That card is awesome but OP Ashodin.
That card is awesome but OP Ashodin.
So we're only expecting one more card today, right? Usually a japanese card that shows up in the middle of the night.
Every. Damn. Time.Guys, its spoiler season, can we not put made up cards in the thread again until we're back in community?
Guys, its spoiler season, can we not put made up cards in the thread again until we're back in community?
And we've asked people not to do this in spoiler season all the time!I post these all the time, and I make it absolutely clear it's fake. What's wrong with that?
OnPoint I don't care, if it's not being presented as real, and it's not being presented in the middle of actual spoilers going out (ie during the beginning of the day) then I don't see the problem.
I still think if there's a delineated difference and a lull in posts and/or discussion, it's fair game.
As stated before, I'll just delete the whole post if I have to, but I think it's ridiculous to be so stringent.
And OnPoint you don't have to be so invested to make posts like this, come on man. It's like you're trying to personally attack me.
nothing screams egyptian sphinx like a flying goat
I mean, the list is basically "everything." I don't have it in front of me though.
2 Death's Shadow (MM17)
3 Liliana, the Last Hope (EMN)
4 Eldrazi Temple
4 Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
nothing screams egyptian sphinx like a flying goat
You're right, he's not responsible for everything going on in the set. But he is, or at least he acts, like he's the vocal face of the company. Are we to believe he's just hyping up the setting and the mechanics? Perhaps it's irresponsible of him to hype up a set without knowing exactly what's in it.
Good lord, I go to sleep and everyone forgets the difference between design and balance. Kaladesh is the best designed set they've had since at least Khans. Maro is right to be proud of it. However it was terribly balanced with the environment, which is not remotely Maro's fault or responsibility.
I don't think design did succeed. I agree that a lot of Kaledesh's problems are from development, but let's not forget that vehicles have definitely been a miss for most people.
And has been talking up how the HOU design lead spent some of his childhood in Egypt despite there not being anything truly Egyptian about the set so far.
This is why they went hyper-conservative on Kaladesh, because it's not clear how much of this you can fuck around w/ w/o pissing people off.
This is still a weird claim to me. This set hits pop-culture Egypt tropes much harder than Theros hits Greek ones. Almost every single major story beat of the Mummy (1997) is in there, for example. (I guess maybe there isn't specifically a giant sandstorm with a face.)
Alright you got me, Ram headed sphinx are legit.https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/criosphinx
Like the Serpopard, this is a creature lifted directly from real Egyptian folklore so it's kind of funny that people complain about it in the same conversations where people say they should include more legit folklore sources.
and this card is from Theros
This is only Magic adjacent, but Richard Garfield recently posted his thoughts on a Universal Basic Income: https://www.facebook.com/notes/richard-garfield/thoughts-on-universal-basic-income/1326575394125347/
I didn't, cause holy crap I don't want to play EDH, and I REALLY don't want to play Replenish decks in EDH!Hope y'all got your Decree of Silences. They appear to be gone most places
Hope y'all got your Decree of Silences. They appear to be gone most places
Maybe you don't. But I'll be curious to see the new price for those of us that do play EDH.I didn't, cause holy crap I don't want to play EDH, and I REALLY don't want to play Replenish decks in EDH!
Yeah I posted about it a page or two ago. Super gross.gross with Solemnity, which I assume is why people bought it
If there's one thing I've learned from Wizards of the Coast, it's that every time you make a new setting you should change it or destroy it so that you have to come up with a contrived reason to bring the original version back in the return set.
MaRo's response also includes the detail that the setting of Mirage wasn't originally the same setting as the previous sets. Did we know that?
Well, that's the thing. It hits the tropes related to dusty, dead Egypt and now from the Bible but not a ton from a living Egypt. It only hits a few Egyptian mythological tropes
Hope y'all got your Decree of Silences. They appear to be gone most places
What an awesome card. Fantastic commander.
What an awesome card. Fantastic commander.
What an awesome card. Fantastic commander.