lmao@eBay prices for the SDCC sets.
That's the problem with limited edition bullshit. I would also wager most people that landed them will not even open them.
What a waste.
lmao@eBay prices for the SDCC sets.
I find it hilarious the SDCC sets are going for so much. The minifigs I can understand but the sets don't even have any exclusive minifigs.
Christ, looks like i'm going to have to bite the bullet on the last 3 hobbit sets I am missing including Battle of 5 armies and The Lonely Mountain. I called like 30 different walmarts, Meijers, Targets, and some independents in the central Ohio region and not only do none of them have those 3 on sale but they don't even have them in stock anymore and won't be getting them back. Many of them only got 2 or 3 sets back when it came out they said and never got restock.
Guess I am going to have to bit the bullet and pay full price on Amazon which I have NEVER had to do before. Looking at Brickset statistics, they are actually pretty highly owned sets (except for The Lonely Mountain) I don't want to risk missing out on a Dragon that will obviously be pricy in the future
Also based on your guys worries, I picked up that Walmart exclusive and while I was at that walmart (They had like 60 raptor sets, an entire aisle display shelf), I picked up a bunch of other sets that were on clearance including the rest of the first 2 waves of Ultra Agents I wanted and some technic sets for gears and rotors and stuff and to teach myself techniques. I will list my current July haul later just because its unusually big.
The Bootleg Avengers
And my decent tiny Ant Man attempt:
I have enough heroes and villians to make lots of group shots and alternative teams now.
I also believe I am the first person to update the Ghostbusters Lego set with the upcoming all female version that is now shooting.
Forgive me for asking... But is that shit?
Shiny and chrome.
Chrome is one thing -- I agree that they could get to that eventually -- but releasing it without the cape is a tragedy equally as large. I hope she comes with one.
Black umbilical cord one is interesting. Looks cool, but helmet will not be very reusable.
My favorite is the pearl silver trooper in the middle. Wouldn't mind an army of those.
Not liking the white troop much. If that's the one missing some sort of cape, maybe it may look better.
Not that it helps, but it is soo good. I would like to make a better Launch tower for it though, might see if there are any Mods that do that
Oh man, I didn't recognise the number 10231, so I googled it, I cant believe that thing came out twice in the years that I wasn't buying lego.
me too, and that new shuttle is just making it worse rather than better.
Anybody own a UCS Sandcrawler? I'm interested in your thoughts...
Anybody own a UCS Sandcrawler? I'm interested in your thoughts...
Didn't realize the Raptor Eacape was already so difficult to find until someone mentioned it in this thread. Sets have only been out a month or so!
Just a heads up Amazon has some random discounts on Lego sets right now. Don't have a complete list but things like Quinjet 2.0 for $68, Avengers Tower for $52 and some last wave Hobbit sets discounted as well.
I wonder if this is in response to the 20% off sale Toys R Us is having right now.Just a heads up Amazon has some random discounts on Lego sets right now. Don't have a complete list but things like Quinjet 2.0 for $68, Avengers Tower for $52 and some last wave Hobbit sets discounted as well.
Lonely Mountain at $5 off! Whoo hoo!
But on a serious note: Quinjet. It's all about that Quinjet.
Pulled the trigger on the Tydirium. Amazon says it'll arrive Wednesday.
I'm not a huge fan of this version, but it'll help ease the urge to open my UCS Imperial Shuttle.
I have zero desire for the JW sets, so it's chinese dinosaurs for me!
I want a T-Rex so now you have my attention. Any particular good ones you've seen?