Seriously fuck Spell Queller. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to print a 3 CMC flyer for 2/3 that flashes in and kills a 4 cmc spell
The same people that thought a 4 CMC instant that lets you play two creatures with 3 CMC was fine?
Seriously fuck Spell Queller. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to print a 3 CMC flyer for 2/3 that flashes in and kills a 4 cmc spell
The same people that thought a 4 CMC instant that lets you play two creatures with 3 CMC was fine?
Hey, can someone with WMCQ experience help me out? Am I reading this document correctly? Appendix C on page 28 says you need 500 planeswalker points in one year to qualify for WMCQ tournaments in the United States. I have only 211 points this year (thanks to basic training), but I think reaching 500 points should be doable. That sounds like one PPTQ per month and at least one GP before May 28th. At GP Milwaukee I earned 98 points for the year just through side events.
Weren't you okay with Copter before? What changed your mind?Copter needs to go. The sooner the better.
The same people that thought a 4 CMC instant that lets you play two creatures with 3 CMC was fine?
I'll maintain until my dying day that CoCo was fine for Standard until Reflector Mage was printed.
So you have Marvel, Delirium, Flash, Vehicles, Humans. Panharmonicon...that seems pretty diverse. Denver and Madrid also didnt look great for Flash or Delirium, which everyone was so sure was the way the format was gonna end up until rotation.
Rashmi is working captive for Tezzeret, improving the transporter. She makes is big enough to fit a Gearhulk. She tries it and planeswalks around Zendikar and some other planes, realises the harm Tezzeret can do with it so tries to destroy it in front of Tezz. Windows get blown, Rashmi falls, Saheeli and Liliana rescue her and bring her to the rebels' HQ. (I skimmed through, so I may be off on some details).
I've never been ok with it. It's stupid.Weren't you okay with Copter before? What changed your mind?
Not in the US but yes, you need to get that many points. I've been to two WMCQs and when you check in they had the big list of people who had enough points and made me sign my name. I made enough points at my only GP of the year with the main event and side events to qualify for next year's WMCQ in Taiwan.
Poor Rashmi
Awesome, I should be able to get enough points then. What was the competition like? I checked this year's entrants for the U.S. WMCQ and Sam Black as well as Jon Finkel were competing. That sounds like a quick path towards 0-0-7 to me.![]()
Usually a lot of pros. I played my first one last september and saw Edel and Saporito (Saporito actually beat me in the quarters).
Jabaiano was there as well but worked as a commentator.
You'll renounce on your death bed.
Seriously though, no one was complaining about it when the best you could get that's close to Green(and not 4C hell) is Anafenza the Foremost. No one was playing it when Thoughtsieze could steal it, Rhino could out value you, etc. It barely saw play during 4C Hell of BFZ because you couldn't justify running in a deck that was that creature light.
Collected Company being stupid powerful is nearly on par with the rotation of anything below 2 Mana as a playable card in a deck that would want it. Abzan/Bant CoCo have to deal with the fact that they can either blank or get 2 dorks, which is fair for the card. The card is only bad when it's a near guaranteed 4 Mana get 6 Mana worth of creatures at instant speed.
I think the power level isn't so much of an issue as it is that the card is just bad gameplay.I'm of the opinion that Collected Company isn't too strong of a card even for standard. It's too strong of a card for a standard environment that also includes Reflector Mage and Spell Queller.
Seriously though, no one was complaining about it when the best you could get that's close to Green(and not 4C hell) is Anafenza the Foremost. No one was playing it when Thoughtsieze could steal it, Rhino could out value you, etc. It barely saw play during 4C Hell of BFZ because you couldn't justify running in a deck that was that creature light.
Collected Company being stupid powerful is nearly on par with the rotation of anything below 2 Mana as a playable card in a deck that would want it. Abzan/Bant CoCo have to deal with the fact that they can either blank or get 2 dorks, which is fair for the card. The card is only bad when it's a near guaranteed 4 Mana get 6 Mana worth of creatures at instant speed.
Rally only really got good once Reflector Mage was printed iirc.Wasn't CoCo Rally THE deck to beat during the 4C bfz hell?
It rotated just as people were realizing it was the best deck by a mile.Rally only really got good once Reflector Mage was printed iirc.
Seriously though, no one was complaining about it when the best you could get that's close to Green(and not 4C hell) is Anafenza the Foremost. No one was playing it when Thoughtsieze could steal it, Rhino could out value you, etc. It barely saw play during 4C Hell of BFZ because you couldn't justify running in a deck that was that creature light.
Collected Company being stupid powerful is nearly on par with the rotation of anything below 2 Mana as a playable card in a deck that would want it. Abzan/Bant CoCo have to deal with the fact that they can either blank or get 2 dorks, which is fair for the card. The card is only bad when it's a near guaranteed 4 Mana get 6 Mana worth of creatures at instant speed.
And thank God it did, I do not want to know what Rally would have become with SoI thrown into the mix. Amalgam would have been a $15 card.It rotated just as people were realizing it was the best deck by a mile.
Standard hasnt been fun for awhile. I think the last time I enjoyed the format was RTR/Theros block. The problem is they keep making cards that scream" YOU MUST PLAY THIS TO WIN" rather than just having decks with cool interactions and foils to others decks. Playing commander exclusively has shown me that you don't need the strongest cards in the world to have a good deck or an interesting strategy.
Basically let go of the spells attached to creatures mantra and make build around me cards.
The problem with WoTC is they do their testing internally, and don't poke their heads up to figure out what's good and what's fun. They play something and figure out "ok this is a deck, this is a deck" but they don't put it into practice long enough. They don't simulate the evolution of a format like they should.
I tend to feel that the flashy cards aren't the issue as much as the bad interactions and lack of good answers.
I'm of the opinion that Collected Company isn't too strong of a card even for standard. It's too strong of a card for a standard environment that also includes Reflector Mage and Spell Queller.
I think the issue is basically that at the efficiency level of CoCo, it's kind of an attractive nuisance. It's very easy to print creatures that are too good under CoCo at its cost, so even if it's balanced in a hypothetical environment it's too easy to break.
Cheating mana costs at a huge discount rate is almost always a problem.Similar to Stoneforge Mystic?
Cheating mana costs at a huge discount rate is almost always a problem.
Similar to Stoneforge Mystic?
And they STILL fuck it up. Which is why I'm scared about Yahenni's Expertise and Improvise. It has potential to be busted.
Ashodin, you sound like people over in gaming who complain about bugs and dev time while having no frame of reference for how stuff is done or how difficult it is.
Also I dont mind creature centric development seeing as how that wasnt the case for much of magic's life. Sort of like how I dont mind blue being underpowered in Modern. I have literally never seen a standard environment where people didnt bitch about certain cards running the show. INN-RTR, which people love to reference like everyone never had a problem with it, had shit like Resto-Tusk and Mana Leak with Snapcaster Mage. They definity made a mistake with trying to protect delirium and vehicles though.
But with Mana Leak, they gave Cavern of Souls to counter it. You also had graveyard hate cards like Graffdigger's Cage that you could put in your sideboard
Cavern didn't hit until Mana Leak had been in the format for nearly 2 years (July 2010 -> May 2012).But with Mana Leak, they gave Cavern of Souls to counter it. You also had graveyard hate cards like Graffdigger's Cage that you could put in your sideboard
You forgot Mutavault!Thought experiment. Try to remember the cards people hated in standard in recent years, not including Kaladesh. This is my list:
Jace 2.0, Stoneforge, the Titan cycle, Mental Misstep, Delver, Snapcaster, Thragtusk, Pack Rat, Sphinx's Rev, Thoughtseize, Courser/Caryatid, Fetches, Rally, Siege Rhino, Den protector/Deathmist, Coco/Reflector/Queller
Thought experiment. Try to remember the cards people hated in standard in recent years, not including Kaladesh. This is my list:
Jace 2.0, Stoneforge, the Titan cycle, Mental Misstep, Delver, Snapcaster, Thragtusk, Pack Rat, Sphinx's Rev, Thoughtseize, Courser/Caryatid, Fetches, Rally, Siege Rhino, Den protector/Deathmist, Coco/Reflector/Queller