I played Dark Souls 2 this year and had a lot of fun, but the shortcomings are glaring after spending so much time on Bloodborne. The level design is vastly inferior until you get to the DLC, which has impeccable design, especially Sunken King with all the rising and falling buildings you can activate. While there are tons of weapons, many are clearly superior to others or just feel like the next step up from an older weapon, while Bloodborne had very unique weapons that I could spend a whole game building up. Each playthrough of Bloodborne, I've used different weapons because so many are great at their own thing. And then the Old Hunters DLC added even more of them. In DS2, I would ditch some of the older weapons quickly. Some of the later weapons seemed like they might have more variety, but I think more of the variety comes from whether you want to do magic, melee or archery as your primary focus. Weapon wise, there were a ton more memorable weapons in Bloodborne and so many were so freaking fun.
Level design, though, geez, Black Gulch was literally just a straight line with enemies in the way and a short drop on the right for a secret and some other short secret on the left. Heide's Tower of Flame was a simple A-to-B path with a boss that wasn't that interesting, and one short side path to a new area. Belfry Luna is just walking up a couple flights of stairs with plain square rooms. There were clearly some areas that were a step above others.
It had some cool inclusions. I liked the Pharros mechanisms and the Branch of Yore for secrets. The bosses in the DLC were far more interesting. And the 4 player coop was a blast. For as many criticisms as I had, it's a legitimately fun game that I'd still recommend.