I got to play the demo again today.
I think the game is mostly fine from a playability/game play stand point. The issues I have are easily fixable if Capcom chosen to fix them, there is no egregious fault with the game play like Marvel 3 had with TACs which were just a fundamentally bad idea. Game also does not look as bad in person and the changes they could make would improve the game's aesthetics a lot. Generally speaking I think this game is very open ended and has a high skill ceiling because of it. It's going to take a lot of adjustments that's for sure but no where near the level of Marvel 2 to 3.
Probably going to make a major write up soon, within the next couple of days. It would mostly be in the form of constructive criticism so that if someone at Capcom is listening in they can maybe get something out of it rather than a giant rant about the game on how "ass" it is. These claims of how a game is garbage/ass helps no one if you don't explain why which is one of the failings of the FGC in general IMO. Everything is either "ass" or "hype".
Looking forward to your write up man
i sold my ps4 some time ago so i can't try the demo for myself