The Mandarin twist was the least of that film's problems.
basically came here to post this
The Mandarin twist was the least of that film's problems.
The Mandarin twist was the least of that film's problems.
Please, do tell.
Basically everything that comes after said Mandarin twist. If the fallback villain was at least decent, it would have been a good payoff. Killian and his extremis goons were pretty lame.
Remember how that movie exists? Remember?
It's a movie.Its an okay movie.
It'll be nice when people get over the Mandarin twist and come around on Iron Man 3 as well
agreed, IM3 was a blast
While I do admit that Iron Man 3 felt like it was held together with sticky back plastic and that some moments didn't make much sense to me, it was indeed a whole lot of fun. And Trevor Slattery was a laugh riot.I thought Iron Man 3 was LEAGUES better than Iron Man 2. That twist got me, too.
Because Kenneth Brannagh.why are there so many goddamn dutch angles in this movie
I think that if the core theme of your hero is "an ideal for people to strive towards" then Rogers is inherently better suited on account of being human. Though obviously there are takes on that theme that you can only do with someone that has more power than a human can dream of.I never cared for Captain America in the comics (and still don't) but Cap turned out to be my favorite hero of the cinematic universe. He's sort of my new Superman since Cavill's Superman lost most of what I liked about that character, while Cap retains those traits.
I'm so sick of really good casting being wasted on bad movies...Mark Strong isn't in Captain America. He was in another 2011 superhero origin movie.
Its an okay movie.
lol no
False: Michael Clarke Duncan as KilowogMark Strong was easily the best thing about it though
It is still easily Marvel's best for phase 1. Lots of heart and style. Some missteps, but it was good
False: Michael Clarke Duncan as Kilowog
False: Michael Clarke Duncan as Kilowog
Maybe if he had more scenes. Green Lantern should have been Training Day in space. Instead we got vomit space cloud and tumor-man.
He had jack all to do. Barely left an impression.
No lies detected. My brother caught the repeats a few times on cable and came away more impressed with each viewing. The street fight between Cap and WS is one of his new favorite fights. Nick Fury chase scene is the new hotness, too.The first movie is kind of bland in places, but that first act has a lot of heart. Second movie is probably the best thing Marvel has made.