My secret hope is still to see a deck that says, "Marvel out Bolas... oh no, I missed, oh well, at least I hit this Deploy the Gatewatch. Deploy Bolas and Lily."
.... holy shit
My secret hope is still to see a deck that says, "Marvel out Bolas... oh no, I missed, oh well, at least I hit this Deploy the Gatewatch. Deploy Bolas and Lily."
New Perspectives got me to the finals of Game Day, it is a viable deck.
How many Void Winnowers are in the Top 8?![]()
BW Zombies were all over my GameDay. I should have put in two more Declaration in the SB. I'm tempted to go to another store's GameDay tomorrow for another attempt at the playmat. I SB'd in two more Decs just because Ormendahl is a thing.
My secret hope is still to see a deck that says, "Marvel out Bolas... oh no, I missed, oh well, at least I hit this Deploy the Gatewatch. Deploy Bolas and Lily."
I am. I'm getting what's mine.Couldn't make it to today's Gameday as it was my Dad's birthday, but you guys going to the tomorrow one too?
Should be good. Doin Mono-B zombaysss.
I don't think 3 expensive cards (Lily at 5, Deploy at 6, and Bolas at 7 or 8) are going to work in Marvel. People debate between including 3 or 4 copies of Ulamog, and he pretty much wins the game- deploy and Lily don't. Also, the Marvel deck can't really use deploy effectively, giving how many slots have to be devoted to those key energy cards and the marvel itself, and, on the flip side, if the deck is a good deploy deck, new Lily certainly isn't good, as her first two abilities would have no synergy with the rest of the deck.
Hey, it's my deck! I really prefer the full 4 Nahiri main, but since you don't want to do that, my suggestions would be (and this is just my preference):
Mainboard I would go -1 Helix, -1 Timely, -1 Anger, -1 Counterflux, -1 Wrath, -1 Electrolyze +2 Verdict +1 Ancestral +2 Spell Snare +1 Mana Leak. Verdict is very good against a lot of decks right now.
Sideboard, add Condemn. It's like a 50 cent card and really good against Death's Shadow. +1 Anger as well.
The Colonnades are IMO the biggest thing you should try to acquire, they're more important than Ancestral Vision.
Ancestral is the last thing I want for my deck, really hope I don't have to wait too long on a reprint.
Interesting sealed pool decision this morning in the PTQ finals. I have a fairly midrangey GR deck with some great cards (Samut, Honored Hydra, Heaven // Earth) but trying to stretch the deck out to 23 - 24 playables on GR alone really runs down the card quality. For splashing, I have a Channeler Initiate and 1 cultivators. The way I saw it, I had a handful of choices for those last slots:
Stay GR: Throw in Fling, Brute Strength, and Warfire Javeliner. Currently, the deck already has 2 combat tricks and only 4 instant/sorceries- adding the other tricks shifts it to be a bit more aggressive, keeps it consistently GR, and ups the count high enough to justify running the 4 mana 2/3.
Splash Black: Black has two cartouches of ambition and one trial of ambition. (I currently have one cartouche of strength in the deck for trial value)
Splash Blue: Run another cultivator to ease splash and move the deck more into ramping, adding Bounty of the Luxa and Cartouche of Knowledge. The deck's top end is only 1 6 drop and 3 5 drops. (Plus the heaven to earth) It is otherwise midrange with a slight bias towards aggression over control.
I ended up, but I'm curious whether that was the correct decision or not. I've always been of the mind that in sealedsplashing blacktaking a risk for power is generally more correct than watering down your deck's focus/card quality too much. I did win the first match of the PTQ finals off the black cards fwiw, where the other options would have clearly lost me the game.
What would yall have done?
This Bradley Robinson guy is terrible. How the hell is he 9-1-1?
You know, when I see Nissa, Voice of Zendikar, Liliana the Last Hope, and Ob Nixilis on your battlefield, I sort of think "PW Control" and not "B/G Aggro".
I need deck list!Ooh, Red Black Control at 10-1 in the GP stream. Spicy!
Six people here for Gameday two lol
I need deck list!
On the one hand, my opponent has two gods in their sealed deck. On the other, they're Kefnet and Hazoret. Can't say I've seen this before.
I've yet to lose a Limited game to either of those two, though I suppose late enough in a sealed league you could start seeing some decks with enough tools to build around them. They just fizzle so often and so hard in drafts.
The money in that deck is insaneThey didn't show it but he was playing Glorybringers, Liliana TLH, Chandra TOD, Gonti, Walking Ballista, Lay Bare the Heart, Never//Return, cycle lands, etc
"Let's watch this control vs. control match-up!"
"Umm... let's try running it at 16x speed for fifteen minutes maybe?"
What? It's much better to watch it at double speed since the match was so slow.
This Bradley Robinson guy is terrible. How the hell is he 9-1-1?
Never underestimate nerves. People on stream know they're being watched by several thousand people at least for up to an hour.
I was ready to call it quits after 5 rounds of gameday.
No idea how you managed mentally to top 8 a GP
3 Marvel, 2 Mardu, 1 GB Delirium/Snake, 1 UR Control, 1 Zombies