Definitively not that much...
The underside is barely thicker than the upperside on blueprints and images, and should the ship lay on its underside, the nacelles should nearly touch the ground.
I suppose they inflated it so that they could more easily put troopers inside, but that butcher the whole line of the ship, I think.
Yeah, I can see what you mean. I didn't know the ship was meant to have a bulk under it untill recently, so my image of it was a bit off. (It did look a bit bulkier on the Star Wars Show, but this could be memories fooling me). In the image you posted it is hard to image this ship is a troop transport, as the cargo hold and the cockpit seem way out of scale then...
These are the alleged prices:
Tank $30 £35
AT-ST $40 £40
TIE $70 £60
U-wing $70 £65
Shuttle $90 £80
Given the recent Star Wars pricing I'd be surprised if that's correct.
Looks BS idd. As it is difficult to imagine none of thise is over 100 dollars. (I would think the shuttle and or U-wing would be at least 99). Then again, dollar prices are way lower then Euro prices. If this turns out to be true, we're looking at an AT-ST for 70 euro's and a U-wing for a 100 over here for sure, lol