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I got done with Mgs4 after recently picking up a perfect condition 80GB PS3 off of Facebook marketplace.
If there’s one positive thing I can say about MGS4 is it has its own unique energy, old snake for as old as he is is great, dangerous even. The cigarette smoking is fucked up, the nanomachines are really intense, every soldier is trying to suppress the urge to fight the nanomachines, a monster inside you that’s controlled by the evil villain Liquid that controls your senses for battlefield scenarios, gun locks. I mean what!
Imagine trying to operate a linear game like MGS4 today, today you can run away from a mission, remember MGS4? It restrains you to missions and honestly it guides you.
Look at the world’s snake is fighting in, desert towns, fighting the beauty babes,. I remember the boss battles being crazy, they all feel primal (octopus, raven, wolf, mantis) snake endures so much. After the fights you get really good cutscenes.
You’re forced to watch many cutscenes but can skip them. I watched a bunch of them.
One thing I noticed is at the time 2023 the multiplayer servers are down. Haha. Fighting in clan wars use to be fun.
The combat and gun play is familiar, you can fire on your back, put enemies to sleep with tranquilizer guns. It’s seriously one of the most focused shooters out there that I believe set the foundation for MGS5, Death Stranding etc.
I trust many here have played MGS4. If there’s one thing you can comment on the game, Fox Die, Drebin, the threat from metal gears, Vamp, Noami, Raiden, Ocelot, returning to Shadow Moses what’s the one thing you’d say.
Story telling felt like priority in this game before the open world madness.