Legacy is dominated by deathrite shamen right now. It's one of the main reasons why bg(x) decks are extremely good in legacy. Grixis delver/Leovold are great in legacy b/c of deathrite shamen.
DRS is way too colour fluid card and as long as he's in the game Legacy will skew towards 4c good stuff.Can't have a non blue card be a format definer in legacy
If we ban Deathrite, that means we might get to ban Brainstorm one day!
GP Vegas did not turn into the combo winter many expected, but it was just one event. Regardless of which side of the fence I end up being on in the end, I do think we could use a few more major Legacy events, which aren't exactly common occurrences these days, before they deliberate over a possible DRS ban. Eternal weekend should come and go before any changes are considered, and I'm curious how the legacy portion of that event will play out.
Didn't see this posted yet. Seems.... ok. Not too great, but not terrible. Could be good against a control deck if cast early at least.
This is a strawman argument. Deathrite shaman does everything a player would want a creature to do in a format with fetchlands. Brainstorm: makes legacy as a format lot more consistent rather than a format that can feel random at times (modern/standard), allows blue to properly police problematic combo decks by allowing interactive decks to find answers, it's a very skill intensive card, brainstorm is horrible without a shuffle effect since you can get brainstorm locked out of the game, etc. The card adds a lot of skill and consistency to the format and without it, the format gets a lot more random and loses a lot of what makes legacy the format that it is today.
ooh. ooh. If Marvel was still legal lol. Cast Ulamog? OK, take ten?
Hopefully there's some decent stuff in the next week we've yet to see, because right now the set looks like trash. I'm saying that as someone who doesn't play Commander, so I don't care if the 6 drop legendaries with a 3 CMC activated ability are great in Commander.
Top made legacy events consistently run over time for years. Fuck that card, it has the grave it deserves.
Brainstorm will go eventually, it makes color fixing too easy and warps things, same as it did in Modern.
The magic thread cycle, everyone!
GPs, local events, you name it. If it had Miracles, rounds were going over time.
Top is a cancerous card.
This is not an opinion. This is what happened time after time, year after year, till they finally pulled the damn trigger.
GP NJ went horribly, horribly over time explicitly because of the deck. (source: I was there)Except it is. A card is a problem if it see enough play to become one. Top isn't a problem in vintage and wasn't a problem in legacy until miracle became a mechanic. Stasis is another absurdly durdly card that create non-games and no one seriously ask for a banning of stasis. There are tons of said cards in magic.
This wasn't happened time after time or year after year. This is purely revisionist history. Countertop was just another deck and a fringe one before miracles. The format was dominated by goblins and threshold for years while top was legal, who knew?
Flashback Twincast? That seems really good.
I mainly just play limited, so I feel like a lot of the discussion in this thread is lost on me and it's entirely possible I'm missing something, but I don't see how that card is good in any format. Refuse is so expensive and does so little, even a good bottom half seems just weighed down completely by it.
You play a lot of Standard, based on your posts. I don't know if you play Modern or Legacy much, but honestly; I'm curious what cards you find exciting from this set?
The only ones I'm interested in a little are Bolas, and Solemnity. I really don't see much otherwise that looks like it'd go into any constructed decks.
Edit: Actually, I forgot about Ramunap Excavator. I'm legitimately excited for that card and would like to brew with that. Otherwise I stand by my points. Nimble Obstructionist is okay too, although, not great.
Doesn't DRS make 4c just as viable if not moreso? Wasteland is a thing and DRS can dodge that. In the past, you rarely saw 4c decks and everyone played Brainstorms as well. It's only after DRS and Leovold, that people got super greedy with the mana base. I don't think Brainstorm is to blame here.Brainstorm is effectively Ancestral recall and it is both the reason 4c stuff was always viable
GP NJ went horribly, horribly over time explicitly because of the deck. (source: I was there)
Stasis doesn't cause issues in events because Stasis is trash.
Miracles was a T1 deck that caused enough bad players to pick up Miracles that it caused problems. Yes, durdly cards that are pure shit aren't issues in tournaments because real players punch those players out of the tournament. Not so with Miracles and Top.
The card was explicitly banned in both Extended and Modern for causing issues w/ time management for judges, TOs, and players, and it finally got its well-deserved axe in Legacy that was years too late.
You can have another opinion. But your opinion will be wrong.
It's a fair point but I do think the whole time limit issue is a huge flaw of the game. Players should be allowed to take as damn long as they want and players shouldn't be able to lose games that they can clearly win just because the other player took his own sweet time.
What are you talking about? Brainstorm gives NO card advantage while ancestral recall puts you up 2 cards. If you think brainstorm is ancestral recall then put it in a deck with no shuffling and come back to me. Legacy has had almost no bans as a format because it's been a great format because of the cards that make legacy the format that it is. Legacy is a wasteland/brainstorm/force of will format and that will never change. Asking for a brainstorm is like asking for a thoughtsize ban in modern. It will never happen and it's not worth discussing. Your comments make me believe that you have never played legacy.Brainstorm is effectively Ancestral recall and it is both the reason 4c stuff was always viable (easy to run 19 lands 4c when you run 4 Ancestrals) and the reason a lot of combo lists are viable too (SnT would be straight unplayable and storm would be way worse without draw 3 and anti-discard instant spell). Brainstorm is also the reason top got banned. Brainstorm doesn't help consistency, it make consistency a joke. Ponder/Preordain/Portent are consistency cards, brainstorm is a draw 3. You may as well unban ancestral in legacy for the sake of "consistency" then.
Legacy has been a "ban everything except brainstorm" for years now so much that it's a joke. It's way worse than the "ban everything except necro". And spare me the "skill" part. If anything , Brainstorm is by far the easiest "cantrip" to use as long as you have a fetch.
Legacy should ban DRS and die at this point. The top ban was a joke.
I'm not questioning the top ban but I feel like a counterbalance ban made more sense to me since that is the cancerous lock in the deck that nothing else used.GP NJ went horribly, horribly over time explicitly because of the deck. (source: I was there)
Stasis doesn't cause issues in events because Stasis is trash.
Miracles was a T1 deck that caused enough bad players to pick up Miracles that it caused problems. Yes, durdly cards that are pure shit aren't issues in tournaments because real players punch those players out of the tournament. Not so with Miracles and Top.
The card was explicitly banned in both Extended and Modern for causing issues w/ time management for judges, TOs, and players, and it finally got its well-deserved axe in Legacy that was years too late.
You can have another opinion. But your opinion will be wrong.
Mirage Mirror is sure to be a breakout hit.You play a lot of Standard, based on your posts. I don't know if you play Modern or Legacy much, but honestly; I'm curious what cards you find exciting from this set?
The only ones I'm interested in a little are Bolas, and Solemnity. I really don't see much otherwise that looks like it'd go into any constructed decks.
Edit: Actually, I forgot about Ramunap Excavator. I'm legitimately excited for that card and would like to brew with that. Otherwise I stand by my points. Nimble Obstructionist is okay too, although, not great.
Didn't see this posted yet. Seems.... ok. Not too great, but not terrible. Could be good against a control deck if cast early at least.
ooh. ooh. If Marvel was still legal lol. Cast Ulamog? OK, take ten?
What are you talking about? Brainstorm gives NO card advantage while ancestral recall puts you up 2 cards. If you think brainstorm is ancestral recall then put it in a deck with no shuffling and come back to me. Legacy has had almost no bans as a format because it's been a great format because of the cards that make legacy the format that it is. Legacy is a wasteland/brainstorm/force of will format and that will never change. Asking for a brainstorm is like asking for a thoughtsize ban in modern. It will never happen and it's not worth discussing. Your comments make me believe that you have never played legacy.
It's not a draw 3 because it's not putting three new cards in your hand. Draw three = net two cards. This doesn't do that hence why it isn't a draw three since it's not card advantage. This is NOT a debate. Brainstorm is just as powerful as wasteland in legacy and both of those cards are what make the format legacy. They aren't getting banned so this is a waste of time talking about it. I would rather talk about banning fatal push in modern because that sounds less ridiculous.I mean, that you're having to qualify your scenario shows that you know that in a deck with fetches brainstorm is an effective draw 3. You also don't seem to realize that combo decks benefit a lot from having brainstorm, but we're at least being polite about it and not accusing you of 'never playing legacy' because of it.
If they're starting to ban cards that have been legal for years and have a warping effect on the format, then we will eventually get to brainstorm.
Oh, and top causing matches to go to time was explicitly stated as a reason for its banning. Lets not pretend otherwise.
They did it. They actually reprinted Humility.
They must -really- have it out for Judges
They did it. They actually reprinted Humility.
They must -really- have it out for Judges
It's fine as long as Opalescence isn't in standard
and people already want Iona banned in EDH.![]()
They did it. They actually reprinted Humility.
They must -really- have it out for Judges
They just printed Saheeli Rai and Felidar Guardian in back-to-back sets, what gives you faith that we won't get something like Opalescence in the next few months.