It cracks me up that design sat down to make a flagship card for HOU and then they settled on "Nicol Bolas that's basically a copy of the last Nicol Bolas but worse even though the first one saw no play either of the times it was in Standard"
Of course he has, he's a 7 CMC mythic. The thing is in most of those situations Chandra would have gotten a concession just the same but she'd also not have been a dead card in many other situations.Bolas has ended a non-insignificant amount of games shown on stream at the PT.
It typically takes very little for red decks (by that I mean aggro + reach) to break the tipping point and be the best decks in a format. Id wager that balancing red is one of the hardest things to do in R&D.
Just looked up the Ixalan leaks to see if there was anything that would work in the RDW deck and goddam there are some fun looking bombs in Red. Can't wait to play Ixalan limited.
Edit: power level on the rares and mythical seems much higher across the board.
I haven't seen any true game-changers yet. Some of the dinosaurs are strong, the legendary in particular, but very expensive. Only one pirate that looks nasty so far. I'm quite curious if the green 3 managuy is gonna be played"all creatures with a +1/+1 counter become unblockable"
The2R 0/1 haste creature the copies target attacking creature when it attacks could be interesting
that one is weird. It looks like it wants to be in an aggro deck but it would be worse than Ahn-Crop crasher in mono red. And very vulnerable to removal, obviously
Seems like it would be good to cheat in a bunch of damage using one of the Amonkhet green two drops like Exemplar of Strength
It typically takes very little for red decks (by that I mean aggro + reach) to break the tipping point and be the best decks in a format. Id wager that balancing red is one of the hardest things to do in R&D.
The question now is are you gonna dig for them.I do just want to make fun of the people who thought The Pervert was bad, just a little bit. A cheap indestructible haste creature that adds late-game reach, people.
its amazing how popular Magic is to this day
is it the most popular card game in the world?
I kind of feel bad. I'm still sort of following this thread, but I haven't actually played in months. I'm probably to sell out entirely. I moved away from my LGS and MODO isn't really doing much for me these days.2 straight years of broken constructed hasn't helped.
I kind of feel bad. I'm still sort of following this thread, but I haven't actually played in months. I'm probably to sell out entirely. I moved away from my LGS and MODO isn't really doing much for me these days.2 straight years of broken constructed hasn't helped.
I do just want to make fun of the people who thought The Pervert was bad, just a little bit. A cheap indestructible haste creature that adds late-game reach, people.
C'mon, I think the poster meant CCG.
Though you are technically correct.
I order you to research and get everyone's opinion on the card from this thread! GO!
If RDW is a thing Hazoret could be the curve topper as you hand should be nearly empty by then.
I think you are undervaluing Hazoret. The card is boring but very strong.
Exactly. She's a beater that can't be destroyed while also being a (relatively expensive) discard outlet that can burn out your opponent. It's very "red smashes face" and very dull as a result, but it should be effective.
I kind of feel bad. I'm still sort of following this thread, but I haven't actually played in months. I'm probably to sell out entirely. I moved away from my LGS and MODO isn't really doing much for me these days.2 straight years of broken constructed hasn't helped.
I mean, I don't play the game at all besides prereleases, and I'm the guy making these threads.
I kind of feel bad. I'm still sort of following this thread, but I haven't actually played in months. I'm probably to sell out entirely. I moved away from my LGS and MODO isn't really doing much for me these days.2 straight years of broken constructed hasn't helped.
What? This has been happening as long as I've been playing the game. The easy aggro deck comes out on top right at the start, and most of the time it's red. At least since RtR-Inn.
Yeesh, this mulliganing.
So like Patrick Chapin was legit a medium scale drug dealer and can't go to japan as a result?
How did he remain on the HoF after this got out
Yeah, brutal luck here, but that's the risk you run with 6 colourless lands.
Well, I take that back. It turned out pretty well.
Wait he worked for Wizards at the time or do you mean the pro players club?He got fired from WotC and went to jail over it so it's not like he didn't do his time. I don't think anyone's ever made a serious case that the HoF should automatically exclude people for illicit activity outside the game (though certainly there are things someone could do that would bring that conversation up.)
There's people on Reddit who will tell you that he murdered a bunch of people to cover it up but that has about as much logic and reality to it as anything else people post on the Magic subreddit.