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Man mistakenly released from prison asks judge to reduce his 98-year sentence

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Seeing the title about a 98 year sentence I came into the thread expecting to read about a gruesome mass murderer having the temerity to ask to be set free. But 98 years for his crime is disproportionate. It really seems like somebody through away the key. Is there no way for his family to bring the case to the attention of the US President before he leaves office, with the hope of getting a pardon?


Excessive sentence, no longer a danger to society and has worked to make himself a better man.

So I really hope the judge helps him out. Further prison is pointless for this man. He's done everything right since getting out.
I thought the guy must've been a serial murderer to get 98 years... but no, he just robbed some stores.

He's clearly already rehabilitated, no need for him to go back to prison at this point.


Judges shouldn't be able to give sentences that long, there ought to be a much lower cap for robbery. That's fucking insane.


I think the judge has a choice here to show what he believes the American judicial system is actually about. Is it about rehabilitation? If so, this man is rehabilitated and a shining example of a model citizen. If the judicial system is about revenge, then he'll lock him up for life.

Spoiler alert: I expect him to get locked up.

Before coming in to the thread, I thought, damn, he got 98 years? Must be a horrible criminal. Scary to think he was released just like that. Only to find out he robbed a store.


All you have to do is look at our criminal justice system to say America is a fucked up shithole excuse for a country, Trump is just icing on the shit cake.

We let rapists, domestic abusers, and murders go free but give life sentences to drug dealers and thieves. And it's no coincidence it's minorities driven to crime by poverty that get punished the hardest, but rich white men who commit far worse acts who get off.

Most Republicans dream in their sleep about a world where all the poor people are dead, I swear to god.
Sort of reminds me of the Cornealious Anserson case. Also for armed robbery. He didn't end up serving any time due to an error when he was supposed to do 13 years. They didnt catch the error until he had supposed to have been released. They ended up arresting him 13 years later after he had married, started a family and was a productive member of society.

Luckily he was released. Although the same year he was arrested again but the charges were dropped since the only reason he was arrested was because he was black. Video evidence showed it was not him commiting the robbery.


So I hold out hope that this man will be set free. If you can prove that you have been rehabilitated, especially for a crime like this, then you shoule be allowed to continue to live that life. I hope he is set free. I hope people kick up enough of a storm about this that it cant be ignored. And I hope the judge is not a prick.


Did the judge just look at the calendar, see it was '98, and decide yep let's give this dude 98 years?

He was 19, it was 1998, take 19 from 1998 and you are left with 98! It's like poetry!

This feels almost like a bit too much to be just a coincidence.
All you have to do is look at our criminal justice system to say America is a fucked up shithole excuse for a country, Trump is just icing on the shit cake.

We let rapists, domestic abusers, and murders go free but give life sentences to drug dealers and thieves. And it's no coincidence it's minorities driven to crime by poverty that get punished the hardest, but rich white men who commit far worse acts who get off.

Most Republicans dream in their sleep about a world where all the poor people are dead, I swear to god.

Thats not true at all. If poor people were dead, who would republicans scare and brainwash into voting for them?


How many people are spending life in prison right now for harmless crimes the committed in their teens? How has it come to this? Is this how we want to spend our tax payer dollars?
Meh, sounds like this guy didn't accept the plea bargain so the DA decided to make an example of him. If that's the case, he has no one to blame for his harsh sentence but himself.


Meh, sounds like this guy didn't accept the plea bargain so the DA decided to make an example of him. If that's the case, he has no one to blame for his harsh sentence but himself.

That is not how that should work.

Also why is the prosecutor looking him up 20 years later? To get a boner?


Meh, sounds like this guy didn't accept the plea bargain so the DA decided to make an example of him. If that's the case, he has no one to blame for his harsh sentence but himself.

That is not how law should work. Plea deals are grossly misused in the US. Here in Finland you usually get the same sentence with plea deal and without as the prosecutor cannot promise anything. It is the judge(s) who sets the sentence in both cases. Usually the fact that you admitted your guilt gets you earlier parole if you behave.

Googled a bit and looks like they changed the law in 2015 and actual plea bargains exist in Finland too now. Haven't heard them being used for what is basically extortion like in US.

The whole sentencing system in Finland is different though. As if you did X robberies you would be sentenced for a "bunch of robberies" not robbery time multiplied by X (so no cumulative sentencing basically). Also max sentence is 12 years and after that "life" with average actual time in prison for lifers being a bit over 14 years and the longest ever 22 years.
98 years for armed robbery and no one was hurt, looks like prison set him straight, 98 years is too fucking much and of course he's black, corrupt racist country..


Most Republicans dream in their sleep about a world where all the poor people are dead, I swear to god.

I don't know about this. They'd have no sense of superiority, so I think they'd inevitably create another class within the survivors to screw over and control. Can't feel good about yourself unless other people are suffering.
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