Bant Company is going to be the deck to beat. It's getting too many new toys with Spell Queller and Thalia, Heretic Cathar. Hell, I think it could still be a semi-competitive deck if Collected Company was banned. There's simply too many obviously pushed value guys at the 2 and 3 drop slots with Sylvan Advocate, Duskwatch Recruiter, Queller, Thalia, Tireless Tracker, Reflector Mage, etc.
As for new cards:
Equipment Aura flash enchantment looks like a card designed for EDH Voltron decks. Obviously there's no reason to play it in constructed unless you've got a weird boner for equipment, i.e. you are Ashodin.
Spirit dude: Spirit Prowess is a weird ability, I assume the point is big scary blocks when combined with Eerie Interlude or something? I don't know. Cursecatcher/Judge's Familiar with extra upside though.
Stunning Growth: It's not Scapeshift because Scapeshift doesn't require you to do a bunch of work beyond consistently playing some land and drawing Scapeshift. Its not really all that powerful in Standard, either because self-mill isn't that pushed. I would be relatively surprised if the average land return on this was much higher than casting Explosive Vegetation (or just playing a Hedron Archive) outside of a deck playing a ton of Grapple with the Past, Demons, etc.