Glass Rebel
If they do, it's not gonna be Charlie Cox.
Because he's spent 5 mins in his Orignal Costume.
You know, there are so many small screen properties now that I'd be OK with just the shows interacting with each other, guesting every once in a while, and just obliquely referencing the movies like always. But I have my doubts they can even get that done.
So I'm rewatching Daredevil Season 1 and still don't understand why that woman came back on another date with Kingpin after she realized something was up with him when everyone at the restaurant turned out to be bodyguards and she saw the Russian run up to him. Even after bringing a piece and admitting she knows what he really does she still with the fool.
is runaways confirmed to be in the MCU?
usually they mention it in the wiki
Trash considering The CW DC shows found a way to do it with Supergirl.
Because she didn't care? Obviously?
Of course her ass cared otherwise her ass wouldn't be scared enough to bring a gun. It reminds me of the Goodfellas when her boyfriend beat that dude with the gun and handed it back to her and she said the shit turned her on? The fuck is wrong with you?
You need to keep it in your pants, Finn Jones interrupts jokingly.
He was joking around. You need to take a chill pill.Every time he says something, I wanna tell him to shut the fuck up. It's not healthy.
So I'm rewatching Daredevil Season 1 and still don't understand why that woman came back on another date with Kingpin after she realized something was up with him when everyone at the restaurant turned out to be bodyguards and she saw the Russian run up to him. Even after bringing a piece and admitting she knows what he really does she still with the fool.
Absolutely. To be honest with you, man, I am still everyday surprised by how brave Marvel is in terms of telling stories and the things that we are doing in this film. I cant wait to share with the world. But absolutely! Incredible creative freedom, man! And I think that whats great with working with this studio specifically is that the communication, you constantly feel like you are in it together. You constantly feel like we are trying to make the same movie and trying to make the best version of that movie. So thats been my experience, but Ive had a lot of creative freedom.
Edgar Wright: What the fuck?
Well, Marvel is giving creative freedom as long as you play nice inside the shared universe.
I'm okay with the Ant-Man we got and I'm glad Wright went and make Baby Driver instead.
True, Also Jenkins but we know that played out.
Also, I hated Wright for his treatment of Janet in the first place.
Edgar Wright: What the fuck?
What'd he do?
You can probably chalk up Edgar Wright & Patty Jenkins due to Pearlmutter being a meddling ass. Phase 3's been going swimmingly so far.
I doubt they were ever thinking about adding Janet to the first Avengers movie. Glad we got the flashback though.
Hey all, I'm looking to finally get caught up on everything Marvel with regards to the movies and TV shows. I've watched some like Iron Man, Avengers, Spiderman (the first two) and maybe a couple others. I stumble across this reddit thread and wanted some input if this is a good watching order. I'm gonna start over from the beginning as it's been a while. Hopefully this is the right thread to ask in.
Strange was pretty safe for the most part. The last half was pretty good.Thinking about it, Doctor Strange felt like a lot of wasted potential. He's one of my favorite characters in comics but I came out of that just feeling unaffected, compared to Guardians Vol. 2 & Homecoming where I was geeked up like hell after watching. Doing another origin story in the MCU was probably the biggest reason for that, so I guess that means the eventual sequel has nowhere to go but up.
Thanks, that makes it pretty simple and that's what I was originally planning to do. I always figured it was best to watch in release order but I was finding quite a few that were saying to do a slightly different order.I'd recommend you just watch things in release order, tbh. Also there's only one Spider-Man film in the MCU, and it's Homecoming which was released like a month ago.
These are the films, shorts, tv shows and webshows that are part of the MCU.
Edgar Wright: What the fuck?
Thinking about it, Doctor Strange felt like a lot of wasted potential. He's one of my favorite characters in comics but I came out of that just feeling unaffected, compared to Guardians Vol. 2 & Homecoming where I was geeked up like hell after watching. Doing another origin story in the MCU was probably the biggest reason for that, so I guess that means the eventual sequel has nowhere to go but up.
I don't know how it is in the comics but I was hoping Doctor Strange would have creative magic spells and such. Outside of the reality-bending it was just glowy kung-fu. Was a bit disappointed in that.
Also, the first meeting of Caecilius and Strange is undercut with a whole bunch of jokes and slapstick. Would've rather had some genuine tension instead of "Mister Doctor lol"
She was in an early Whedon drafts for Avengers 1, and I believe in Penn's as well.
Things get removed or added all the time in the tedious production/writing process. I don't think it was ever likely in later stages. That said, didn't know about the drafts. Interesting.
The early draft had her and Hank Pym in a adaption of Ultimates. Alongside the Hulk beeing more or less the big baddy (as hinted in the infamous Incredible Hulk Aftercreditscene), there were supposed to be Skrulls.
This was scratched as they notiched that its to hard to introduce the Skrulls and their motivation and everything alongside bringing the Avengers together and having the Hulk run Amok.
Just sayin. This was one of the early drafts and its supported by the Hulk Aftercreditscene, which by itself went to nothing.
Thats love to the materialI loved how they made an entire short film just to retcon that after credits sequence.
I'd be disappointed if magic in Dr Strange is only left to various type of magic blast