Unconfirmed Member
DONE. Finished the game. Now I'll never pick it up again. The entire second half felt like a drag, as well as most of the earlier game. I found only a handful of maps to be fun, specifically No-Man's Wharf which was so early in the game. Every boss battle sucked except for Chariot boss which took me completely by surprise.
Overall I give this game a 7.5/10. Glad I can finally say I beat it so I can join in on discussions that lament it.
I beat the frog boss in the Shrine map after Drangleic Castle. Now I'm in some very dark place where an NPC is telling me now to bring any light, but I'm going to shove a torch in his face when I light up one of the lamps. I hope it doesn't get me killed.
The last few maps and bosses have been boring. I really think this game peaked at the forest map with the chariot boss, just before the Valley with all the poison. So far I've only found what I think is the middle of the game to be very enjoyable. Everything else has been okay.
Original Post
I'm not too far into the game and quite frankly I'm taking a long time progressing because I am farming souls. My main is a Knight. I have 38 STR, approximately 20 VIT, and a few more points in the boosted stats I started off with (everything except the ones to do with magic or dexterity).
The last boss I fought was The Pursuer. Afterward I was transported to some destroyed castle by the bird that initially flew around with the boss. Got some key here but didn't for the life of me know where to go so I consulted a FAQ and found that I have to (or should) fight Dragonrider. So here I am at Heide's Tower of Flame trying to fight each enemy 15 times so that they're clear of my path to the boss while also farming souls.
My overall opinion of the game? Worse than Bloodborne. Much worse. The enemies are okay (I normally prefer to fight larger enemies, such as the ones at Heide's Tower), but the maps themselves have been very boring. That one map I got transported to by the bird after The Pursuer has been the worst offender. I firmly believe there are good and bad claustrophobic designs but this one is just bad. It's not enjoyable in the slightest.
It's an exhausting A-to-B design with no alternate paths that I despise. Finding a path over the rubble in front of the first bonfire is really unintuitive that it almost makes you think you are not supposed to be walking along the edge in order to progress, but surprise, you are. So far this area has been the worst. I know there's more to explore but I haven't progressed further than the first two bonfires. I can see beyond some metal gate at the second bonfire that there's more to this area but unless it really opens and changes it up, then it's still going to suck.
Why can't I strike enemies that are down after they've been hit with an exploding barrel? I was surprised to find that I have to wait for them to stand up before I can strike them again. This killed me twice and almost a third time.
I have more to say but I have to run now. I never played Dark Souls but I have played Demon's Souls and Bloodborne. So far I think both have been better, although Demon's Souls seems more narrow than even this game yet manages to be fun to navigate.
Update: Just got to No-Man's Wharf. Most interesting area to me so far. Pain in the ass to get through and I swear those arrows curve that crossbowmen shoot.
Update 2: Approached The Lost Bastille through the 'back' by using the ship from No-Man's Wharf. It's much better than what my first impression was of this area when I came through the front after the fight with The Pursuer. I think it was a mistake allowing a player access to such a restricted area of The Lost Bastille early on because in my case it really leaves you with a bad impression.
Update 3: Finally killed Lisa Trevor on my third attempt. I accidentally used my one and only pharaoh on a face that revealed a treasure and not the wall that leads to the gargoyles, therefore I fought Lisa completely in the dark. It wasn't so bad. Bloodborne accustomed me to not having a shield so I've been playing most of this game without one. It was in this fight that I really had to use it. It made it quite simple when I did. Now I'm at Huntsman's Copse. This area gives me Bloodborne vibes.
Update 4: Just beat the Chariot boss. Was the most fun I've had fighting a boss so far. It did have its issues such as the camera not cooperating. Overall the game is getting better I'd say. The first three areas I explored such compared to Huntsman's Copse, which I think has been my favorite so far.
Update 5: Slayed the Skeleton boss and now I'm in Harvest Valley? Probably the easiest fight so far that shares many similarities to the three-person boss fight in Bloodborne. In fact this entire area of Huntsman's Copse felt like that same area you in which you fight that boss in Bloodborne.
Update 6: Beat the Maiden poison boss and now I'm Iron Keep. I'm curious as to how much more of the main game there is before it's over. I died the first time in this fight because I entered a pool of poison without knowing that I had to drain it. Other than that the fight was super easy.
Update 7: I beat Old Iron King (?) and the boss that spawns a ton of rats. Both were pretty easy. I've now ventured into the Black Gulch. This area and one just before it are the worst areas so far in the game. Demon's Souls has an area just like these two and as bad as they are in Dark Souls 2, I recall hating it considerably more in Demon's Souls.
Update 8: Alright I just beat the Black Gulch monster and the spider boss. I now have all four great Souls. I had already ventured into Drangleic castle before acquiring the last two, so far in fact that I actually saw the queen on her throne before I decided that maybe I should save this area for last.
Overall I give this game a 7.5/10. Glad I can finally say I beat it so I can join in on discussions that lament it.
I beat the frog boss in the Shrine map after Drangleic Castle. Now I'm in some very dark place where an NPC is telling me now to bring any light, but I'm going to shove a torch in his face when I light up one of the lamps. I hope it doesn't get me killed.
The last few maps and bosses have been boring. I really think this game peaked at the forest map with the chariot boss, just before the Valley with all the poison. So far I've only found what I think is the middle of the game to be very enjoyable. Everything else has been okay.
Original Post
I'm not too far into the game and quite frankly I'm taking a long time progressing because I am farming souls. My main is a Knight. I have 38 STR, approximately 20 VIT, and a few more points in the boosted stats I started off with (everything except the ones to do with magic or dexterity).
The last boss I fought was The Pursuer. Afterward I was transported to some destroyed castle by the bird that initially flew around with the boss. Got some key here but didn't for the life of me know where to go so I consulted a FAQ and found that I have to (or should) fight Dragonrider. So here I am at Heide's Tower of Flame trying to fight each enemy 15 times so that they're clear of my path to the boss while also farming souls.
My overall opinion of the game? Worse than Bloodborne. Much worse. The enemies are okay (I normally prefer to fight larger enemies, such as the ones at Heide's Tower), but the maps themselves have been very boring. That one map I got transported to by the bird after The Pursuer has been the worst offender. I firmly believe there are good and bad claustrophobic designs but this one is just bad. It's not enjoyable in the slightest.
It's an exhausting A-to-B design with no alternate paths that I despise. Finding a path over the rubble in front of the first bonfire is really unintuitive that it almost makes you think you are not supposed to be walking along the edge in order to progress, but surprise, you are. So far this area has been the worst. I know there's more to explore but I haven't progressed further than the first two bonfires. I can see beyond some metal gate at the second bonfire that there's more to this area but unless it really opens and changes it up, then it's still going to suck.
Why can't I strike enemies that are down after they've been hit with an exploding barrel? I was surprised to find that I have to wait for them to stand up before I can strike them again. This killed me twice and almost a third time.
I have more to say but I have to run now. I never played Dark Souls but I have played Demon's Souls and Bloodborne. So far I think both have been better, although Demon's Souls seems more narrow than even this game yet manages to be fun to navigate.
Update: Just got to No-Man's Wharf. Most interesting area to me so far. Pain in the ass to get through and I swear those arrows curve that crossbowmen shoot.
Update 2: Approached The Lost Bastille through the 'back' by using the ship from No-Man's Wharf. It's much better than what my first impression was of this area when I came through the front after the fight with The Pursuer. I think it was a mistake allowing a player access to such a restricted area of The Lost Bastille early on because in my case it really leaves you with a bad impression.
Update 3: Finally killed Lisa Trevor on my third attempt. I accidentally used my one and only pharaoh on a face that revealed a treasure and not the wall that leads to the gargoyles, therefore I fought Lisa completely in the dark. It wasn't so bad. Bloodborne accustomed me to not having a shield so I've been playing most of this game without one. It was in this fight that I really had to use it. It made it quite simple when I did. Now I'm at Huntsman's Copse. This area gives me Bloodborne vibes.
Update 4: Just beat the Chariot boss. Was the most fun I've had fighting a boss so far. It did have its issues such as the camera not cooperating. Overall the game is getting better I'd say. The first three areas I explored such compared to Huntsman's Copse, which I think has been my favorite so far.
Update 5: Slayed the Skeleton boss and now I'm in Harvest Valley? Probably the easiest fight so far that shares many similarities to the three-person boss fight in Bloodborne. In fact this entire area of Huntsman's Copse felt like that same area you in which you fight that boss in Bloodborne.
Update 6: Beat the Maiden poison boss and now I'm Iron Keep. I'm curious as to how much more of the main game there is before it's over. I died the first time in this fight because I entered a pool of poison without knowing that I had to drain it. Other than that the fight was super easy.
Update 7: I beat Old Iron King (?) and the boss that spawns a ton of rats. Both were pretty easy. I've now ventured into the Black Gulch. This area and one just before it are the worst areas so far in the game. Demon's Souls has an area just like these two and as bad as they are in Dark Souls 2, I recall hating it considerably more in Demon's Souls.
Update 8: Alright I just beat the Black Gulch monster and the spider boss. I now have all four great Souls. I had already ventured into Drangleic castle before acquiring the last two, so far in fact that I actually saw the queen on her throne before I decided that maybe I should save this area for last.