion.gregor7777 said:I've never, not once, captured a <level 4 zone without the super bomb thing. I suck lol.
Don't get all hormonal on me.SalsaShark said:you're funny
no really
rando14 said:Any words on Hazen?
Puzzle Kingdoms was really great. It has a few timed sections, but on the whole, it's really laid back. The idea behind the game is super simple, and the team building is fun too.EternalGamer said:Hey guys,
I have a friend that is a very casual gamer. I picked up a copy of Faerie Solitaire for him and he loves it. Actually he has almost finished it in just 4 days.
I'm looking for something else for him. Something very light. He used to like Bejeweled, but I would really like something like Puzzle Quest but maybe a little less complicated?
Faerie Solitare seems to strike a really good balance of giving you a sense of narrative progression and item unlocks without making it too complex for someone who doesn't play games.
Basically I'm looking for something else that does that.
gregor7777 said:Atom Zombie Smasher is really addicting. I think I'm missing some key gameplay element, because I keep getting steamrolled after a bunch of zones go full zombie outbreak, but I keep coming back to it.![]()
BomberMouse said:Yeah, it's really addictive. The inability to save is awful though, I was doing great yesterday, lot's of conquered territories and quited for a bite, when I came back I accidentaly clicked new campaign instead of continue
You should try flotilla too.
gregor7777 said:You can save when you quit, and I believe it auto-saves transparently.
BomberMouse said:Yes, but you can't have multiple simultaneous campaings going on, so when I accidentally clicked New campaing it automatically erased my old campaign
BomberMouse said:Yes, but you can't have multiple simultaneous campaings going on, so when I accidentally clicked New campaing it automatically erased my old campaign
Is it still? I thought they fixed it up with patches. I'm about to purchase the Oddboxx, so can someone confirm this?Aaron said:Stranger's Wrath is still a mess, sadly.
Anslon said:Puzzle Kingdoms was really great. It has a few timed sections, but on the whole, it's really laid back. The idea behind the game is super simple, and the team building is fun too.
Yeah I was wondering about this too. I thought Stranger's Wrath had been significantly patched since it came out in December, but if it still runs like butt then I guess I'll wait.RoboShmup said:Is it still? I thought they fixed it up with patches. I'm about to purchase the Oddboxx, so can someone confirm this?
If I recall it's a mess on ATI/AMD cards but "fixed" on Nvidia.RoboShmup said:Is it still? I thought they fixed it up with patches. I'm about to purchase the Oddboxx, so can someone confirm this?
Nelo Ice said:so i cant decide i already got bloodlines the eschalon games and faire solitaire
atm im considering getting zen of sudoku, the mawesome pack and hammerfight
any of those worth? im thinking just the maw atm
I have a Nvidia card. Not fixed. Sometimes all I would get is a black screen.dani_dc said:If I recall it's a mess on ATI/AMD cards but "fixed" on Nvidia.
legend166 said:How do the Commander Keen games hold up?
I'm expecting them to be old, obviously, but do they still play alright? And have they been modified to run on modern hardware? Using DosBOX emulation maybe?
Ataturk said:Flight Control is great. Well worth a dollar.
Where do I find the modifiers at?gregor7777 said:RE: Atom Zombie Smasher
IMO the modifier to pick your mercs before the map starts should be part of the main game. Feels like cheating but I can't imagine I'll ever beat the game without it. Kind of frustrating.
SalsaShark said:this just in: WINDOSILL IS AMAZING everyone should get it at $1, please do it
RiverBed said:Hey guys, I have Bad Company 2 on PS3 and LOVING it. If I buy this on PC, can I play with a Dualshock 3?
I want to double dip due to the Vietnam package being cheaper on PC than PSN.