Can't even look at the camera Finn? You had one job.
She betrayed the TV Studio and is now in a X-Men show, so no love from Ike for her.Where is Rosario Dawson?
She had to drop out of the X-Men show gig.She betrayed the TV Studio and is now in a X-Men show, so no love from Ike for her.
Where is Rosario Dawson?
Hulk gave it away.
Is it known why?She had to drop out of the X-Men show gig.
Can't find a reason why. None of the trades go into details. It seems she never actually signed on officially anyway, just heavily rumored she was going to take it.Hulk gave it away.
Is it known why?
If they wanted to go the asshole Banner route, I think Norton would've delivered on that better than Ruffalo. Ruffalo is too likable.
If they wanted to go the asshole Banner route, I think Norton would've delivered on that better than Ruffalo. Ruffalo is too likable.
Wait until you make him angry
Team Cap wins this imo
so my theory regarding Thanos...
In the comics Thanos wants to control the universe to impress Death.
In the Thor Ragnarok trailer Hela (Cate Blanchett) says she´s the goddess of Death.
In the first scene of the leaked Avengers Infinity War trailer , you see Thor almost dead and the Guardians save him.
So...what if in the end of Thor Ragnarok Thanos shows up and destroys Asgard and almost kills Thor in the process leading up to that scene in the trailer?
makes sense right?
If they wanted to go the asshole Banner route, I think Norton would've delivered on that better than Ruffalo. Ruffalo is too likable.
Am I the only one who likes Ang Lees Hulk movie? It was my first introduction to The Hulk and I remember being blown away when I watched it, it was so cool.
Also remember Jennifer Connelly being beautiful.
I loved it at the time but I was also a child and I haven't seen it since it was in theaters, so I have no idea how it would hold up if I saw it now.Am I the only one who likes Ang Lees Hulk movie? It was my first introduction to The Hulk and I remember being blown away when I watched it, it was so cool.
Also remember Jennifer Connelly being beautiful.
so my theory regarding Thanos...
In the comics Thanos wants to control the universe to impress Death.
In the Thor Ragnarok trailer Hela (Cate Blanchett) says she´s the goddess of Death.
In the first scene of the leaked Avengers Infinity War trailer , you see Thor almost dead and the Guardians save him.
So...what if in the end of Thor Ragnarok Thanos shows up and destroys Asgard and almost kills Thor in the process leading up to that scene in the trailer?
makes sense right?
I still haven't seen it, but now that you remind me of it, I really want to. Should probably get around to it soon.Am I the only one who likes Ang Lees Hulk movie? It was my first introduction to The Hulk and I remember being blown away when I watched it, it was so cool.
Also remember Jennifer Connelly being beautiful.
Team Cap wins this imo
And, were sorry to report, the big threat that unites the group proves a mild disappointment. Alexandra feels like yet another businessperson baddie whose dirty deeds are hidden by sharp suits, while the ongoing, vague chicanery of The Hand (like HYDRA, but ninjas) fails to ignite much excitement. Indeed, the peerless Sigourney Weaver herself seems desperately bored by it all.
You claimed they have planned out everything ten years in advance. That is clearly not the case, given that movies have been added and removed. Now you instead talk about how amazing he is and how everything makes sense, which is amusing, given that we recently had the discussion how the timeline with Homecoming doesn't really work out.
Like, is the whole Fury explanation a big thing? No, not at all, it's insignificant. Is it possibly something that wasn't planned ten years in advance? Absolutely.
BP aint on nobody's team. He only on his own team.
Black Panther, Luke Cage and Falcon should team up.
Add War Machine and call this team the MCU Crew
"We get inspired by a lot of different material when were working on the movie. We pulled from both Infinity runs for this, and look, there are a scary bunch of characters who I happen to think, when I read the Infinity run, were super cool. And when I got the opportunity to make this movie, I said I have to do the Black Order. You know, we have so many characters and Thanos needs to be teased out. You cant have the characters challenging him every step of the way. There has to be characters that they have to go through to get to him. The Black Order is the perfect cast of characters to do that with.
"My brother [Anthony Russo] and I believe in stakes," Joe admitted. "I believe that everything has to have an end at some point in order for it to have value. The audience should be prepared."
From the beginning where we see Danny in Iron Fist to where he ends up in The Defenders, he has made that complete origin arc, Jones reflected. He has shed his immature self. The idea is, in The Defenders, he has in a sense become the Iron Fist.
I mean really, all I worry about are the films that we make and the films that we can. control. And nobody would get fatigued more than all of us at Marvel Studios, Feige told Variety after Marvel Studios annual Hall H panel at San Diego Comic Con. We live this, we breathe this 24-hours a day, 7-days a week.
While not as revelatory as The Avengers (that kind of a game-changer can really only occur once), the show likely presents everything fans have been hoping for. From a narrative and thematic standpoint, The Defenders feels like a turning point for each of these characters, as their four paths intertwine in the face of their biggest challenge yet. From a production standpoint, the show has flaws — bizarre camera angles, inconsistent fight choreography, etc. — but none of that's a deal-breaker, especially when you're dealing with characters as complex and fascinating as those at the center of The Defenders.
It's hard to judge The Defenders without watching the complete seasons. The show definitely seems to have the format of one long continuous story. The Defenders comes off more like an eight-hour movie than an episodic series. The tradeoff here is that while there's no filler at all here, it's hard to judge the parts of a picture that is clearly not complete. Regardless, based on the first four episodes, I can't wait to see what Marvel has in store for the rest of The Defenders.
”So much happens in [the 3rd and 4th Avengers movies], as you can imagine, and so much is affected by it that we felt what better person to hold your hand and lead you into the next incarnation of the MCU, in a grounded, realistic manner, than Peter Parker?" Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige told io9. ”So, coming out two months after Untitled Avengers, [that's what] much of what the next Spider-Man film will be about."
”It was purposefully done like this," Feige continued. ”Like how the events of Captain America: Civil War impacted Peter as he was dropped off by Tony and expected to go back to continue his sophomore year, how the hell are the events of Infinity War and Untitled [Avengers] going to affect him as he, yes, goes back to his junior year?"
Feige admitted that Marvel has already broken down the timeline of the four movies as it relates to Peter Parker's life. They have all the big beats. It's just going to be a matter of figuring out the details.
”Much like, as we went into Homecoming, we knew all the general pillars, you then need the magic of the writers and directors to bring it all to life," Feige said. ”So we're in that same position and we'll actually start putting pen to paper on the next Spider-Man film in the coming weeks once this film is finally released. But we do know the specifics and the time line."
As for the rest of the films in Phase 4? Outside of Spider-Man, Feige doesn't think any announcements will be made until after Avengers 4.
Yeah, that's what I've been feeling. We are nowhere near any new movie announcements. There's no need for it either honestly, as we already know Spider-Man 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 are on the way.As for the rest of the films in Phase 4? Outside of Spider-Man, Feige doesnt think any announcements will be made until after Avengers 4.
Last thing we need is a solid idea of how the MCU looks after this, I want to worry about the characters. We know they wont kill off someone else's character and GOTG could be any combination.Yeah, that's what I've been feeling. We are nowhere near any new movie announcements. There's no need for it either honestly, as we already know Spider-Man 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 are on the way.
It's something new, but it has a lot of problems. It's a tonal mishmash as it brings these characters together (including a very cringe-worthy decision to play hip hop every time we see Luke in the first hour when no one else gets a soundtrack — we get it, guys; he's black), but the interactions among the heroes are always great. There's just not enough of it to start, and it takes too long for them to team-up. If you thought Defenders would be a culminating chapter to the other Netflix Marvel series so far, think again. So far it feels like another prelude, and it makes one wonder if we'll ever get to the main event.
When they all finally come together, fans may be sad to learn the mini-series will already be halfway over. Unlike every other 13-episode Marvel Netflix series, "The Defenders" is a short eight episodes, making you wish they all came together sooner. Since the first four episodes are a bit slow, I'm concerned the next four may feel rushed to take down the organization both Iron Fist and Daredevil have been trying to take down for seasons. Hopefully, I'm wrong.
They're not actually going to call it "Spider-Man: Spring Formal" are they?
They're not actually going to call it "Spider-Man: Spring Formal" are they?
Avengers: Infinity War Will Be the Longest MCU Movie Yet, Says Joe Russo
He says it will be longer than 2:30h long.
The Avengers was 2:23, and Civil War was 2:28.
Avengers: Infinity War Will Be the Longest MCU Movie Yet, Says Joe Russo
He says it will be longer than 2:30h long.
The Avengers was 2:23, and Civil War was 2:28.