I've built every 2016 set I own, apart from the Imperial Hoovertank which probably won't make a top 10 anyway. So here it is: My Top 10 2016. I must add that I mainly buy Star Wars and Creator Expert, so it will be a onesided top. Also, I am to lazy for pictures.
10: Ecto 1 + 2
Let's start with something out of the left field. I don't think this will make many lists, nor do I believe this set actually did well (it being practically a D2C set doesnt help). But I want to sing it's praise anyway. I believe its unpopularity is mostly due to the film not being a great succes. The vehicle built, which offcourse takes a lot of cues from the original Ecto-1 is pretty great, with some nice techniques for the headlights section and the shaping of the trunk. It fits the 4 busters side to side too and has opening doors (though the hinges are ugly). But let's be clear. The main attraction for this is the figures selection. Not only does all the Ghostbusters have unique torsos, their faces capture the features of their real life counterparts perfectly and you get some pretty neat new hear molds too. The Demon not being a Slimer is disapointing though.
9: Fun in the Park
Talking about minifigs. This set deserves a nod just because it's something truly unique. A massive figures parts pack, with some long awaited new stuff like a wheelchari and a baby. My Modular Street might have an overpopulation problem now, but it was so worth it.
8. Krennic's Shuttle
A great build with some nice suprises. A model that is incredibly faithfull to what you see on the screen and cool figures. Sometimes that's all you need
7. Y-Wing
It's an iconisch Star Wars ship, and comparing it to pics and video's of previous versions, this seems easily the best nog UCS-version yet. Lot's of detail, cool figs and a great bombdropping playfeature makes this worthy of a top 10 nod
6. Winter Holiday Train
I wasn't a fan of this when it was first shown. Now it is the piece the resistance in my holiday decorations lineup. It's a very cute train that instantly draws attention of visitors.
And then you have them push it and they go all 'woaaaah' when the christmass tree starts rotating. Cute!
5. Brick Bank
The new entry in my favourite line is only at 5. This is mainly because the rest of the year was so packed with cool sets. I honestly love Brick Bank. I love it's classical look. I love the little story going on inside with the money laundry. I love the chandelier.
It's just not as great as Parisian Restaurant (the GOAT) and Detective's Office.
4. Resistance Troop Transport
How can such a borring ship, that only has a minute of screentime in the movie, warrant such a brilliant build? This is by far the most fun building experience of any 2016 Star Wars set I have. Packed with suprising techniques, litte sidebuilds you only realise its purpose of once you fit it into the rest of the build, etc. It is worth all its praise.
Only reason there is one Star Wars set above this, is that to me, as someone who buys Lego mainly for displaying purpose, it seriously lacks in displayabilty. It's just so boring. But for kids and build-lovers, this could very well be the best Star Wars set in ages.
3. AT-ST
The best Star Wars set of the year comes from the brilliant Rogue One line. This thing has a fun build with neat techniques, looks awesome and has some cool figs. But it is the rotating head feature that seals the deal. Brilliant.
2. Volkswagen Beetle
What can I see. I first ventured out of the Dark Ages with the Camper. First picture I saw of the Beetle, I was in love. Building it that love only grew. This is to me almost on par with Resistance Troop Transport in the building department, with lot's of neat techniques and little AHA-moments when you realise what you are actually building, or what the purpose of a seemingly strangely placed piece is. And it looks incredibly on display too.
1. Disney Castle
Before this I never spent more then 170 euro's on a set. The only line I actually could bring myself to spending so much on was the Modular line. This was double the price of the most expensive modular, so it hurt a big deal pulling the trigger on spending all that money.
I haven't regretted it for a single moment. As a Disney fan this is a dream come true. It has a fantastic build, especially with all the microbuilds full of Disney nostalgia. It looks incredible and imposing once finished. And it is the only set I have ever moved to another place just to show visitors (usually it's on my desk, but I brought it to the living room allready 4 times just to show of). Incredible, incredible set.
Out of competition nod
Seriously, how brilliant was the Disney CMF series?
Best non-2016 set I build this year:
Slave-1. It doesn't need introduction I guess. What. A. Beast.