Blue decks that are more tempo/mid-range oriented. A midrange Jund-esque deck like BUG for example, probably wants opt.Which is what decks? The vast majority of blue decks play serum.
Blue decks that are more tempo/mid-range oriented. A midrange Jund-esque deck like BUG for example, probably wants opt.Which is what decks? The vast majority of blue decks play serum.
This is exactly the deck that DOESN'T want opt. Opt decks want to play at instant speed and is worse than serum in sorcery speed decks. Why play a sorcery speed midrange deck with opt?Blue decks that are more tempo/mid-range oriented. A midrange Jund-esque deck like BUG for example, probably wants opt.
Because it lets you filter before you draw.This is exactly the deck that DOESN'T want opt. Opt decks want to play at instant speed and is worse than serum in sorcery speed decks. Why play a sorcery speed midrange deck with opt?
The format's in a way more fun place years after it's gone?Opt is going to be great in Splinter Tw-oh wait
The format's in a way more fun place years after it's gone?
Who ever could have imagined!![]()
Where the hell is the pushed green explore card ? Or any pushed explore card for that matter. Like why the fuck is a 4/3 for 4 and a 1/1 the 2 best explore cards.
Enrage gets Ripjaw Raptor, Raid gets the dark confidant variant, explore gets .... deadeye tracker and a crappy vehicle.
How about we just get Explore the card in the set. That wouldn't be confusing at all, and would be fun to play alongside the new Ghost Quarter and Ramunap Excavator.
You know who was a great explorer? Goblin Guide.
I'll be honest, I was sort of holding out hope that this might see a surprise reprint. (And not just because I need four for my Goblins deck.)
But it was just reprinted... and it's literally less than half of where it was at its peak.
Jump on man. Now's the time.
They are really slow rolling us on the red DFC
mfw the back side is just Blood Moon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'd like to see MTGO try to handle that sort of logic problem. Is it or isn't it a Basic Mountain?
The second copy is actually quite good.Here it is:
Pretty good in control mirrors or slow matchups.
Front is the relevant part of Outpost Siege minus lands, and the back half is powerful inevitability. Seems good.
$20+/card is still too rich for my (casual player) budget.
Outpost Siege saw play, so this could too. The problem this card would see in Constructed starts with "C" and ends with "handra, Torch of Defiance."
Yup, Chandra costs 4-cmc, and gets you value on the same turn, and does basically the same thing as this (but also a lot more) on the front. The flip-side is strong, but it requires casting three spells in one turn late in the game. How often are you gonna play three one-drops on Turn 5+? This card's main benefit over Chandra is that it's less vulnerable and more easily splashable.
tmzerozero asked:
Is the rare to mythic rare ratio still the same for ixalan? Having a normal rare sheet plus 10 double faced rares, but only 15 mythics would imply that there is a lower chance to open a mythic than normal
Its slightly different. Normally, the chance of getting a particular mythic rare is 1 out if 121. Due to the ten rare DFCs, the chance of getting a particular mythic rare in Ixalan is 1 out of 141. There are twenty extra slots because rares appear twice as often making ten cards fill twenty slots.
Get in early if there's any Mythics you want to buy.Chance to pull Ixalan mythics smaller due to DFC
Chance to pull Ixalan mythics smaller due to DFC
Get in early if there's any Mythics you want to buy.
Is Jace actually any good?
If there are codes on these cards, standing offer of $5 for anyone who gets me one, because I can't make the event
The Gaea's Cradle is a 3 year savings bond worth $50.
It's cheap and will stay cheap because, there's no masterpieces, the land cycle is entirely reprints and there's no chase cards at all.
It's on the power level of Battle for Zendikar except it doesn't randomly have completely OP Gideon.
As low as $13 on eBay.
It's cheap and will stay cheap because, there's no masterpieces, the land cycle is entirely reprints and there's no chase cards at all.
It's on the power level of Battle for Zendikar except it doesn't randomly have completely OP Gideon.
The set doesn't have a Gideon-level card, but Ixalan is much more powerful than the rest of BFZ.
Except it was largely true for the entire time BFZ was in standard.Should've mentioned that I'm in Canada, so add 40% to the price of any card.
It seems like we go through this song and dance with every new set, though. Complaining that it's low-powered and won't affect standard, and then that's never holds true.
I'm not sure I see that at all. I'm not seeing anything constructed-level powerful beyond Ripjaw Raptor.
Except it was largely true for the entire time BFZ was in standard.
BFZ was also bad because it was so poorly designed/developed (in addition to being messed up because of the switch to two set blocks). With rotation, it's almost impossible that Ixalan won't have a huge impact on Standard and provide a ton of playable cards. When's the last time that a fall/rotation set didn't warp standard around itself?
I mean I heard boxes were preordering at $80
seems a lot of the power in this set is in the lower rarities
assuming paypal, yes, I can get you one.
Yep! Assuming the codes are unique!
A lot of the cards in Ixalan that look like constructed-level cards are cards that just slot into Desert Red, tbh.
Jace - I don't like to dismiss 3 mana PW, but neither of his first two abilities do very much.