wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Trump is a flubro confirmed
A trump tweet I agree with.
What the fuck is going on.
Trump is a flubro confirmed
I'm struggling with the sheer stupidity I've seen. As I posted this yesterday, I went to a kid' birthday party yesterday and one mom was constantly coughing but 'it's just a cold, i've had it for months'.... then later told my wife she'd flown to LAX last week.
Idiots. Like, I am sure the cough is just a cough, but you are now a potential spreader. Oh, and she works at a hospital. Genius.
While this may still all blow over [to some degree] it will not be thanks to those who don't take it seriously. There is a difference between not panicking and actively being stupid, like going to work or parties while coughing.
Trump is a flubro confirmed
Trump is a flubro confirmed
Take five minutes to read this anecdote and see if it doesn't change your mind.A trump tweet I agree with.
What the fuck is going on.
If you know of this home slice, you'd know he's legit.
WUUUHHAAAAAAAn! Ga-cho all in check!
I think I am starting to agree with WHO on the P word. From their perspective if they say Pandemic it means we have chosen to just let this ride and just live with it. What they want to to contain it and kill it off, not just let it carry on and accepting old people dying for years to come.
I think I am starting to agree with WHO on the P word. From their perspective if they say Pandemic it means we have chosen to just let this ride and just live with it. What they want to to contain it and kill it off, not just let it carry on and accepting old people dying for years to come.
I think that ship has already sailed now. This is here to stay.
You'd have to imagine that there have been hundreds of thousands of undiagnosed cases where people have had the mild symptoms and just didn't bother getting tested or going to the hospital etc.
It's all about reducing the stress on infrastructure for now.
Probably a big element of what we see is also down to governments trying to avoid blame by looking like they are doing something.
I think that ship has already sailed now. This is here to stay.
You'd have to imagine that there have been hundreds of thousands of undiagnosed cases where people have had the mild symptoms and just didn't bother getting tested or going to the hospital etc.
It's all about reducing the stress on infrastructure for now.
Probably a big element of what we see is also down to governments trying to avoid blame by looking like they are doing something.
Maybe people would take it more seriously though if they actually labeled it a pandemic?
Its in my town, they just shut down the school district due to one kid having a family member who tested positive. Before that, there were multiple cases as close as 20 miles away from here and several of my co workers live in that town.....nobody at my work is taking it seriously at all.
Lots of strange dealings with this Coronoa virus as shown
Very skeptical. People live streaming on the news who have it from the very hospital they are locked in, laughing and clearly showing no real symptoms, meanwhile the flu is killing at a faster pace.
Who the fuck can stand listening to more than 30s of this retard spewing his inane babble?
A trump tweet I agree with.
What the fuck is going on.
Lots of strange dealings with this Coronoa virus as shown
Very skeptical. People live streaming on the news who have it from the very hospital they are locked in, laughing and clearly showing no real symptoms, meanwhile the flu is killing at a faster pace.
Lots of strange dealings with this Coronoa virus as shown
Very skeptical. People live streaming on the news who have it from the very hospital they are locked in, laughing and clearly showing no real symptoms, meanwhile the flu is killing at a faster pace.
Yeah it's already here. Now it's all about managing it and riding out the wave is how I see it. Trying to get a grip and not let fear mongering or media control you.
You know who is really suffering..
Americans Say They Won’t Drink Corona Beer Because of Coronavirus. Sales Are Up 5% Anyway.
Investors have largely ignored the survey, since Constellation Brands --owner of Corona--stock, have fallen almost half as much as the broad
90%+ of people that get this will not be seriously harmed. PERIOD.
But if 10,000,000 contract this, and 5-7% of them have severe symptoms, that's 500,000 ICU beds that we'll need. This country only has 93,000 ICU beds presently.
THAT'S the real danger.
Once again, MOST PEOPLE WON'T HAVE ANY ISSUES from this virus. It'll be a simple cold that can be treated with chicken soup and Sprite. But if 10,000,000+(only .025% of our population) have it simultaneously, our hospitals will be overrun.
It is a major problem.
huge workforce and resourcefulness, who needs China we got Prisons![]()
Over 1 million people have the flu presently just in America. The flu death toll is already much higher world wide than Corona will ever see, nobody is freaking out over ICUs.
In US we see our prisoners as a workforce, in China they treat their workforce like prisoners![]()
The issue with covid 19 is not the death rate (although it is higher than flu). The issue is that nobody has immunity which means it can spread much more widely. On top of that it is easily transmitted so a lot of people could have it at the same time.
If too many people get it all at once healthcare systems will get overwhelmed and the death rate will increase.
Delaying it means that the number of cases at the same time is more manageable which will lead to much better outcomes this time next year.
it's almost like these are two entirely different f u c k i n g d i s e a s e s
New York is making its own hand sanitizer using prison labor
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced today that the state will attempt to combat "price gouging" and a shortage of hand sanitizer by making its own.
Cuomo said at a press conference that the hand sanitizer will be made by Corcraft, a company that operates in the state's prison. The company employs inmates to produce products like household cleaners and tables and chairs.
He said they are aiming to make "100,000 gallons" a week.
Cuomo said New York's hand sanitizer will be "75% alcohol" and added that the smell has a "floral bouquet."
He said the product will not be sold on the open market at this time. It will be made available in schools and prisons.
New York is making its own hand sanitizer using prison labor
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced today that the state will attempt to combat "price gouging" and a shortage of hand sanitizer by making its
huge workforce and resourcefulness, who needs China we got Prisons![]()
Yeah, one is actually a threat that constantly has changing DNA and is is predicted to soon become really hard to treat, and another is some small virus that barely does anything but is somehow causing people to panic and attack any person that coughs for more than 4 seconds.
at the press conference, Cuomo quized the audience and the person who answered correctly received the first bottle of it - he claimed it would be a collectors itemI seriously thought this was an Onion article...I mean might as well tap the experts who know how to make latrine gin?
You will have a busy week with providing updates AND reason with the flu elites.and another one joins the party![]()
Which one has governments around the world shutting down schools and cancelling major tourist events?
Don't remember gas prices dropping by ten cents in half a day last flu season.
My targeted ads these days lol
Love in the time of Corona
Is there a point here? All you're doing is confirming it's overblown and nowhere near as dangerous as the flu, or coming close to the current death toll caused by it. It should have treatment yes but the Media acting like this is worse than the flu or Ebola level is bull.
That word .......just ..... add the word porn to it and you will see a real super spreaderHeck, if somebody asked me when I was a child "who do you want to become when you grow up?" today, I would change original answer from "Firefighter" to "Super Spreader".
Is there a point here? All you're doing is confirming it's overblown and nowhere near as dangerous as the flu, or coming close to the current death toll caused by it. It should have treatment yes but the Media acting like this is worse than the flu or Ebola level is bull.
We've had ~12 deaths from the coronavirus in the US so far. 20,000 from the flu. Why aren't we forcibly quarantining flu suspects?
Yeah, one is actually a threat that constantly has changing DNA and is is predicted to soon become really hard to treat, and another is some small virus that barely does anything but is somehow causing people to panic and attack any person that coughs for more than 4 seconds.
stop with the misinformationItaly has 463 deaths since last week.
That puts china's bogus number of 3k into perspective. China has about 23 times italies population...
I still worry about India the most. Hope they are isolating like crazy.
Italy has 463 deaths since last week.
That puts china's bogus number of 3k into perspective. China has about 23 times italies population...