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Let's talk about "creepshots"

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Fucking winner winner chicken dinner

If you don't want people staring, ditch the yoga pants/leggings/tight jeans. Women are such hippo crits. They wear very revealing body conforming clothing to attract attention, then complain when they get it. I'm considering turning gay, that's how aggravating they are

That's a horrifically childish, selfish and naive view point. Slightly rapey too.
You do realize that threatening to kill someone is far more fucked up than taking a photo right?

well I got angry and it kind of slipped out in the heat of the moment.

My girlfriend thought of me as a hero and well I am still happy I told the creep Id kill him :)
That's a horrifically childish, selfish and naive view point. Slightly rapey too.


had to :p


Still Alive
It would bother me, but I think laws should be determined based off how much they're necessary to protect the well-being of a society and not just based off "this makes me feel weird." There's a fine line between creepshots and candid photography. Do we ban all photography of people that haven't given prior consent? Do we ban photography of all sexy people? Of all people that are taken with something smaller than a dSLR?

Creepshots are creepy. Yes, I agree. But I think there needs to be a better argument than "It's creepy!" if we're going to talk about disallowing certain types of of public photography.

*Not even sure if you're talking about banning it, but your wording makes it seem like that that's sort of what you're hinting at.
Yeah, I never said I want it made illegal in that post, I was jut responding to someone saying 'come on, there's nothing revealing in that pic!' :p

I wouldn't mind stricter laws about it, though. Upskirts and the like are illegal, btw. Some of these shots aren't too far from that.

You do realize that threatening to kill someone is far more fucked up than taking a photo right?
Do you think he would've literally murdered him? :lol
Those are called "creepshots"?
I always called them "what if I was walking at the street/supermarket/beach and my eyes were cameras - shots".



Would you be cool with someone doing that to your gf, sister, etc? It's violating whether or not your fully clothed tbh, the proximity and being unaware of it all make are what seal it.

No, and I never implied that. This is clearly falcon-punch worthy. Not trial worthy.
I see no problem. The camera is simply showing what the eyes are already seeing. Are you saying you don't look at hot wimmins? Should you aware them that you are looking at them and seek their permission beforehand?


well from my experience with hot ladies, they dont like to get photographed by a stranger no matter what he looks like Dennis.

Dennis said:
And to make clear, I don't think snapping pictures counts as 'attention'. I am sure getting your picture taking without consent would be undesired by most no matter who snaps them.

I see that we agree.


Still Alive
I see no problem. The camera is simply showing what the eyes are already seeing. Are you saying you don't look at hot wimmins? Should you aware them that you are looking at them and seek their permission beforehand?
By your logic, who needs porn! We've all had sex before, so let's just reach into our memories and hit the playback button!



I threw a frisbee into the ocean once after just arriving at our vacation stay in France. I had to strip off my street clothes and shoes and go after it while a group of teens was giggling behind me in the distance. When I came out, my brother told me they were taking pics.

Is it still creep shotting when you are aware of them being there, but not the cams?

I still don't know how I feel about some girls having pics of me and my hot body jumping around on one pale leg trying to get my jeans off. I'd feel better if I knew that they only had pics of me purposefully and manly rushing into the water and slicing through the waves.

I guess that's part of the uncomfortable factor, that you don't know just what is being photpgraphed?


Fucking winner winner chicken dinner

If you don't want people staring, ditch the yoga pants/leggings/tight jeans. Women are such hippo crits. They wear very revealing body conforming clothing to attract attention, then complain when they get it. I'm considering turning gay, that's how aggravating they are

Holy shit man, are you for real? Blaming the victim instead of the fucking creeps who takes pictures like that?


This is my fetish.

I've got enough self control to not go around taking pictures of asses though.

Might I ask you what the exciting part is? Is it the fact they don't know, or the fact you can get caught?
Are the pics others took exciting too, or only the ones you make yourself?

Serious questions.


I would have a major problem with this if the guy was taking upskirt pics or otherwise violating a woman's personal regions that she doesn't intend to show the world, but these pics are just what every hetro guy will notice just walking around in public. I would never take pictures, but you can be damn sure that images like these are seared into my retinas and brain. Taking pics is pretty creepy, but the females in the pics can't really complain too much since they chose what they are wearing. And it is pointless anyways, guys will check out the female form no matter what they are wearing.

J2 Cool

Weird. But if this is illegal, you have to delineate between this and "celebrity beach bods" that men and women both support that get out there in the tabloids. How are those in any way legal? Outside both genders having an interest and us being the majority to the celebrities. I also am a backer of being able to take pics anywhere. The beach should be fine. It's the zone of getting close to personal space behind someone or bringing the phone below waist level that is super creepy and offensive. Girl standing in line, so what? The only reason its an issue is because it was posted under "creepshots".


Might I ask you what the exciting part is? Is it the fact they don't know, or the fact you can get caught?
Are the pics others took exciting too, or only the ones you make yourself?

Serious questions.

I said I'm not taking pictures, that's creepy lol

I just like accidental nudity kind of stuff, most of it is probably fake anyway. Like a girl with a nipple accidently exposed is more sexy to me than just a topless girl, I dunno if that's weird or not.


Why not put the phone away and feel lucky? Talk to them, and no matter how it ends up: it's better to save that encounter in your memory than saving creepy pics on your smartphone, because you will learn from it and not just jack off

I think it's wrong to take pictures of women and men just for such fucked up purposes, but then again maybe you really shouldn't be upset about it if you walk around with the tightest pants; that's how our society is nowadays.


This is likely to continue, voyeurism isn't new now its just found a pretty popular home.

Creepshots and stuff like people of walmart.com are terrible.


It's worth pointing out that while it may not be illegal it is something our society as whole views as strange and unsavory. That's the whole point about these shots being done as stealthily as possible right? If someone got caught doing that everyone would be weirded out by it.

Yes some women dress provocatively for attention, the vast majority of what I am seeing here though are attractive women just going about their daily lives. Just imagine if you were out running errands and people were trying to photograph your ass without your permission. It would be weird as hell.
Be it this guy.

or this guy.

It's still disgusting. My thing is there are more than enough women in the world willing to consent to such a picture reference any Kim K or Kim K doppleganger thread. No need for this type of behavior. As a husband and the father of a 14 year old......I WISH A MUTHAFUCKA WOULD!!!!


It's funny. I did an outdoor photography class just yesterday.
The shots in the OP are creepy and perverted but on the general principle of taking candid shots of people in public I'm conflicted.

I come from a puritanical society where any photo with women in the shot (they can be a blur in the background) lands you in a heap of abuse from angry men, so there's a paranoia that's engrained in my psyche. I go out of my way to make sure there aren't people anywhere near the foreground of any street shot I take. It holds my photography back.

The way I judge whether a shot is indecent or not is by 2 things:
1. Is it a public place
2. Would you be able to ask a stranger to model it. ie "can you sit down on that bench" vs "can you bend over"

So a "woman sitting in a cafe" picture is fine in my eye, but I wouldn't be able to take it myself.
I do this all the time with dogs. If I see a cool looking dog up the road, I'll get my phone out and surreptitiously snap a pic and send it to my girlfriend. I don't even know why I do it, but it's usually for an interesting dog for whatever reason (particularly big, cool jacket, guide dogs just make me 'awww', huskies etc).
I do this all the time with dogs. If I see a cool looking dog up the road, I'll get my phone out and surreptitiously snap a pic and send it to my girlfriend. I don't even know why I do it, but it's usually for an interesting dog for whatever reason (particularly big, cool jacket, guide dogs just make me 'awww', huskies etc).

But do you zoom in on their asses?
By your logic, who needs porn! We've all had sex before, so let's just reach into our memories and hit the playback button!


At the same time we don't really need porn to survive as most seem to pretend. We still got an imagination, stimulation and able to have sex.

Anyways in regards to this type of thing, disgusting. I do not agree to criminalize it as it is difficult to where you draw the line. This is the unfortunate effects of technology allowing this behaviour to happen. You have to educate people to think better as there is nothing that can be done or forced about it otherwise.


Still Alive
He's talking for the hundreds, if not thousands, of GAFFERs out there tired of Devo's trolling BS.
He's speaking for THOUSANDS of gaffers?! :lol Nothing devo said was outrageous or even remotely trolling, it was an obvious response to an obvious generalization. Which even you seem to be following suit in.

It's simple, really. He generalized about how women perceive this sort of thing in a way that came off as if he's speaking for everyone. She responded. No need to get butthurt about it.
Problem is that it's gotten way to easy to do this kind of shit in the last five years. If you're walking around in a supermarket with a camera in your hand everyone would assume you are a weirdo, but no one will bat an eye if they see you on your mobile phone doing whatever. Quickly get a few shots of her ass and you can go home, post the photos on the Internet and masturbate. Some people are just sick


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
The responses in this thread blaming the women.


I, as a second gig, help run a photography company. I did an event last night for a sporting event, which attracts many attractive women, who are dressed in a manner that brings attention to their bodies. They have no problem when I, or another member of the team, take their photo, even if its "candid" as we are pretty overt being professional photographers. However, you can actively see the discomfort when some random dude whips out a cell phone to take a picture too. Even in a case there you are exposing yourself/consenting to have your image taken in one circumstance, photogs for the event, does not mean you are also consenting for Joe Beerdoublefister to do the same thing.

I'm sure it may have something to do with the nature of photographer. When I take a photo, its at the behest of a well known charity, when randoms do it with a cell phone, ugh.


i find this interesting

on the one hand its clearly creepy, but is it really an invasion of privacy like the guardian article says?

if its something you could see just by walking around in public, how is taking a photo of it any different? where do you draw the line of what people are allowed to take photos of and what they aren't? am i not allowed to take photos if they have women wearing tight fitting clothes in them? i dont think its reasonable to go out in public without accepting the possibility of being photographed.

the real issue is the objectification of women, which I would say is unhealthy when it is taken to this level, and something that the whole privacy argument marginalises.
Fucking winner winner chicken dinner

If you don't want people staring, ditch the yoga pants/leggings/tight jeans. Women are such hippo crits. They wear very revealing body conforming clothing to attract attention, then complain when they get it. I'm considering turning gay, that's how aggravating they are

Hey, Crimewatch, over here!
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