With the value bonanza they spoiled today and yesterday I'm expecting no more than two value cards, probably Lily and either Hierarch or Cavern of Souls (but not both). Since Hierarch was in MM2 I'd say Cavern is more likely. After that, bulk rares galore.
Prove me wrong WotC!
They Banned Twin despite reprinting it in the Modern Masters set before the banning, with the article saying they thought it was an issue for a while.I feel like unbanning Ancestral Vision and then not reprinting it would be a grievous oversight.
I feel like unbanning Ancestral Vision and then not reprinting it would be a grievous oversight.
Paul Cheon joins the commentary team for GP Orlando.
I'm expecting at least Craterhoof Behemoth at mythic.
It should be noted that that's togeher with Marshall and LSV. So we'll get Luis and Paul together in the booth.
I guess Wizards is learning from MM2015? The set sold out rapidly, but after that first wave I saw packs waiting to be sold for roughly a year.I mean, there's plenty of cards they could throw in that aren't feel-bads but don't actually increase pack value, e.g. Living End (if Living End were in a pack of MM17, you would lose money opening the pack).
Of course, the rumor is that this set has an enormous print run. Whether that turns out to be true or not, I don't know.
If this IS the final MM set, they are going out with a bang.
Ashodin, check out Saffron Olive's new Sram deck. It's right up your alley
IIRC, it's based on the belief that they want to kill off Modern. Which, you know, they don't.Why would this be the last MM set? Makes no sense.
I believe they prefer not to gendershift reprints now because many non-English translations define a gender in the name.
Why would this be the last MM set? Makes no sense.
IIRC, it's based on the belief that they want to kill off Modern. Which, you know, they don't.
Tiny Leaders Masters
Leovold is the exact reason why you don't let Wizards design for anything purposefully that doesn't rotate. Like, with his textbox, I'm 90% certain you could shave off something in his stats and he'd still be playable.The one card they've said they designed with TL in mind is messed up (Leovold) so I can't even imagine if they did a full set for it lol
Why would this be the last MM set? Makes no sense.
This is the THIRD Modern Masters Set, released in 2017. Triangles have 3 sides, and 20/17 can refer to a person who has perfect Vision in one eye. Triangle+Perfect Vision Eyeball==Illuminati confirmed. You know what the Illuminati Symbolism is attached to? Pyramids, which we know exist in Amonkhet. Nicol Bolas, the ruler of Amonkhet, wants to regain his power, but we've been thinking too small. He's not going to destroy Amonkhet to get "UNLIMITED POWAH", he's going to Destroy Modern and Legacy in one fell swoop.Because of the Modern Killing Illuminati
Leovold is the exact reason why you don't let Wizards design for anything purposefully that doesn't rotate. Like, with his textbox, I'm 90% certain you could shave off something in his stats and he'd still be playable.
Like, from Conspiracy 2 there's been what, 3+ new Legacy staples? Recruiter of the Guard/Sanctum Prelate for D&T, Leovold for Sultai, and other cards I'm probably missing.
God I hope this feedback from us and them is getting to people who matter.http://www.pantheonmagic.com/huey-and-andrew-talk-about-standard/
Huey and Cuneo talk about standard and explain why Vehicles are a stupid design
Linvala feels so not-Mythic.
God I hope this feedback from us and them is getting to people who matter.
It's because in RoE, she's completely oppressive in limited because she shut down literally everything other than Giant Eldrazi.I don't disagree with the reprint, I'm just saying the design doesn't really feel mythic. Always thought so.
bolas-our-lord-and-savior asked: Care to explain the snapcaster rarityshift?
Products like Masters always have some rarity shifting. Snapcaster Mage is an exciting card with a unique effect that easily could have been mythic rare in its original printing.
I often talk about how mythic rares need the potential for awesomeness and Snapcaster Mage definitely meets that criteria.
Finally, we need to spread exciting cards across all the rarities and part of the shift was making sure mythic rare had its share of splash. With the enemy fetch lands and Damnation, rare was already high in excitement.
I felt like Snapcaster at mythic was guaranteed. I mean, yeah, it sucks, but why wouldn't they go for this? They upgraded Inquisition to a rare earlier this year; it's not like they're beyond putting chase cards at higher rarities.
Tarmogoyf is a far more plain card and it received the upgrade. While I understand that this the first time this specific situation has happened, a straight up beatstick getting upgraded to mythic and a targeted, niche utility spell getting moved from uncommon to rare strike me as more offensive.
Huey and Cuneo basically said the best way to fix the format is to ban Winding Constrictor, Heart of Kiran and Felidar Guardian, but they don't think they'd do it.
The value train keeps going.