Look at this shit. The UK has done 23,300 tests, and only has 273 confirmed cases.
Here in Japan, the country has done a whopping 7347 tests, and has 439 cases. Japan is really trying to hide how much of an outbreak we have here.
Look at this shit. The UK has done 23,300 tests, and only has 273 confirmed cases.
Here in Japan, the country has done a whopping 7347 tests, and has 439 cases. Japan is really trying to hide how much of an outbreak we have here.
He got a few colleagues who were tested positive, bear with him.I realize you're quite negative. But look on the bright side.
since between 60-70% of infected people would lead to the extinction of the virus, would need a much faster increase in infected people.
What's the logic behind this?
"By early next week – tomorrow – we should have over 2 million tests available. By the end of the week, through partnerships with private industry, over 4 million tests available," Adams said. "But the most important number to the American people is one. They want to know if I go in, can I get a test? And the one thing that I’ve heard – I’ve been to Georgia, I’ve been to Georgia, I’ve been to Connecticut in the past week – is that no public health doctor who was asked for a test has not been able to get a test. So people should talk to their healthcare providers."
What's the logic behind this?
I guess maybe from the perspective of a lack of viable hosts to infect? Still, you're embracing inevitable fatalities going down that route.
OK so in my prefecture, there has been 3 cases.Not sure what the UK's criteria has been, but Japan has only been testing people with more serious symptoms after talking with a doctor and being suspected of possibly having the Coronavirus, so that's likely to lead to a higher number of positives to number of people tested.
The more I think about this the less sense it makes.
What's the difference between such an event and a school or university? Or the metro? Train station?
What about the difference between a football game attendance and a nightclub, in terms of personal space and fluids flying around?
Can't help but hope the pandemic really hurts Europe. Maybe this is the wake-up call our countries need in order to get their shit together. Muh freedoms should not be in this conversation, especially when we saw certain Asian countries doing it right.
"Initially, we had a posture of containment so that we could give people time to prepare for where we are right now. We’re shifting into a mitigation phase, which means that we’re helping communities understand you’re going to see more cases. Unfortunately, you’re going to see more deaths but that doesn’t mean that we should panic," Adams said.
I GUESS WE’RE GONNA FIND OUTHow do you know who has or doesn’t have a condition
Parents were goin on a cruise today. Cruise got cancelled this morning.
So i guess businesses are stepping up their action
How do you know who has or doesn’t have a condition
According to the thread, you don't have it, because an infection would kill you on the spot with a 100% chance.
However, if you were to survive somehow, you would be completely paralyzed, your organs would implode, you would be impotent, and you would have hellish pain every day for which there is no cure.
Nice job! I live in Twente.I was experimenting with the little ML I know in order to estimate the number of infections in the coming days in the Netherlands. The estimates have been pretty spot on for the last two days
Bullshit, I like you here I think you balance things sout, I've been trying to be patient with you but stop being a baby you are not helping.
Chief Medical Officer British Columbia breaks down in tears ON THE AIR (30 seconds in but worth watching from start for background info)
”Fatigue and Stress”
or does she know something horrifying she’s not allowed to talk about?
More. But no deaths?
Besides obvious shitposting now and then I don't want to "balance things out". I only write what corresponds most closely to reason, common sense and facts.
I see closings of events even in countries where they have only 2 cases.I think everyone is a bit confused right now they really don't know what to do. More and more it is trending towards lockdowns and cancelled public events. I am overwhelmed with closings and such I don't post them all. example
Vatican Museums closed due to coronavirus
The novel coronavirus has killed more than 3,500 people, and infected over 105,000, according to CNN's tally -- the majority in mainland China. View the latest news.edition.cnn.com
Greece announces public gathering restrictions as coronavirus cases rise
The novel coronavirus has killed more than 3,500 people, and infected over 105,000, according to CNN's tally -- the majority in mainland China. View the latest news.edition.cnn.com
Parents were goin on a cruise today. Cruise got cancelled this morning.
So i guess businesses are stepping up their action
More. But no deaths?
Some die after 2 weeks , that’s what happend in China. We are only a little bit more than a week in ..
I see closings of events even in countries where they have only 2 cases.
Hungary is closing all public events on their march 15th celebration day.
This is just another case of over reacting and will just piss people off.
Who's this for?I don't really think you have proven to be an agent of good faith in here. You pick and choose your numbers, so they fit your outlook. That is why I say you balance things out. It is fine you are welcome to your opinion.
As far as reason, common sense and facts. Yeah right try harder. I think you could be very helpful in here if you want to be but you enjoy yourself too much.
We can joke in here, go for it we need a laugh. But the misinformation does not help anyone. Don't make bullshit claims that according to this thread such and such. You could be more helpful on here you know?
Nice job! I live in Twente.
I did crude math for Europe if this trend continues we could have 400,000 cases in 18 days. Can you do one for Europe?
Yesterday Europe had about 7000 cases.
today I did last of my prepare shopping, got toilet paper, canned foods , sausages, smeerkaas , water, cookies, rice, potatoes , condensed milk (stays longer eatable, don’t know correct english name) pancake mix, and some other stuff, for me and my family,you never know , if not needed, most is stuff we eat anyway.
I Guess what i ment with this is that here in canada there are no proactive measures though we have lots of cases and in other countries where there is maybe 2 they go to the extreme and almost seems they just follow the trend.It is not a bad thing to act first, being proactive instead of reactive to this. I think it is fine for countries to act before they have cases.
But yes, anything you do will piss someone off. Allow the events people get sick they sue or vote you out of office. This is a lose, lose for leadership right now.
If you act first and no one gets sick (because you did something) no one thinks you saved them they just think you messed with their normal life.
If you allow events and people start dying a few weeks later, they are going to say you did nothing to prevent deaths.
I don't see a win here.
Oh yeah i cant se him. Never mind. It was just confusing me.
Oh, I guess some of them are, all right.Are Italians having some mad orgies or something
not sure how well this will work, they had shutdowns early on but things still blew up on them
Oh, I guess some of them are, all right.
What people outside Italy may not know is that a draft of the Prime Minister’s decree was leaked to the press hours before the final text was approved. So people visiting the newly quarantined areas flocked to train stations to get back home before the decree went fully operational. We’ll see the results soon enough, if any.
In the end, though, even more provinces than initially decreed have been quarantined. This decree is going to be valid until April 3rd. That’s 10 days from Easter. If the spread of the virus doesn’t sharply decreased by then, we could see actual riots and very irresponsible behavior.
Fits like this aren't super helpful honestly, especially when you're using a scale where it's impossible to tell how well it fits the data. What's the RMS error on the fits?I am not confident we can extract something too precise for Europe because every country reports and handles the situation on its own. This makes getting precise data pretty iffy. Also estimating becomes more and more difficult the further you go.
With all that said here is something I compiled with the data I managed to dig up.
Where there any locals who escaped the lockdown?Oh, I guess some of them are, all right.
What people outside Italy may not know is that a draft of the Prime Minister’s decree was leaked to the press hours before the final text was approved. So people visiting the newly quarantined areas flocked to train stations to get back home before the decree went fully operational. We’ll see the results soon enough, if any.
In the end, though, even more provinces than initially decreed have been quarantined. This decree is going to be valid until April 3rd. That’s 10 days from Easter. If the spread of the virus doesn’t sharply decreased by then, we could see actual riots and very irresponsible behavior.
I Guess what i ment with this is that here in canada there are no proactive measures though we have lots of cases and in other countries where there is maybe 2 they go to the extreme and almost seems they just follow the trend.
Not to say its wrong but just adds to the toilet paper hysteria and people later when its realy getting serious will maybe not go for it anymore ,claiming crying wolf too many times.