LOL. Can't wait for the daddy and baby banana version.
Anyone here got 3108 Changing Seasons? Seen it on sale somewhere and wondering whether to go for it or not...It kinda speaks to me but i am unsure...
It is a mind blowingly awesome Creator set, certainly one of my three personal favorites in the last few years (Treehouse Adventures and Bike Shop & Cafe being the other two).
Good to know, i like the way most of the builds look, it just seems REALLY small compared to past Creator houses though... Which is your favorite build to display? I am also digging the included Lightbrick for the grill (or Chimney)
He needs a bottle of mustard in his hand.
Advent calendar pics are on hoth bricks. On my phone so am having trouble copying them.
Edit: here's the Star Wars figs.
Nice, i still need to unseal mine... have you watched the movie yet that came with it?
edit: lol @Ghostmind
Advent calendar pics are on hoth bricks. On my phone so am having trouble copying them.
Edit: here's the Star Wars figs.
Some information starting to leak out for the 1H 2017 wave, starting with Star Wars:
- Duel of the Fates
Some information starting to leak out for the 1H 2017 wave, starting with Star Wars:
- Yoda's hut
- Landspeeder (Tusken Raider encounter) - I really hope this includes a Bantha
- Desert skiff (again?)
- Duel of the Fates
- Rogue One battle packs
- at least one Rebels set (with new Kanan and Admiral Thrawn)
Or get a mostly free Big Ben...![]()
Trying to figure out if I should put it towards the Disney Castle or what....
Help me LEGO GAF. We had a big party on the weekend, kids were kids and I found a ton of LEGO all over the basement floor. No biggie, but I have three things I need help identifying.
1) Who's torso is that? I can't find an Obi-Wan or Anakin one that matches
2) Who's legs are these? They look Ninjago but can't be sure
3) What did this double A-frame build fall off of?! I'm suspecting a Marvel or SW set but can't be sure.
Nothing got too badly damaged so I guess that's the take-away!
1. Plo Koon from either 8093 or 7676
2. Kai from 70500
3. Nindroid Attack glider from 70725
More Death Star speculation - the comment "divided" seems to be the key, and not in that the set will put some people off, but that it could be a half-sphere, bisected vertically, with one side being the exterior of the Death Star, and the other being a series of vignettes from inside it.
This possibility has me excited, as it would be a new take, rather than a new version of the previous DS.
This is what I was expecting actually, a mix of the first and second sets. Closed it would look like the first one, open it would have vignettes like the second one. I wonder how expensive it'll be and how many people are gonna buy two?Imagine it being two half spheres that open up like simpsons house. How incredible would that be?
What the...In a somewhat unusual move, LEGO is releasing two "skin packs" for Minecraft in September:
Advent calendar pics are on hoth bricks. On my phone so am having trouble copying them.
Edit: here's the Star Wars figs.
In a somewhat unusual move, LEGO is releasing two "skin packs" for Minecraft in September:
From LEGO Reddit:
This is what I was expecting actually, a mix of the first and second sets. Closed it would look like the first one, open it would have vignettes like the second one. I wonder how expensive it'll be and how many people are gonna buy two?
What the...
Well, that Eye Robot looks sweet as hell so I guess they got me. I wonder if there will be a Wave 4 of Minecraft Lego?
Man getting laid off has really fucked my Lego lifestyle. I don't wanna buy shit on my credit cards and go into debt when I'm not making any money right now but all these sets are passing me by and my wish list is growing. CMFs just came out, I gotta get the Ghostbusters Ecto 1 & 2 set, I still need Parisian Restaurant and Brick Bank, I don't have ANY of the Minecraft Wave 3 sets. *struggles to hold back tears* It's just... it's just so hard sometimes you guys!!
Sorry to hear that. If you no longer are tied to LEGO store, is it possible for you to sell some stuff now? That could help you get by until you find something else.
As much as I joke here about spending money on LEGO, one should do it responsibly.
If you were to prioritize, I think Ecto 1 is highest priority.
Minecraft sets don't seem to carry a big aftermarket premium for now and most if not all of Wave 3 should be around until next summer. Only Minecraft items that carry a premium are the unique prints in higher priced sets like the Wolf head.
Remember the UCS Falcon?...This is what I was expecting actually, a mix of the first and second sets. Closed it would look like the first one, open it would have vignettes like the second one. I wonder how expensive it'll be...
From LEGO Reddit:
Remember the UCS Falcon?...
Amazing... is that the new S16 Mariachi fig then? I really have to get my Deadpool out for some more shenanigans one of these days...
Also: Yoda's Hut?? FINALLY!!! Watch my hype be utterly deflated by it being some lowly 30 bucks set though and not a glorious fully detailed hut complete with environment etc.
I found a B-Wing for half off.. It's Lego and Star Wars so one half of me wants to grab it. On the other hand, it's a B-Wing so meh..
I also found a deal for the Treehouse Adventures for 17% off that I really want to grab. Not sure if I need a second, but it's such an adorable set..
What's wrong with B-Wings!?
I got 75050 for half price and found the build worth it, plus the minifigures are cool too.
The craft itself is pretty cool but every Lego version of it has been pretty underwhelming, even the UCS. The thing just doesn't lend itself to a nice looking build methinks.
Looking at mine, actually, I think I agree.I've been meaning to find a way of displaying it open, but the UCS one looks kind of awkward like that too.
Yeah.. They actually fixed up pretty much everything that looks wrong with it in the Resistance Troop Carrier but that's a bit too pricy for me unless I find it on a sale.
How did you get so many complimentary points?!
I always feel weird about trying to price stuff I want to sell. I mean, ideally I'd like to get as much as I can for it, but at the same time, I don't wanna be like the fuckin scalpers that would come in to work and buy up everything just to drive up prices. And I wouldn't want to price it out of the range of actual lego fans looking for sets they missed but I also don't have any way of knowing who would be buying from me.
I guess since these are old sets it's not so bad, it's not like I'm taking shit off the shelves that's in demand now just so I can resell it, but it still feels weird having sets in my attic that I paid so little for but are worth soooo much more now @__@
IS the pet shop a good build? Already Have the cinema,parisian restaurant and detective office. Having build those(and Loved it) what can i expect from the pet shop??
I'm probably biased because the Pet Shop was the first modular I built, but it's one of my favorites to put together, the brown building in particular.
Sparse but with great personality. The second floor of part of it is almost completely bare, but has one of my favorite touches in a modular.Without spoiling Anything how is the interior compared to the ones i have?
1. Plo Koon from either 8093 or 7676
2. Kai from 70500
3. Nindroid Attack glider from 70725
Yes, the new UCS Death Star will be $499.99USD.
Prepare your wallets.
Lego Gaf i have a question that i need help.
I have a sealed Ninjago Airjitzu Temple set and I am considering exchanging it for 2 used (built only once in mint condition with box and everything) modular sets.
Specifically Palace Cinema and Parisian Restaurant...
Shall I go for it??
Please help.