Fucking finally
Enemy fetches too
Fuck yes, about time Damnation was reprinted, and at rate too. It's been too fucking long.
Fucking finally
Enemy fetches too
Fun fact: I bought all of my Noble Hierarchs for $35. Really.
garbage set no value
They're already down by $30.Will my Scalding Tarns lose value? I'd rather not sell them because that MM symbol is hideous. At least this is better than reprinting them in Standard.
The price is gonna stabilize and then rise again after a while. Unless they start reprinting them in every MM from now on. I only own 2 Tarns and 2 Arid Mesa, so I'm not too upset by this or anything.
Being upset by reprints is stupid, more fetches in circulation is better for everyone.
So them giving us ZEN fetches is pretty much an admission that the rest of the set is garbage, right?
Horizon Canopy is OUT based on Grull Guildgate and Izzet Guildgate numbers
I mean at least Stoic is a rare and not a mythic.
You can take the ultra-cynical view and say that Wizards is trying to kill Modern, but are using this set and it's large print run and high MSRP as an opportunity to "cash out" on the format, and won't be doing MM again.
You can take the ultra-cynical view and say that Wizards is trying to kill Modern, but are using this set and it's large print run and high MSRP as an opportunity to "cash out" on the format, and won't be doing MM again. I think last year made it clear that they need to reduce the amount of product they are making, after all.
I'll keep my OG Zendikar Goblin Guides, I just prefer the look of this goblin:
This dude has no fucking idea where left or right are.
My favourite is the promo, but I think I like MM3 better than ZEN
This will be the most demanded modern masters set and possibly the most demanded set in magic history possibly
Those may rotate out but if we have LotV in, plus Snapcaster, this is looking good. I just wanna see Blood Moon again. Maybe Ranger of Eos.
My favourite is the promo, but I think I like MM3 better than ZEN
Maybe didn't have rights to the old art? Doesn't excuse the new art quality though, if you dislike it (I personally find it fine).For me it's: ZEN>Judge>MM2017
But each artwork has has its own appeal, I can understand any one of them being someone's favorite.
I'm also glad that they kept the old fetch land artwork, I think they're all just fantastic. Especially compared to the shit they pulled with expedition fetches. Those look absolutely horrible.
Oh, Guide is at Rare. That's rad.
Glad I ordered that box at 180 over weekend. Even though I fully intend to just draft it with folks so it isn't some huge value win.
Maybe didn't have rights to the old art? Doesn't excuse the new art quality though, if you dislike it (I personally find it fine).
Oooh Blood Moon, forgot about it. That would be a juicy reprint. Isn't it like $40 now? I think it would compensate for red having zero noteworthy mythics.
I'd put Thundermaw Hellkite and Through the Breach and have the value cards be rares like Guide and Blood Moon.
However, TTB has splice... idk if they would reprint it without an Arcane theme.
Maybe didn't have rights to the old art?
Everything past a certain point (Masques?) is assigned copyright to WotC immediately, they can use any of it whenever they want with no cost.
cards go down in value in response to reprints
everyone complains value isn't high enough in MM2017 because of reprints
MM17 is designed with only the allied pairs in mind:
White-Blue BlinkUse creatures with enter-the-battlefield abilities and ways to reuse these abilities
Blue-Black Instant ControlUse lots of instants and counterspells to control the board
Black-Red UnearthAn aggressive deck that uses creatures with unearth to keep attacking
Red-Green Go WideMake tokens and use cards that make them all bigger
Green-White PopulateTake advantage of the populate mechanic from Return to Ravnica
Those sure are some...archetypes
It's a Masters set, it doesn't matter at all if it has a weird one-off mechanic unless you're talking Inkmoth Nexus, and even then they might do it.
I would be really interested if they actually gave Liliana new art since so many people complained about the original.
There's the black Hill Giant with cycling and unearth. Combos well with Corpse Connoisseur and Grixis Slavedriver. And there's Shambling Remains, 4/3 for three with unearth. Man, Alara was aces. Want to do a flashback draft now.Hilariously, the only Unearth card I remember off the top of my head is Fatestitcher, which is blue.
At $25 is it really a troll card?I have no idea what the Mythics for this set will look like with a lot of the staple MM cards presumably gone. Other than Black presumably is Griselbrand and Liliana of the Veil. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they just put Avacyn in as a counterpart troll card.
MM17 boxes up on massdrop for $180 shipped. When I checked like 30 minutes ago there were only about 200 sold, now it's almost 700. Probably going to pull the deal soon since I doubt they'll be able to cover the demand.
Just in case anyone is interested now, Mass Drop has boxes of MM2017 up for $169.99. No idea what shipping and/or fees would be but I figured I'd give everyone the head's up since I'm sure people are scrambling to grab boxes right now on eBay and TCGPlayer with the Fetch announcement.
EDIT: Heh, I just can't win today.
I have no idea what the Mythics for this set will look like with a lot of the staple MM cards presumably gone. Other than Black presumably is Griselbrand and Liliana of the Veil. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they just put Avacyn in as a counterpart troll card.