Unconfirmed Member
You didn't even explore the environments before declaring them boring! Holy shit lol.
When you're using guides and complaining, then, yeah?
It's so full of shit though. A lot of repeated points, a lot of which are simply false. I didn't bother with it at first because this guy's on my ignore list.
No, the BB platinum doesn't require grinding, but it requires you to purchase every item in the store even if they're weapons you would never use on your build. I didn't have the Platinum for the longest time because of that, and I only got that last trophy because I wanted that free theme they were giving to Platinum owners. Otherwise I'd still be Platinum-less despite having hundreds of hours across several characters. Trophies are meaningless bullshit.
Grinding isn't what is taken into account when we talk about "different play styles", especially since you can grind in any of the game so that's irrelevant to specifically DS2. Anyway, good for the OP if they enjoy grinding, but it's still extremely bizarre to complain about a game being boring when all you do is grind without venturing even a bit further into the level.
Let me make this perfectly clear: Forest of Fallen Giants, the restricted part of The Lost Bastille and Heide's Tower of Flame all fucking suck. I was grinding through the entirety of these maps, not just on one enemy and rinsing. My opinion is valid here because I explored them in and out.
Now with that said I have progressed further and the maps after Heide's Tower of Flame, specifically No-Man's Wharf and the forest that leads you to the Chariot and skeleton bosses, have been great.
Yes I made this thread when I was early in the game but what, is my opinion of the game as it is when someone is exploring it for the first time going to change? No. Because once again the early part of this game sucks. Stop focusing on my grinding. I have fun doing it and clearly you don't. Harp on something else.
Oh, I see what you also want to say my problem is: consulting a guide. Look, kid, you can't tolerate someone not experiencing this game in the way you prefer and you should probably reconcile that. Complaining about me consulting a guide simply for the name of a boss and the next suggested area to explore, nothing more, is pedantic and not your problem.