Now that I see the commons, I'm liking this set even more.
Hidden Agenda seems to be handled much better this time around. There are no "purposely bad" creatures in every color to enable big payoffs with them, and the Screeching Seahawk cycle is gone. Don't get me wrong, I like risk/reward, but it felt pretty damn bad in to first pick agendas all draft only to have your Lizard Warriors cut off. Creature power levels are similar enough this time around that it doesn't really matter if your Garrulous Syncophant/double Assemble the Rank and Vile strategy is cut off by someone who picked a pack 2 Weight Advantage.
Speaking of which, am I wrong to think that Weight Advantage is easily the highest P1P1 in the set? Nearly the entire W/B monarch deck has higher toughness than power. Blue fares even better - between Omenspeaker, Jeering Hononculus, Illusionary Informant, Deceiver Exarch, and Canal Courier, you're just going to run over every other deck at the table. I'm unreasonably excited at the idea of picking up one of those, a few Homonculi, and a Hired Heist to draw into more. Just ignore politics and beat every other player senseless while forcing them to attack each other.