First Magic Story podcast, an interview with Doug Beyer. I probably won't be able to listen to it until tomorrow.
Careful, Cascade sets some people here off haha
It is kind of a cheap mechanic haha
Oh yeah, Cascade is a huge mistake. But for a new player it was the coolest thing. I can't believe how they still keep trying with cost reduction mechanics/free spells.
Because while people complain about cheating things into play, they also love it.
Yup.Who doesn't love it! It's fun to do. The real problem comes when the things you cheat in are unanswerable or overly powerful and/or when there are no answers. It's all about checks and balances.
Casting Kari Zev's Expertise to play Beck/Call and draw into a Bushwhacker is also cool:
Casting Kari Zev's Expertise to play Beck/Call and draw into a Bushwhacker is also cool:
who said that Fatal Push isn't that good in Standard? Because between Mardu vehicles and snek, there's a shit ton of pushes flying around
Who said the former?Most people thought that Mardu wasn't a playable deck, and Copycat would be a dominate presence
decided to keep the costs as I found the lack of it jarring. Tried to make the spear seamless with the border but I ended up a bit off.
Kamigawa+Ravnica and Ravnica+TSP were the best standard formats ever, more people seem to like the latter but I prefer Kamigawa because Jitte.
Finance GAF, what's the best way to sell mid to high end cards? I've been trading up and selling my bulk at GPs for a while, and ended up with a decent stack of cards I'd like to sell.
The lands are all revised, LP condition except for two. I made a TCGplayer cart with the appropriate conditions and the total was $804. Obviously I'm not going to get that much, but what's the best way to not leave money on the table? I already have some TCGPlayer experience and wouldn't mind selling on there. Ebay is a bit iffy for the more expensive stuff.
- 3x FoW (Alliances)
- 1x Volcanic Island
- 1x Tropical Island
- 1x Savannah
- 1x Badlands
- 1x Deathrite Shaman (RTR Foil, signed by Steve Argyle)
I know the Deathrite Shaman will be a hard sell, so I'll probably shop that around locally. The Badlands is HP condition. Am I better off trading that for Conspiracy/EMA cards and then selling that instead?
I'm in New York and I found a shop in Brooklyn with a buylist. I contacted them in advance with my list. Went to the store where they checked the condition, and took a few bucks off the offer for a few of the cards due to condition. Walked out with a check for over a grand.
Was lots of fetches from before the reprint, and a bunch of modern staples and a foil Mox Opal.
I would love to see some amount of Key to the City in your deck, you can use it to improvise while still drawing cards on the next turn. And having an unblockable 4/4 Hexproof seems sweet against control as well.
I can see where you're coming from. I have no idea how good the deck actually is having not played it at all. How's Tezzeret been for you? And how do you feel against Vehicles?
Anyway, slapping Ensoul on a Darksteel Citadel was my favorite thing to do when I got back into the game with Magic Origins.
I don't dislike that the deck exists, it's the best tool to keep the Saheeli combo in check, but I wish there were other viable aggressive strategies.
I don't like that they killed a big Modern tournament for another fucking Standard event. Looking at the calendar, there are 5 weekends this year where you can play high level Modern (9 Modern GPs with 4 double GP weekends), and 2 Team Unified Modern events.
By comparison, there are still 2 Legacy GPs plus the Legacy Championship you can go to if you are a Legacy player. 5 weekends vs 3 weekends!
Pushing Standard is fine, but I think they're making some highly questionable timing decisions. You need to make sure Standard is in a good, healthy place before you start scaling back other events in favor of that format.
Modern is fun to play with, but I kind of agree with the pros that I think its almost always worse than Standard and Limited. It's fun to do nutty shit, but its probably literally impossible to craft a format with that many sets in it and have it be anything close to reasonably balanced.
Every action made by Wizards in the last 3-6 months has screamed "Please play Standard". We've had bans, Promotions, Standard exclusive events, changes to rotation, etc.Seems like they're desperate to push people back into Standard, but maybe I'm just misreading this.
The problem with the combo isn't that its simply too good to exist in a Constructed environment, its that it actively leads to a poor gameplay experience and warps the entire metagame around it. The combo's existence will continue to warp the meta around it until goes away, even if its not the best deck at any given time.
Pushing Standard is fine, but I think they're making some highly questionable timing decisions. You need to make sure Standard is in a good, healthy place before you start scaling back other events in favor of that format.
Modern is fun to play with, but I kind of agree with the pros that I think its almost always worse than Standard and Limited. It's fun to do nutty shit, but its probably literally impossible to craft a format with that many sets in it and have it be anything close to reasonably balanced.
Seems like they're desperate to push people back into Standard, but maybe I'm just misreading this.
Every action made by Wizards in the last 3-6 months has screamed "Please play Standard". We've had bans, Promotions, Standard exclusive events, changes to rotation, etc.
I've only been playing Magic for a year, so my opinion might be a little ignorant, but I don't see the appeal of Modern. Expensive cards, stale decks, & combos that win too fast make it less than fun for me.
Expensive cards are expensive because Wizards refuses to reprint 90% of Modern cards at a decent size. If Lilianna of the Veil had been in M15, she'd not be $80+. If Cavern of Souls hadn't been only printed once, It would not be $80+. The cards are expensive because Wizards refuses to reprint in a decent capacity.I've only been playing Magic for a year, so my opinion might be a little ignorant, but I don't see the appeal of Modern. Expensive cards, stale decks, & combos that win too fast make it less than fun for me.
btw, do I assume correctly that the main reason Eldrazi have no presence in standard (despite the modern deck consisting mostly of standard-legal cards) is the lack of Urza lands?
No, right now it's the lack of pain lands or decent colorless lands (Eldrazi only plays urza lands in a bad version of the modern deck).
It's a deck that is hell to play against because what other deck in Modern gets to run 16 Sol lands? Like, it's not bad, but it feels so bad to play against because Oops I have 9 Mana on Turn 4, time to cast Thought-Knot Seer+Reality Smasher I've played Hatebears against it, and even with 4 GQ and Arbiter it is never enough.Eldrazi Tron is not a bad deck.
Eldrazi Tron is not a bad deck.
It's a deck that is hell to play against because what other deck in Modern gets to run 16 Sol lands? Like, it's not bad, but it feels so bad to play against because Oops I have 9 Mana on Turn 4, time to cast Thought-Knot Seer+Reality Smasher I've played Hatebears against it, and even with 4 GQ and Arbiter it is never enough.