Are you italian percaso?It is not, the virus is spreading across the world, the difference is that in Europe, we're currently the only country who is testing every single person with fever because the government decided to dig deeper.
Other countries simply decided to ignore the issue because:
a) they don't want to scare people off (and investors) which is happening here in Italy unfortunately.
b) They aren't prepared to face the issue so they choose to cover their eyes and hope nobody gets hurt. (that's embarassing)
c) we still don't have a clear idea whether it is worth making a big deal out of this: the people who died (mostly elders) were already in poor health conditions so coronavirus was just one of many factors. People can recover from it as they did from SARS.
d) they know they have many cases and they're blatantly lying. (also shameful)
I think create panic is definitely a mistake, i've seen pics of people buying everything they could from stores even in cities that are not quarantined, that's silly.
But underestimating the outbreak is a big mistake too, cause it's affecting all of us, it will become pandemic in a matter of months: it's very easy to spread and most countries are not taking the right measures.
Personally i'm a bit disappointed by the EU, i was expecting some mandatory measures forced from Bruxelles to any member state, a unified solution, we need to fight the outbreak all together instead of letting each country finding the solution by their own, which is leading to questionable decisions like Austria with their failed attempt to close borders.
Once Iran and Chine are done, we will suddently get the vaccines... wanna bet?
Cunth? You came back?this shits gone through iran like fried chicken through my bowels
It's in my country, Austria.
2 confirmed cases
Tirol bestätigt zwei Corona-Infektionsfälle
Auch der zweite Test verlief positiv. Nun werde versucht, Personen zu identifizieren, die zuletzt mit den beiden Infizierten in Kontakt standen, sagt Innenminister
Now that it's officially out I can say is It has been inside Austria for a longer time already. I have connections to the Bundesheer, the austrian army and they already had confirmed cases two weeks ago.
These cover ups are probably happening all over Europe and the globe, don't believe your governments damage control
Japanese government faces crucial two weeks to contain coronavirus | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News
The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Japan has topped 800. This includes passengers and crewmembers of the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship. A government panel says with this figure rising, the next one to two weeks will be crucial if the country hopes to contain the
"And, while the mortality rate of the virus is not as high as other infectious diseases, it does pose a higher health risk than seasonal influenza. "
Well at least Japan says its a higher risk then the seasonal flu. Which hopefully stops what about the flu talks . . .
1000 tourists in quarantine on Teneriffe, at the H10 Costa Adeje Palace Resort, wierdly said a Iranian doctor tested positive earlier, now it might be Italian tourists.
Tenerife coronavirus: 1,000 guests at hotel quarantined
H10 Costa Adeje Palace hotel on lockdown as first case confirmed in mainland
man fuck china. no way this doesn’t blow up here too. If I get it I’ll never eat a spring roll again
I identify as a pussyCome on now pussy, take it like a man.
Very likely, that’s the nature of this virus . That’s why Germany now checks people that come in with the flu.what is the chances that this has already spread throughout the wider population and majority have had it and thought it was a bad cold or flu and got over it never realising it was the wuhan? They are only testing very few people and the tests seem to have a low reliability anyway.
Very likely, that’s the nature of this virus . That’s why Germany now checks people that come in with the flu.
It’s already here , and with incubation of max 4 weeks before symptoms... it will run it’s course . And we will see if lockdowns WW have effect. I also read this unlike flu doesn’t care if the climate is more warm, look at Singapore and Iran , Thailand.
I would suggest to stock some aspirine , ibuprofen, for your family.
Iran's leadership is fucked, if they all have meetings together and they don't believe in quarantine lol good luck with that
I am trying so hard to remove this smirk from my face because I should not smirk at this
tell the truth motherfuckers!
serious dude looks sick, did he want to stand in front of the camera while removing sweat? smh hope he recovers but they are playing with fire
Whole parlement could have it, at least the benefit is they will take it seriously and handle accordingly for the people in their country.. I hope.Well, that is crazy stuff - makes me think about real strength of this 'flu'.
Like 0 chance that it has already spread through the majority of the population.what is the chances that this has already spread throughout the wider population and majority have had it and thought it was a bad cold or flu and got over it never realising it was the wuhan? They are only testing very few people and the tests seem to have a low reliability anyway.
Berliner Innensenator erwägt im Notfall Abriegelung der Stadt
Angesichts einer möglichen Ausbreitung des neuartigen Coronavirus in Europa spielen die Berliner Behörden auch die Variante durch, die Stadt oder Teile davon abzuriegeln – ähnlich wie einige Kommunen in Norditalien. Ob und in welchem Ausmaß eine solch drastische Maßnahme überhaupt umsetzbar ist, ist aber offen, wie Innensenator Andreas Geisel am Dienstag deutlich machte.
„Es wird in jedem Fall nicht einfach“, sagte der SPD-Politiker in der Pressekonferenz nach der Senatssitzung auf Anfrage. „Aber natürlich ist der Katastrophenschutz in Berlin vorbereitet. Wir haben die entsprechenden Katastrophenschutzpläne. Und würden, wenn es notwendig wäre und eine entsprechende Gefahrensituation festgestellt wird, solche Dinge auch veranlassen können.“
Geisel weiter: „Die Frage ist, wie wirksam ist das, und funktioniert das in einer 3,7-Millionen-Einwohner-Stadt so umfassend wie das in oberitalienischen Kleinstädten der Fall ist. Aber ja, wir machen uns auch über diese Fragen Gedanken.“
Nach dem Coronavirus-Ausbruch mit Hunderten Fällen in Italien sind laut Gesundheitsverwaltung in Berlin bisher keine Fälle nachgewiesen worden. In den norditalienischen Regionen Venetien und Lombardei wurden mehrere Kommunen abgeriegelt, um die weitere Ausbreitung des Virus zu verhindern.
one thing I hope they don't do again is quarantine infected people with uninfected people. That cruise ship should have been a learning opportunity
Rumor is people collapsing in Iran just like we heard in Wuhan. Also, obviously could be staged for lols or agenda.
Supposedly an Iranian official said 50 already dead, though again, could be he misspoke or other assorted nonsense.
Rumor is people collapsing in Iran just like we heard in Wuhan. Also, obviously could be staged for lols or agenda.
Supposedly an Iranian official said 50 already dead, though again, could be he misspoke or other assorted nonsense.
Come on now pussy, take it like a man.