Last surviving Rhinos killed in Mozambique

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Why people still believe in this? We know that Rhino horns do nothing for medicines, I'm surprised that the chinese gov do nothing to control the "traditional" chinese medicine.


Homeland Security Fail
I wish someone would pay hunters to chop the poachers lower horn. Fucking assholes.


The most infuriating part is that its used for bogus medicine, to hell with chinese "medicine", such an archaic and useless custom.
Humans really can be classified as a virus.
Only China.

They give no fucks about wildlife, environment, endangered species, CO2 emissions, air pollutions. Look up Bear Bile and how it's a treasured voodoo medicine in China. They insert a tube into a living bear, into it's bile duct, and suck out the bile juice for a bullshit voodoo treatment. IIRC Jackie Chan is leading a campaign against it.

They're like that big blob thing in Spirited Away that simply takes everything in it's path.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I wish someone would pay hunters to chop the poachers lower horn. Fucking assholes.

I'd say the dealers (in China it seems) should be the ones who should be receiving it. Hell, maybe trick the wonder drug believers into thinking "rich man's lungs" should be healthy.


"This creature has a structure on its nose which is erected, and thus by definition completely and unconditionally looks like a dick. It can symbolize nothing else but sexual power.
Therefore, if I powder it down and eat it, I'm gonna get girls. It's the only possible logical conclusion!"

Mankind at its finest.

(edit: also applies to me and my ignorant attempt at humour, it seems.)


Only China.

They give no fucks about wildlife, environment, endangered species, CO2 emissions, air pollutions. Look up Bear Bile and how it's a treasured voodoo medicine in China. They insert a tube into a living bear, into it's bile duct, and suck out the bile juice for a bullshit voodoo treatment. IIRC Jackie Chan is leading a campaign against it.

They're like that big blob thing in Spirited Away that simply takes everything in it's path.

Curse those dirty Chinese!
Here in the free and civilized west we care about nature! We make sure that we don't use pesticides that kill bees by the thousands, we don't drill oil in 3rd world countries and create ecological catastrophies, we don't use cars, we don't pollute with factories (USA didn't sign Kyoto because it's not strict enough!), we don't hunt millions of tons of fish every year, we don't destroy animal habitats by building roads across all country, we don't kill animals for food by the billions, our filthy rich illuminated individuals don't go on an occasional safari to kill rare animals, we don't have hunters who hunt wildlife in our forests (that's why the UK has millions of foxes living in the woods right now, or that's why the wolves and bear populations here in Europe are really really prospering as of late!), we don't cut forests for profit (especially our companies in the rainforests), we don't use airplanes and ships that pollute air and water, we don't use harmful chemicals, and MOST CERTAINLY we do not act condescending towards the developing world, but we try to help them see the light.

Thank GOD I don't live in China and wait for the West to administer their vaccine to the viruses such as I would've been.



This is just awful, those poor magnificent creatures. Why is this still believed to be a working medicine in this day and age?
So stupid on so many levels.

- stupid people buying useless snake oils

- stupid poachers killing off their income source

- stupid rangers help in killing off their income source

Only some middle man is grinning while counting the biggest share of money he got relatively work and danger free.

Edit: He's stupid as well though because who the fuck would know what some kind of powder really is? Are they running mass spec on it to confirm it's rhino horn? It has no effect at all so it's not like cutting cocaine or whatever.

They should just buy some homeopathy shit like most ignorant idiots.
I guess we have to establish the rumor that poacher penis heals cancer and gives you the libido of a thousand men.


Only China.

They give no fucks about wildlife, environment, endangered species, CO2 emissions, air pollutions. Look up Bear Bile and how it's a treasured voodoo medicine in China. They insert a tube into a living bear, into it's bile duct, and suck out the bile juice for a bullshit voodoo treatment. IIRC Jackie Chan is leading a campaign against it.

They're like that big blob thing in Spirited Away that simply takes everything in it's path.

What's even worse is seeing some Chinese Americans defend Chinese Medicine as part of their culture.

We should start a list of animals that are going extinct because of China.


We Americans have gone through this in our past. We ate the Savory Passenger Pigeon into extinction and that was before deep frying took off. It was the chicken of the sky, the original fast food. I would love to eat one right now.

There was some article I read recently on rhino horns in Chinese medicine, and the whole "aphrodisiac" thing is apparently a huge misconception. They use it for fevers and just general illness.

fake edit:

That doesn't make it any more acceptable.


Corruption everywhere in the animal kingdom, much never gets made public.You never hear about ant poachers for instance.


Wow. Extinction of a species should not be taken lightly. When a population of species is that sparse an extreme penalty should be shifted onto the despicable people poaching them. I'm talking about death on sight. A poacher is indistinguishable from others because ya know, they are carrying guns and supplies in the backs of jeeps. This makes me so mad.
Curse those dirty Chinese!
Here in the free and civilized west we care about nature! We make sure that we don't use pesticides that kill bees by the thousands, we don't drill oil in 3rd world countries and create ecological catastrophies, we don't use cars, we don't pollute with factories (USA didn't sign Kyoto because it's not strict enough!), we don't hunt millions of tons of fish every year, we don't destroy animal habitats by building roads across all country, we don't kill animals for food by the billions, our filthy rich illuminated individuals don't go on an occasional safari to kill rare animals, we don't have hunters who hunt wildlife in our forests (that's why the UK has millions of foxes living in the woods right now, or that's why the wolves and bear populations here in Europe are really really prospering as of late!), we don't cut forests for profit (especially our companies in the rainforests), we don't use airplanes and ships that pollute air and water, we don't use harmful chemicals, and MOST CERTAINLY we do not act condescending towards the developing world, but we try to help them see the light.

Thank GOD I don't live in China and wait for the West to administer their vaccine to the viruses such as I would've been.
So...your argument is "America is killing bees"?

What drives the illegal poaching trades in the world, a few rich fucks from US or an entire nation that believes consuming tiger bones will cure erectile dysfunction?
I seriously think we need to open a wildlife preserve on the grasslands of North America. It's the only chance.

Seriously this isn't enough:


I've said this many times. America or Australia, just take whats left and move them. Fuck the poachers and the idiots taking the bribes. Just go in and fucking steal all the Rhinos that are left.


fuck poachers to nth degree...but you seriously need to re-think your thread title. these weren't the last rhinos on earth everyone.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Curse those dirty Chinese!
Here in the free and civilized west we care about nature! We make sure that we don't use pesticides that kill bees by the thousands, we don't drill oil in 3rd world countries and create ecological catastrophies, we don't use cars, we don't pollute with factories (USA didn't sign Kyoto because it's not strict enough!), we don't hunt millions of tons of fish every year, we don't destroy animal habitats by building roads across all country, we don't kill animals for food by the billions, our filthy rich illuminated individuals don't go on an occasional safari to kill rare animals, we don't have hunters who hunt wildlife in our forests (that's why the UK has millions of foxes living in the woods right now, or that's why the wolves and bear populations here in Europe are really really prospering as of late!), we don't cut forests for profit (especially our companies in the rainforests), we don't use airplanes and ships that pollute air and water, we don't use harmful chemicals, and MOST CERTAINLY we do not act condescending towards the developing world, but we try to help them see the light.

Thank GOD I don't live in China and wait for the West to administer their vaccine to the viruses such as I would've been.

You do know part of arguing is that it has to be relevant, right?
I've said this many times. America or Australia, just take whats left and move them. Fuck the poachers and the idiots taking the bribes. Just go in and fucking steal all the Rhinos that are left.

I'm not sure it's a good idea to introduce any more foreign shit into Australia, it never ever goes well. If there's a part of North America that can sustain them then by all means go for it.


So...your argument is "America is killing bees"?

What drives the illegal poaching trades in the world, a few rich fucks from US or an entire nation that believes consuming tiger bones will cure erectile dysfunction?

You do know part of arguing is that it has to be relevant, right?

My friends, the point I was trying to make was that before we look down on someone with the language used before in the debate, we should first look at our own backyards through which we could approach these topics with a more cool head without climbing on a moral highground from whence we would then shout foul at the rest of the world.

That doesn't mean that what is happening to the Rhinos isn't a crime that we should just forget because we have a lot of baggage ourselves, but I recommend we don't drop the debate into generalization and racist rants.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
who is paying top dollar for these horns? is it addicting like meth or something?

Not even. They're used to make folk medicines that don't do anything. The people who want them are just ignorant and don't care about the consequences of their desires. The poachers don't care either, they'll just scrounge to find an alternate source of income after every animal is dead.

This kind of situation is unfortunately humanity at its worst.
What I don't understand is that this shit doesn't work for what they are taking it for, the poachers have no morals, and the people buying it wouldn't know anyway, since it doesn't work...Why don't they fake the shit? Grind up some bull horn or something, sell it as Rhino horn at the same price. No one would know, and it would be cheaper and easier to get, greater markup on profit, etc.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
What I don't understand is that this shit doesn't work for what they are taking it for, the poachers have no morals, and the people buying it wouldn't know anyway, since it doesn't work...Why don't they fake the shit? Grind up some bull horn or something, sell it as Rhino horn at the same price. No one would know, and it would be cheaper and easier to get, greater markup on profit, etc.

That would be unethical.
I wrote about this yesterday. It seems that now that there are no rhinos left in Limpopo National Park, the poachers have turned their attention on the elephants. Going after the ivory dollars.

Both ivory and rhino horns (which have to be intact when sold) are being bought up by organized crime, mostly in China and Vietnam.
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