In fact, take any youtube file, you will find that the encoded date timestamp is 24 hours behind the upload date, therefore the "timestamp evidence" doesn't prove anything. Reasons? Possiblly some date/time API where the day of the month is in the ranges of (0,30) and an off-by-one error in the code at youtube that sets the encoded date.
Update & clarification: The "creation_time" in the metadata on the screenshot is the same data that has been returned by the mediainfo command under "Encoded date". It is the same thing. It is the same data under different labels. To show this, I have uploaded the infowars video to, and that too shows a creation_time before the crash, 24 hours before from the video's upload date:
RT is not a legitimate source of anything except Putin ballwashing. It should actually be banned here, but for the fact that its lies are actually newsworthy and important in and of themselves.
It's actually a pretty disturbing organization.
Any translation out there of the documents the Malaysian crash investigators had to sign for the black box?
This is the problem:
If Russia is going to be implicated, there are a lot of claims that need to be backed up with irrefutable evidence. There are millions of people that are just going to believe what they are told, and they feel like they are destined to receive the shit-end of the stick from the West.
"There is no truth in the news, and there is no news in the truth."
I'm not certain the Russian people are deserving of the corruption at higher levels. Russia has a rich history and culture that has historically been measuring up against Western Europe. Putin is too ex-KGB in his governance and worldview, and his cronies are mostly crooks.They'll receive the (deserved) shit end of the stick from the world, not only the West. Funny that after all the shit they cause they still find ways to think they're the victims. Persecution complex is strong in Russia.
At that point it has a camo cover on it. So sometime between then and running to Russia it lost its cover.
can see it a bit better with this link
RT is not a legitimate source of anything except Putin ballwashing. It should actually be banned here, but for the fact that its lies are actually newsworthy and important in and of themselves.
It's actually a pretty disturbing organization.
I think convincing Russians of anything is a lost cause at this point. The population at large has made their bed with Putin and no amount of evidence to suggest any wrongdoing will work. The best one can hope for is that they eventually wise up further down the line.This is the problem:
If Russia is going to be implicated, there are a lot of claims that need to be backed up with irrefutable evidence. There are millions of people that are just going to believe what they are told, and they feel like they are destined to receive the shit-end of the stick from the West.
"There is no truth in the news, and there is no news in the truth."
@EuromaidanPR · 48m
#Russian military experts worked on #MH17 crash site as "civilians" for 4days b4 intern/ experts granted access
I'm actually genuinely surprised that anyone puts any weight on an alternate "Ukraine did it" theory given the already damning phone calls/social media/videos/post-crash behaviour - it's so stupid it's almost funny given how much stretching has to be done to implicate them, but then I realise it's for real and then it's kinda sad and annoying.
Sorry, late reply but I was sleeping.What are you implying? They where drunk so it was not there fault? The diddent have enough training so it was not there fault?
What are you implying?
A good article, and quite worrying indeed.
As much as they may be in the wrong on events that include Russia, those that don't include Russia and include the US, UK, France etc they often tell a more honest story than western media. When it come to Syria, Gaza etc.It's more than disturbing, it's dangerous. It's waging (dis)information warfare from directly inside western democracies, just by existing it makes a mockery of the media, a free media which played a critical part in finishing the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
As much as they may be in the wrong on events that include Russia, those that don't include Russia and include the US, UK, France etc they often tell a more honest story than western media. When it come to Syria, Gaza etc.
It's easy to give them a bashing at times like this though.
But that involves Russia, so they might be lying.Like all their 'rebels gassed themselves in Ghouta' stories from Russia ?
Russia are questioning why it was seen moving through Ukrainian held territory. That just makes the whole idea it went into Russia seem stupid.
‏@GavinLeeBBC 13m
#MH17 train carrying the bodies of all but 18 of the 298 victims,is now in #Kharkiv.Soon to be transported to Holland
Train carrying the remains has arrived in Kharkiv. Will be making their way to Netherlands from there.
where are the 18?
Gonna assume some bodies were unrecoverable and nobody was intentionally left behind/transported elsewhere.
Oh boy. You shouldn't have went there.But that involves Russia, so they might be lying.
I'm saying when it doesn't involve them, they might be more truthful.
Like when we were lied to by western media, blaming Assad for gassing citizens in Syria, when it probably wasn't.
They won't. This is the boomerang effect of those sanctions. If EU passes anything, it will just be softball. Nobody from the business elite in EU wants real sectoral sanctions in Russia. Isolating Russia isn't going to happen either, that's just impossible.Oh hey, some of germanies biggest companies are bumbing at the door of the EU and yell at them that there should be no sanctions against russia, because "in an economy war against russia everybody will lose". I imagine similiar things happen in other countries that export a lot to russia. One could just hope that the EU somehow ignores the pledges.
I wouldn't call the Syrian sources part of the "Western media", necessarily.Oh boy. You shouldn't have went there.
I agree with you though.
I went from having a casual suspicion that Russia may have been more responsible than one may have initially thought, but they're really doing a good job minimizing any self-incrimination to the point of it almost being comical. I guess that explains the utterly bizarre news reports and conspiracy theories originating in the media about the incident in Russia; it's hard to spin the truth today with so many potential sources of evidence. I mean, even with balancing the anti- and pro-Russian reporting, the slant is becoming more and more one-sided.This is apaprently it making it's way back through Russia though...
You could go either way with this.
Germany has the blood of all 298 people on them as much as Russia does. Merkel has consistently played the puppet role of Putin since the beginning always delaying sanctions etc saying give them more time to show they are serious about deescalating.Oh hey, some of germanies biggest companies are bumbing at the door of the EU and yell at them that there should be no sanctions against russia, because "in an economy war against russia everybody will lose". I imagine similiar things happen in other countries that export a lot to russia. One could just hope that the EU somehow ignores the pledges.
CRAZY theory that supports most of the claims of both sides:
MH17 after exiting west Ukraine and entered separatist territory was followed by an Su25.
Separatists saw BOTH on the radar and thought it was a fighter following a cargo? plane.(those audio leaks imply that).
They shot one of the two(randomly? or they thought they shot both?) and it happened to be the MH17.
Oh hey, some of germanies biggest companies are bumbing at the door of the EU and yell at them that there should be no sanctions against russia, because "in an economy war against russia everybody will lose". I imagine similiar things happen in other countries that export a lot to russia. One could just hope that the EU somehow ignores the pledges.
CRAZY theory that supports most of the claims of both sides:
MH17 after exiting west Ukraine and entered separatist territory was followed by an Su25.
Separatists saw BOTH on the radar and thought it was a fighter following a cargo? plane.(those audio leaks imply that).
They shot one of the two(randomly? or they thought they shot both?) and it happened to be the MH17.
Right you are.Germany has the blood of all 298 people on them as much as Russia does. Merkel has consistently played the puppet role of Putin since the beginning always delaying sanctions etc saying give them more time to show they are serious about deescalating.
Started that crap when it was just Ak47s and continued the same song and dance as it became rocket launchers, apcs, and tanks
Thing is, Merkel is not Putin's puppet alone, Schröder was more of that actually. He even became head of Gazprom as soon as his term ended. Merkel plays puppet for Putin, Obama AND Xi Jinping. She is always descriped as strong woman who has big power in europe, but she is just, because she don't get on anybodys big shoes.Back in the 20th Century this was called Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact. Now it's just 'economic sensibility'.![]()
since they face no air opposition.
A Ukrainian air force jet was shot at and struck down late Wednesday by a missile fired from a Russian plane, a spokesperson for Ukraine’s Security Council said according to Associated Press, or AP.
Andrei Lysenko, the Security Council spokesperson, said in a televised address that the jet was fired at from a Russian plane in flight
The Fed and BoE are intstructing their banks to get their houses in order wet Russia. Usually that is a prelude to economic sanctions and Russia being put on America's shit list. BNP Paribas just settled for $7bn for getting on the wrong side of the shit list so I can assure you that banks are taking it seriously.Oh hey, some of germanies biggest companies are bumbing at the door of the EU and yell at them that there should be no sanctions against russia, because "in an economy war against russia everybody will lose". I imagine similiar things happen in other countries that export a lot to russia. One could just hope that the EU somehow ignores the pledges.
The Fed and BoE are intstructing their banks to get their houses in order wet Russia. Usually that is a prelude to economic sanctions and Russia being put on America's shit list. BNP Paribas just settled for $7bn for getting on the wrong side of the shit list so I can assure you that banks are taking it seriously.
If Russia are excluded from international finance oy means they will need to raid foreign currency reserves to roll corporate debt over meaning significantly less money for weapons.
The Germans, French and Italians need to take a goof long look at themselves and decided whether economic growth at any cost is really the road they want to go down. I have no doubt that excluding Russia from international finance will damage the City and the UK more than anywhere else but it is still the right thing to do. Apparently Number 10 and the White House also do.
Back in the 20th Century this was called Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact. Now it's just 'economic sensibility'.![]()
@KiritRadia 20m
OSCE to BBC: #MH17 parts "look different than when we first saw them. In other words they've been cut into," one part "almost split in half"
@KiritRadia 8m
More OSCE to BBC on #MH17 wreck being disturbed: 2 days ago at cockpit "we observed uniformed men cutting into that with a diesel power saw"
Back in the 20th Century this was called Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact. Now it's just 'economic sensibility'.![]()
#mh17 "We're observing that major pieces and I'm looking at the tail fin as I said and there's also the rear cone section of the aircraft...
BBC and ABC is reporting some big things
Indeed, they'll just say they had to cut parts of the plane to remove bodies.
And that's fine as long as all the parts are still there.
BBC said:French President Francois Hollande is defending plans to sell two warships to the Russian navy for a total of 886m euros (£700m; $1.2bn) despite increasing pressure for tougher sanctions against Russia.
"We lost them amongst the confusion and adverse weather"
Wow. Great job, Hollande.France with their impeccable timing: