Oh yes, COVID19 is totally fake, a hoax, a manmade virus to inject us all with microchips. All these corona-deaths I'm witnessing first-hand as a doctor are fake as well. All a globalist plot to make the frogs gay and keep people on welfare.
So, so many people think something fishy is going on just for fun?
Or are they just idiots, flat earthers, science deniers, Trump supporters, and that's it?
Even the scientists and intelligent among us who think something is up are science deniers. Scientists being science deniers. People who hate Trump are Trump supporters. Flat earthers lol. How desperate can you get. Science deniers lol. Yep, all these people from all walks of life must deny gravity and temperature as well.
Makes so much sense.
And no, the government, military, and biiiiig corporations and politicians NEVER do anything wrong. That's why the entire world cared (or pretended to care) about George Floyd and burned the world down over CORRUPTION, a scandal that could have been a cover-up if not caught on vid by chance, but suddenly there CAN'T be a COVID scandal! Noooooo way! Scandals and lies don't happen! But we just made an international deal about ONE! WTF!!!!!!!!!
Everyone loves Government health officials and trusts them but the biggest government official of all is hated and called lying scum. I'm talking about the President by the way (and every President cept maybe a few are hated) along with politicians everyone hates have been caught lying, violating their own rules, doing illegal things, etc. Once someone is a liar, how am I supposed to believe what they say? Politicians, Government Officials, Lawyers, Businessmen. We all know how honest they all are!
Guess noone remembers The Boy Who Cried Wolf these days.
So if we all know the biggest politicians is crooked and a liar, then why are the ones you fans of perfectly honest ANGELS who would never lie, bullshit, etc?
Do you realize it doesn't make any fucking sense?
Demonize one politician, but raise another one up.
Uh huh.
Once you establish one can be crooked, they can all be crooked.
Fuck is so hard to understand about that?
Do scandals and war crimes suddenly not exist when it comes to one topic?
No, this entire COVID chapter of humanity is totally squeaky clean guys!

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