It still seems far fetched to me and I really would love to understand the idea of having such a huge backlog of stuff you obviously want very much to build and display but eventually dont.
I just dont understand why buy sets if :
a) you dont want to use the parts for a MOC
b) you dont want to nvest at it
c) you arent going for sealed collections (which i can understand)
Are you ever going to have the space required to display all of them? Probably not. So you will start dismantling old sets. Those pictures have an incredibly ridiculous amount of lego that arent being built. And the sizes vary from sets that have 4k pieces to sets that are 300-400 pieces. Why not build those even?
Mind you I have some sealed sets myself but that is because b) I want to invest at them.
I couldnt imagine myself for example buying the Ghostbusters headquarters and not build it if all the above criteria are met.
That backlog aint gonna get smaller. Its really going out of hand, at that pace in 5 years or so you'll need a storage, the Lego room wont cut it anymore or it will take a ridiculous amount of display space.
A few sets of backlog I get it. But so many I dont. Just trying to understand, that's all.