Well fuck. I mean, we have to learn something from this cluster fuck...dont we?
No doubt that's going to go great. I for one welcome our Millennial Overlords and their profound wisdom. Unquestionably.
Yeah, don't shove all your industry in shit-hole countries like China.Well fuck. I mean, we have to learn something from this cluster fuck...dont we?
Yeah, don't shove all your industry in shit-hole countries like China.
Yeah, don't shove all your industry in shit-hole countries like China.
Perhaps I didn't make it clear, but I was talking about the situation in Italy where the hospitals are overrun and everything is an ICU.That's not true. Pneumonia is more often accompanied by breathing problems, which are not life-threatening and to some extent normal, but which require observation. This is why people stay in hospital.
In addition, only in hospital can a quick and comprehensive diagnosis be made, which is another reason to stay in hospital. If you go to the doctor with pneumonia and have problems breathing, the doctor will not send you to other specialists, but to a hospital. It's all about the mere danger that pneumonia can become dangerous quite quickly.
By the way, I did not talk about an intensive care unit, which many hospitals also have. The topic was hospitals in general.
Italy is once again a topic in itself. There, an extremely large number of elderly people are affected, which pushes up the critical illness rates.
Unfortunately I do not have any current figures, but just a few days ago, when the number of deaths was already over 100, 0.1% were under 50, 2.8% between 50 and 59 years old, 8.4% between 60 and 69, 32.4% between 70 and 79, 42.2% between 80 and 89 and 14.1% were 90 years or older (source: https://puntomagazine.it/2020/03/06...dellistituto-superiore-di-sanita-su-covid-19/). As far as we have been able to read to date, the percentage distribution has changed very little.
From left to right; Would bang, would not, would not.
The initial information I was given was that the virus was not airborne - the YouTube video from John Campbell claims that the Chinese are saying the virus, when a person coughs, can remain in the air for 30 minutes. How do we fact-check that?
I ask because one of my colleagues tested positive and he’s reclusive at work, to say the least. He has zero interactivity with people. He merely breathes the same air we do.
From left to right; Would bang, would not, would not.
dude she like 12
dude she like 12
You would think so, but in about a year we all go for moneyWell fuck. I mean, we have to learn something from this cluster fuck...dont we?
Wrong.dude she like 12
You would bang a rolling apple on the floor wouldnt youFrom left to right; Would bang, would not, would not.
Do you have any.. olio?
Old news, we knew this in January, good thing governments followed it as closely as me , because we are now prepared.He also said the amount of virus in asymptomatic people who have the virus was higher than that of SARS. He said what makes this so dangerous is the fact that you're very contagious without having any symptoms at all, plus how long it stays in the air, we just aren't equipped to contain this.
He also said when China eventually lifts the lockdowns, he expects a spike in cases around the world again, like a resurgence.
If millions are infected at once 480k deaths will be more like double of that.The guy on Rogan said smokers and the obese are also at higher risk of death. Everyone's just focusing on the elderly.
He said everything they've projected to occur back in January has come to fruition and he still projects it to make the rounds over the next 3-6 months and they project millions of infected in the states and potentially up to 480,000 deaths.
Iran finally going to give some correctish numbers?
Based on this where is the US and what do we predict the numbers will be in 10 days?
Paging all JustTheFluBro's... some easy money here for you
Dutch PM: "Today we stop shaking hands."
...Immediately shakes hand.
human habits our brains are hardwired
Paging all JustTheFluBro's... some easy money here for you
Liberals spend $2.6 million on COVID-19 anti-racism and social media research
While many of the projects funded were sound scientific and public policy research, seven of the approved studies stuck out as social justice-oriented.tnc.news
And you bitch about trump???
Paging all JustTheFluBro's... some easy money here for you
Rogan had a guy on talking about it. He's taking it very seriously.
No clue saw him the other day on the news.This kid is in hiding right now. Have you seen him? Fucking guy is in Black Face on the corner of St Catherine laying low.