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March Wrasslin' |OT| The March to Wrestlemania XXXIII!

If Reigns beats Undertaker and it is a retirement match, imagine how angry people will be. Everyone hates Reigns because he is overpushed and nobody cares about him, imagine if Undertaker's last match ever is against Reigns.

People will be extremely angry.


If Reigns beats Undertaker and it is a retirement match, imagine how angry people will be. Everyone hates Reigns because he is overpushed and nobody cares about him, imagine if Undertaker's last match ever is against Reigns.

People will be extremely angry.

The salt will be other worldly. And justifiably so because it would be a very unearned moment for Roman's character
Taker vrs Reigns is going to be as exciting and Rock vrs Cena 2.

I expect the same ending too.

Reigns is going over. Will get a rub from Taker. Taker goes away. No Roman heel turn.


I think there is one thing we can all agree on.

They completely screwed the pooch on the build for the Raw women's title.

First, it should have been about Charlotte's undefeated streak and have Charlotte beat Bayley at Fastlane. Then at Mania you can do the triple threat and have the former champs that have beaten Charlotte challenge her again because they've had enough of the PPV streak.

But no....they had to make it about how Bayley can't win legitimately, but still says fuck you I got mine. Then Sasha is confusing as hell in the friend that turns heel role and Charlotte is just Charlotte and is once again feuding with a former sidekick in a feud that will go nowhere.

But wait....there's more! Enter Nia Jax who somehow has shoe-horned her way into this match. "Hey, I can defeat Bayley, let me in." So now the storyline of Sasha and Bayley which was admittedly already Borked has less meaning because you have Nia Jax who has no back story in the title picture except that she's the feud everyone goes to when they leave the title picture to get their heat back.
I'm trying to picture what kind of selling Taker will do when he is on the receiving end of a superman punch. A few things about this match up just make me bleed confusion. I know I'm going to laugh when Roman does his corner howl as an overweight Taker staggers in the middle of the ring.

Still very excited to see this match though!


I will be shocked if

A) Taker actually wins

B) Roman turns heel

I think we're more likely going to see Cena turn heel at Mania than see Roman turn heel
I'd much rather endure Reigns in a match than to see Taker sit around barely able to function for another few years.

Pretty much where I'm at now. If it's Taker's final match, we can talk about how it should have been a better opponent, but at least it'd be his final match. This annual thing of seeing him more and more broken is beyond depressing


Dogs claim territory by spraying their scent.

I look forward to Roman Reigns peeing on all four ringposts.

I'm pretty sure the positioning of this match being between two adult men "marking their territory" by commentary and ~the verbiage~ is a reflection of Vince's latest interest.


I can't remember who said it here but the best heel turn Cena could ever do now would be to, after their match at Mania this year, to get down on a knee in front of Nikki..... and then tie his shoe and leave and not make eye contact with her at all.


The only one that irks me here is Taker with the specification of it being mania, he can run through the other two whenever he wants and I wont even be mad.

Rock is going to holding up Roman's hand at Mania to try and get people to like him


So not worth it
I can't remember who said it here but the best heel turn Cena could ever do now would be to, after their match at Mania this year, to get down on a knee in front of Nikki..... and then tie his shoe and leave and not make eye contact with her at all.

I admit I've been out of the loop for a while, but surely the crowd would love this? Did Nikki suddenly get over for some reason when she returned?
I'm pretty sure the positioning of this match being between two adult men "marking their territory" by commentary and ~the verbiage~ is a reflection of Vince's latest interest.

Or a certain WWE Hall of Famer's/current President's interest in water sports.



When you stop and think about all of the things they've done to try to get Roman over it's kind of hilarious.

-- They have Rock come out, raise Roman's hand, and point to him after the Rumble
-- Have him go through a mini-feud with Vince
-- Have Daniel Bryan shake hands with him
-- Let Roman spear Stephanie
-- Beat HHH for the title at Mania

And now we're potentially staring down Roman beating Taker at Mania and the whole possibility of Taker raising his hand too. lmfao


I'm fine with Reigns winning. Looking at those two guys standing next to each other, Taker doesn't even belong in the ring with him. I'm not looking forward to him raising Reigns' hand and telling him that its Reigns' yard now.


you wanna know why Taker is losing to Roman and Roman isn't turning heel?

because you're paying $10 a month to encourage that




I feel like there are reasons to be excited for Wrestlemania.

Kevin Owens is getting his first singles match and while people wanted it to be for the Universal title, he's still getting this match in a feud that transcends titles. It's only for the US Title because it means something to Jericho and KO wants to take that away.

Bayley is getting her first shot at Mania in a big way. Even though they screwed the build, she's still featured in a big match.

AJ Styles vs Shane McMahon could steal the show. They know people aren't high on this match. I think this will be Shane kicking out of everything AJ can do, hitting a big spot and then taking it home. It will be better than Shane vs Taker.

Goldberg vs Lesnar. You don't know what you'll get with this match. It could be a war, it could be a Goldberg special, but with these two you'll get something special.

This is going to be a good show, IMO.


Kevin Owens and Jericho is going to be cool. I'm excited for that but bummed it's not on a higher spot.

AJ will deliver because he is AJ Styles.

I could take or leave the rest. Maybe I'll be surprised but I'm not holding my breath.
WM should be fine as a spectacle event, we may even get some actual good wrasslin out of a some of it.
I'd have actually pegged Trips/Seth as a sleeper hit if Seth didn't go and cripple himself again, that match is gonna be safe as fuck now.

"This is my yard!"

"no, this is my yard"

Riveting stuff.

I wish they actually cut promos on each other, as lacklustre as both their current mic skills are it'd be a nice change for Taker who is abusing his teleportation every year for either successful or failed attacks.


Last night during the KO beat down of Chris Jericho his leather pants were falling off him a bit, I saw the crack of Jericho. I can't un-see it maaaaaaaaan.


I feel like there are reasons to be excited for Wrestlemania.

Kevin Owens is getting his first singles match and while people wanted it to be for the Universal title, he's still getting this match in a feud that transcends titles. It's only for the US Title because it means something to Jericho and KO wants to take that away.

Bayley is getting her first shot at Mania in a big way. Even though they screwed the build, she's still featured in a big match.

AJ Styles vs Shane McMahon could steal the show. They know people aren't high on this match. I think this will be Shane kicking out of everything AJ can do, hitting a big spot and then taking it home. It will be better than Shane vs Taker.

Goldberg vs Lesnar. You don't know what you'll get with this match. It could be a war, it could be a Goldberg special, but with these two you'll get something special.

This is going to be a good show, IMO.

Bayley is going to lose to Sasha


So not worth it
you wanna know why Taker is losing to Roman and Roman isn't turning heel?

because you're paying $10 a month to encourage that



I stopped paying 10 dollars (actually, 12 Euro, because lol taxes and false advertising) a month because of things like this and they still continue doing it, Imbask, please explain.
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