I just got done with the main game with the Scholar of the First Sin edition. Picked it up on the cheap on a black friday sale somewhere because I hadn't touched it since the original release for 360 years ago and heard good things about the SotFS updates.
It is now a much better game than it was - enemy placements feel a lot more challenging, while still being fair. Some of the new item placements really shook up what I was expecting after playing the original version. The surprise invasions, even hollowed, was a welcome addition and those damn pursuers being everywhere. I genuinely loved it and can't wait to finally dive into the DLC areas which I've never touched before.
That being said, this is still my least favorite souls game and now I think I know why: the adaptability state. No matter what build you're running in any of the souls games, you can generally guess based on equip load what your roll is going to be able to do. Now, with that added stat you have to worrry about leveling up just your basic dodge move and it severly limits what you think about for mobility throughout the game. There are a million things I'd fix first, but that damn stat made me so mad this time around.