Imperial Hotel pics
Wow, that is really nice!
I'm loving everyone's MOCs in here. Keep it up everyone! <3
Imperial Hotel pics
Shitty cell phone photos of a very very work-in-progress build.
Hoping to build a small bike shop with a flat/apartment upstairs all with interiors. Smaller than the usual 32x32 modular standard but bigger than the 16. Still going to make it functional with the other sets though!
Imperial Hotel pics
Quite a nice model.
Number one thing I wanted in the build- since getting Hulk Helicarrier Breakout i've been really itching to use the trans blue panels somehow! I'm not sure how well or what colour the upper building is going to be but so far im pleased with the bottomGot really thrown off by the light blue windows on the front there. Took me a second to recognize the piece and how they were connected. Very cool.
Last year's May feature was a lady C3PO wasn't it?
Rumors this year point towards aminifig. I hope not, since I would rather have something more unique.Han Solo
And for superheroes, I am hoping for an Iron Patriot minifig sometime this spring.
Integrated mailbox is used in Pet Shop and some Creator houses. It is always awesome to see.This is really nice! One of my favorite aspects of the Modulars, and modular MOCs is how they look so simple but that aesthetic is being driven by complex techniques. The integrated mailbox looks really nice-not sure if that's your own idea but it's a great one!
I only have a few SW sets so I'd be ok with that-as long as it's "special" enough. I had to look up TC 14 to see who he/she was when I got it last year.
As for Superheroes, I'd love to see something tongue in cheek. Like Captain Britain or Calendar Man.
Integrated mailbox is used in Pet Shop
Figures! Don't think I can hold out until the end of March for this set.
So, should I buy these sets (used/complete) for $200?
1. Star Wars 7964
2. Star Wars 8096
3. Star Wars 7961
4. Star Wars 7930
5. Star Wars 7868
6. Star Wars 8093
7. Star Wars 8083
8. Star Wars 7914
9. Star Wars 7913
Just clear red and pink 1x1 studs in the jar.Is that the jarred heart from HH?
Green Grocer is done. Some great ideas and techniques for the top floor and roof push this kit back up to the top.
Final rating:
Pet Shop=Green Grocer>Fire Brigade>Grand Emporium>Palace Cinema>Town Hall
You can really tell the difference when you are putting together a Jamie set. So many unconventional and surprising uses of elements. Adam (the designer of the Haunted House, Queen Anne's Revenge, and the UCS Imperial Shuttle) is the only one who I think could challenge Jamie on this level. However, the new designer, Marcos Bessa (who created the new Arkham Asylum and the Quinjet) could potentially be another designer at that level.
On to rebuilding the Fire Brigade next!
Ugh don't talk about green grocer and QAR. hurts so bad to have missed them.....And the temptation of arkham and HH....
What was the last Jaime-made set? That plane?edit: the sopwith camel! just remembered the name."
Horizon Express train.
Green Grocer is done. Some great ideas and techniques for the top floor and roof push this kit back up to the top.
Final rating:
Pet Shop=Green Grocer>Fire Brigade>Grand Emporium>Palace Cinema>Town Hall
You can really tell the difference when you are putting together a Jamie set. So many unconventional and surprising uses of elements. Adam (the designer of the Haunted House, Queen Anne's Revenge, and the UCS Imperial Shuttle) is the only one who I think could challenge Jamie on this level. However, the new designer, Marcos Bessa (who created the new Arkham Asylum and the Quinjet) could potentially be another designer at that level.
On to rebuilding the Fire Brigade next!
I've been building my amazon warehouse deals-purchased weathertop off and on between homework assignments. I've been shocked that the set is actually FUN to build. What the heck? Makes me more willing to buy the other lotr sets I'm iffy on- mainly the moria set and goblin king hobbit set. Anyone have those 2? They both inspire similar reluctance the way weathertop did til i saw the $20 off sale...
Besides Town Hall and Palace Cinema, what else did Astrid design? Curious as to her pedigree.
I do agree that Adam could challenge Jamie. Haunted House was nuts. And had no idea he did Imperial Shuttle. That explains why the set kicked ass.
And as for Marcos, I need Arkham Asylum bad, because Quinjet was so good. Really curious to see him tackle a monster set.
They really should show credit for the main designers on the boxes or instructions. The Architecture line does, why can't the other lines do that?
Weathertop was cool to assemble, and is a nice desk piece. Moria is cool and interactive, but TONS of stickers. And jump on Helms Deep if you can. That is a very cool set.
I would love a list of designers and what they made.Astrid came from the Creator line, where she was since 2008. While the Town Hall is all Astrid, save for Jamie's roof additions, I think she only did minor work on the Palace Cinema, and most of it was from that ex-intern that I mentioned a while back.
There appears to be another Astrid video coming up, so I'm curious to see what else she has in the works.
And yes, LEGO should definitely put designer info on at least the Creator Expert and UCS lines. I feel that the designer is just as important as the theme or piece count. If I get motivated, I might create my own list for our group.
So I'd like to expand my collection of lego stuff so I can build some non-playset stuff. I have a few sets now and they're all great, but I'd like to design/create my own buildings and all that.
Is stuff like this or this actually worthwhile?
Or would my best bet be to just do a pick-a-brick thing next time I go to lego-land in Mall of America? Anyone ever been there? I think they have a pick-a-brick there, I'm not sure. No other lego stores are anywhere near me.
You have my vote, wetwired. And my axe.
You have my vote, wetwired. And my axe.
I was just at the MoA Lego store. The pick-a-brick was honestly disappointing. There was a nice variety of colors, but mostly in larger piece sizes. I really wanted some tiles and slopes, but they didn't really have either (I would have killed for a cup full of Lego kitties, but a man can dream...). YMMV, of course.
So the larger plates to start with? Like the bottom pieces that one would build on? Or what do you mean by tiles?
I am new to this lego stuff. I get confused some times haha. Sorry.
You mean "solid gold" to people like me?Sorry - I don't really know my terminology, either.
Not really plates, so much. More like beams - the kind of pieces you'd make walls out of.
Once I've got the decals on the side of it do you think I should take some nice photos and get it up on there ASAP?
I want to do a really cool photo shoot with it once the lights arrive with some dry ice (that someone mentioned here) inside the the ghost buster HQ, the fog spilling out the front doors, a bright light inside the building (a big LED flashlight) with lights of the car flashing bright parked in the doorway and the ghostbuster minifigs standing in front.
That's my long term plan, but the lights will probably take a few weeks to arrive. Should I take some decent pics once the decallogos are on the side of ecto-1 and put it up now to get a start on supporters?
Agreed. I am anxious to see the improved fins and mini figs.I think you should take some photos once you get your decals and put it up. Your set speaks for itself.
So I'd like to expand my collection of lego stuff so I can build some non-playset stuff. I have a few sets now and they're all great, but I'd like to design/create my own buildings and all that.
Is stuff like this or this actually worthwhile?
Or would my best bet be to just do a pick-a-brick thing next time I go to lego-land in Mall of America? Anyone ever been there? I think they have a pick-a-brick there, I'm not sure. No other lego stores are anywhere near me.
So the larger plates to start with? Like the bottom pieces that one would build on? Or what do you mean by tiles?
I am new to this lego stuff. I get confused some times haha. Sorry.
40052 Springtime Scene is now available from S@H (and presumably the LEGO store).
Holiday Pick-A-Brick boxes: Part 1.
Approximately 300 pieces here, but I got double that much to fit into one Holiday Box so that I could make two STAR WARS stands: one for the X-Wing and one for either the Millenium Falcon, or the Tie Fighter.
Some of you probably know what it is that is being built in this pic... The Tower to the right is the stand that will hold up the set that's being built in this pic.
Wow, that's a giant stand for the (se)X-Wing.
Well, thank you! I didn't think that you'd notice my Giant Stand!
It's big isn't it?
You like it?
nothing awkward here... ... ... move along. move along.l
Edit: Seriously though, the bricks were "free" so I might as well try out a big stand to see how it looks and dial it back from there if it is TOO big, lol.
Unlike Second Breakfast in The Lord of the Rings, a "Second Edit" is actually not that desirable of a thing...
Edit 2: Just so everyone knows, all of the pieces in my first pic that're laying on the floor unbuilt, make up the body of that stand! So that's like 300 pieces in each stand lol!
WTF! Edit 3!?
I was inspired by your stands Phonciple...![]()
98% done with the first floor of the BrickMAX Cinema.
Another speaker put in. Ignore the decal from Moria on the tiles. It will be obscured once the second floor goes on.
Railing put into the front row. I had left gaps for handicapped access, but it would leave people nearly against the screen, which would be cruel. So to compensate, this place is NOT ADA compliant.
Front doors, complete with obscene amount of blinking lights to get your attention.
The box office window, and the poster frame for the currently playing film. I will most likely go back and add an awning above the window and some SNOT to put a sign with showtimes on it, because right now it looks incredibly plain.
The refreshment area. You can see the POS system for the box office window in the corner, and then the soda fountain and ICEE machine on the back wall.
Front of the refreshment stand.
Back side of the refreshment stand. Two registers, access to candy, and the giant bin filled with popcorn. I did not have the space to pull off a popcorn machine, but will toy with ideas to maybe pop on there. But I am proud of the glass bin filled with popcorn.
I still need to add the stairs to access the projection room and second floor. That will be later this week, as well as beginning construction on the second floor. I plan on the front of the second floor to be an elaborate and decorative sign with the theater name. I have a few ideas, and need to play around to see what will work.
Love everything about that MOC cinema except dat hair in the last shot(probably a cat hair)
Seriously though, the entrance especially is great, love the doors with the blue correctly facing handles, those awesome blinding lights... i'd go there to watch the next blockbuster
Also: Speaking of those LOTR sets, i also built Weathertop yesterday, it was a decent build, i agree and makes for a pretty good display piece. I have it set up for the Frodo getting stabbed scene!
Also, those Nazgul are pretty mean lookin figures, i dig them!
What's so great about Helm's Deep though? Besides Theoden King, i don't really see the appeal (yet...) plus you can ONLY use those figures for LOTR related stuff which is a shame![]()