It totally is. Nobody in WotC R&D participates regularly on Reddit, or has an active forum-posting profile -- hell, they didn't even when WotC actually had their own forums. They're not allowed to stream, they're required to put goofy tags in their posts and ask permission of legal to discuss even fairly prosaic things. By virtue of having to avoid card designs, they also avoid a lot of the more fruitful discussions people have about game design and ways to improve the game in a broader fashion. The concept that Maro doesn't really know what people want until they actively bring it to him (by posting to Blogatog, more than anything else) actually applies to everyone there, more or less.
Like, sure, I understand that this kind of policy can't, deep down, actually keep people from looking at websites or even reading forbidden material, but it shapes what your public, visible online participation is allowed to look like, and by doing so, reduces how much you can actually keep up with what the audience is doing.
Emrakul, The Promised End hardcasted in the Vintage Finals! Against Stax! fucking awesome.
Sometimes I almost feel bad about enjoying Miracles. Almost.
Before rotation, I actually used Learn from the Past in some of my sideboards to great effect against delirium decks. But if you want really bad cards, you could always play Not Forgotten.Hey We have a bunch of shit that deals with the graveyard, and there is literally NOTHING that deals with the graveyard, I know let's print Emrakul, Ishkanah, Grim Flayer, Mindrack Demon, Lilliana, kozileks Return, World Breaker, Prized Amalgalm, Scrapheap Scrounger, and Haunted dead, but god forbid we do something like give someone the option to play bad cards to deal with it.
Copter dies to basically any instant-speed removal spell; you don't need Take Down. From a sideboard perspective, you're much better with cards like Clip Wings and Ceremonious Rejection that deal with multiple different problem-cards.The same thing applies to Smugglers copter, you know what the price is for playing take down out of the sideboard ? It's a bad card wasted in your 75; would it have killed them to make it Instant speed?
They purposely don't print hate for the strategies they want to push. That's why they let naturalize rotate out of standard for the first time ever. It's also why they didn't print any graveyard-hate. I'd wager that we'll see some playable graveyard hate in Aether Revolt, even if it's not super-strong. Eldritch Moon gave the graveyard decks the boost they needed to actually be competitive, but the gap between Eldritch Moon and Kaladesh was only 2 months. They likely avoided printing graveyard hate in Kaladesh to give delirium a bit more time to shine. For the same reason, we likely won't see much strong artifact-hate until Amonkhet.I find it hard to believe they didn't know that these pushed archtypes of theirs wouldn't dominate the meta like they have.
I just want the ability to have answers and not just go "yep, there isn't a single card in all of standard that would've helped me proactively stop that.
I ran through the spoiler and my god what a downgrade:
I hate Sorin so much. Glad Nahiri buried him.
TBH neither of them should have left Innistrad alive.
Why do you think Nahiri should've died?
I tend to look unfavourably on people who try to destroy worlds.
I tend to look unfavourably on people who try to destroy worlds.
She was expecting Sorin to sacrifice himself to save Innistrad, which didn't happen.
I'd like someone to get rid of ravnica come next return. 3 times is enough and the 2nd go around was already 2/3rds horrible.
That changes nothing tbh. Her plan dooms Innistrad whether or not Emrakul was stopped, at least as far as Sorin is concerned. And, given how bad things got in the year Avacyn was just missing, I'm inclined to think he was right.
I'd look forward to her next card being "Nahiri, Destroyer of Worlds" except I think she'll be as successful at it as the Eldrazi...
That changes nothing tbh. Her plan dooms Innistrad whether or not Emrakul was stopped, at least as far as Sorin is concerned. And, given how bad things got in the year Avacyn was just missing, I'm inclined to think he was right.
I'd look forward to her next card being "Nahiri, Destroyer of Worlds" except I think she'll be as successful at it as the Eldrazi...
Well do you think the people of Innistrad were better off being cattle for pretty much everything else on the plane? Sorin gave fuck-all for humans and just created angels to prevent the humans from going extinct and having the vampires' food source from drying up. Who's really the bad guy here?
Well do you think the people of Innistrad were better off being cattle for pretty much everything else on the plane? Sorin gave fuck-all for humans and just created angels to prevent the humans from going extinct and having the vampires' food source from drying up. Who's really the bad guy here?
Picture is fine. But christ, that flavor text...
I won a chandra starter deck on a radio contest, can I build a decent deck with it as a base?
I've been starting to get back into MTGO; the new leagues made this possible. I would think there's a lot of people like me (eager to play Magic, not able to dedicate more than an hour or so at a time). Anyone notice much change in the MTGO population over the last year?
I'd like someone to get rid of ravnica come next return. 3 times is enough and the 2nd go around was already 2/3rds horrible.
There is literally nothing that could make them blow up Ravnica. (And only one of the three sets in RTR block is bad.)
Now I'm not a Nahiri defender, and I agree with almost everything you've said. But to be fair, she never crossed paths with anyone in the Gatewatch and Sorin would never have told her about it. In that light, she has no idea that Zendikar is fine now.The fact is, even with Avacyn's Wards functioning for a large part of the year she was gone, Humanity on Innistrad was this close to being fucked, and that's with Wards up, 3/4 Big Angels being free, etc.
Contrast that to Post EMN Innistrad, which has only 1 big Angel(the rest went insane/mutated), Emrakul Lurking in the moon, decimated cities/towns/populations as a result of the Sin Purge, a church/government that no longer exists, etc. The only positives is that Arlin Kord/Thalia/Sigarda/Saint Traft are all united in the defense of humanity(though arguably different ideas of what that means), meaning there's a slight chance of Humanity recovering.
However, it still doesn't excuse Nahiri fucking over all of Innistrad because Sorin was a dick to her(and even then, she turned on him quickly despite him having a half decent excuse). All she saw from the 5 minutes on Zendikar was "The Eldrazi are free". Not once did she try and find Ugin, or try to protect Zendikar before going after Sorin(she had an entire network of Hedrons there, and i think the Gatewatch would have worked with her so they could trap the Eldrazi and then deal with Sorin). She never gets told by anyone "Oh hey, Zendikar is fine", in fact her entire plot, despite having reasonable opportunities to side with the Gatewatch, is just so she can walk away for another set.
The fact is, even with Avacyn's Wards functioning for a large part of the year she was gone, Humanity on Innistrad was this close to being fucked, and that's with Wards up, 3/4 Big Angels being free, etc.
Contrast that to Post EMN Innistrad, which has only 1 big Angel(the rest went insane/mutated), Emrakul Lurking in the moon, decimated cities/towns/populations as a result of the Sin Purge, a church/government that no longer exists, etc. The only positives is that Arlin Kord/Thalia/Sigarda/Saint Traft are all united in the defense of humanity(though arguably different ideas of what that means), meaning there's a slight chance of Humanity recovering.
However, it still doesn't excuse Nahiri fucking over all of Innistrad because Sorin was a dick to her(and even then, she turned on him quickly despite him having a half decent excuse). All she saw from the 5 minutes on Zendikar was "The Eldrazi are free". Not once did she try and find Ugin, or try to protect Zendikar before going after Sorin(she had an entire network of Hedrons there, and i think the Gatewatch would have worked with her so they could trap the Eldrazi and then deal with Sorin). She never gets told by anyone "Oh hey, Zendikar is fine", in fact her entire plot, despite having reasonable opportunities to side with the Gatewatch, is just so she can walk away for another set.
Who cares about the zombie when there's this:
I need a million.
Those were already in Eternal Masters.
I missed it. I wasn't into buying $15 packs.