The Scrivener
A colleague is headed off to Japan for work soon, shit. I'm doomed. At least I stocked up on porridge oats this morning, and loo roll too.
OTHER PLACES | Cases | Deaths | Notes | Links |
Diamond Princess | 705 | 4 | 36 serious, 10 recovered | Source |
South Korea | 1,766 | 13 | 13 serious, 5 critical, 24 recovered | Source |
Italy | 453 | 12 | 19 serious, 3 recovered | Source |
Japan | 207* | 4 | 13 serious, 32 recovered | Source |
Iran | 141 | 22 | Source | |
Singapore | 93 | 0 | 7 critical, 58 recovered | Source |
Hong Kong | 92 | 2 | 4 critical, 2 serious, 18 recovered | Source |
United States | 60 | 0 | 6 recovered | Source |
Thailand | 40 | 0 | 2 serious, 15 recovered | Source |
Taiwan | 32 | 1 | 5 recovered | Source |
Malaysia | 22 | 0 | 17 recovered | Source |
Australia | 23 | 0 | 15 recovered | Source |
Germany | 26 | 0 | 2 critical, 15 recovered | Source |
Vietnam | 16 | 0 | 16 recovered | Source |
UAE | 13 | 0 | 2 serious, 3 recovered | Source |
United Kingdom | 15 | 0 | 8 recovered | Source |
France | 18 | 2 | 1 serious, 11 recovered | Source |
Canada | 12 | 0 | 3 recovered | Source |
Macau | 10 | 0 | 6 recovered | Source |
Bahrain | 33 | 0 | Source | |
Kuwait | 43 | 0 | Source | |
Iraq | 6 | 0 | Source | |
Philippines | 3 | 1 | 2 recovered | Source |
India | 3 | 0 | 3 recovered | Source |
Russia | 2 | 0 | 2 recovered | Source |
Spain | 14 | 0 | 2 recovered | Source |
Oman | 4 | 0 | Source | |
Nepal | 1 | 0 | 1 recovered | Source |
Cambodia | 1 | 0 | 1 recovered | Source |
Sri Lanka | 1 | 0 | 1 recovered | Source |
Finland | 2 | 0 | 1 recovered | Source |
Sweden | 2 | 0 | Source | |
Belgium | 1 | 0 | 1 recovered | Source |
Egypt | 1 | 0 | 1 recovered | Source |
Israel | 2 | 0 | Source | |
Lebanon | 2 | 0 | Source | |
Afghanistan | 1 | 0 | Source | |
Austria | 2 | 0 | Source | |
Croatia | 3 | 0 | Source | |
Switzerland | 4 | 0 | Source | |
Algeria | 1 | 0 | Source | |
Brazil | 1 | 0 | Source | |
Greece | 1 | 0 | Source | |
Pakistan | 2 | 0 | Source | |
North Macedonia | 1 | 0 | Source | |
Georgia | 1 | 0 | Source | |
Norway | 1 | 0 | Source | |
Romania | 1 | 0 | Source | |
Denmark | 1 | 0 | Source | |
Estonia | 1 | 0 | Source | |
TOTAL | 3,886 | 61 | 106 serious/critical |
not really good news most of them will just not bother with the effectively part and ignore the beard cutting step, humans are stupid like pussies who buy ammo instead of more water for survival
indeed...You should check the date on the article you linked to,
What happened to that Germany spike tweet from BNO?
If you were recovered would you do an interview? People are scared of Chinese, think of what they would do to you if you came out public and say hey I survived this.
Where in that video do they say this?The Robert Koch Institute (Germany) who was downplaying this thing just 4 weeks ago now admits its serious says is more deadly then the flu (finally). They more or less advise the nonsense the media is spreading or the government.
Robert Koch-Institut informiert über neuesten Stand der COVID-19-Verbreitung - Video - WELT
Das neuartige Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 breitet sich weiter in Europa aus. Auch in Deutschland gibt es immer mehr Fälle. Das Robert Koch-Institut in Berlin informiert in einer Pressekonferenz über die aktuellen
If our government really wanted to stop it they'd quarantine/dispose of people and stop all flights for at least 3 months. This can still be stopped yes.So... there's no stoping it now, right? Global pandemic?
Not that I can see without grinding the world economy to a halt. That said, this thing isnt the end of the world. It'll probably stick around for a year or two, then back to normal.So... there's no stoping it now, right? Global pandemic?
Where in that video do they say this?
Auch die Sterberate von ein bis zwei Prozent, von der nach aktuellen Zahlen auszugehen sei, sei hoch. Betroffen seien davon besonders alte und “hochaltrige” Menschen sowie Menschen mit komprimiertem Immunsystem. Zum Vergleich: Bei der “normalen” Grippe liege die Mortalität meist bei ungefähr 0,2 Prozent. Zudem gebe es auf absehbare Zeit keinen Impfstoff. Die gute Nachricht sei, dass in China aktuell gute und zahlreiche Studien unternommen würden, welche Therapien wirken.
Poland and Holland being hinted at waiting for official news posts
bad time for Switch shortages in Japan
I live in Holland also, but I bet it’s already here and infecting. As our government seems to be slacking. RIVM (Dutch CDC) says it’s only contagious when you have symptoms... all is fine otherwiseATM there are no infections in my country (Holland), but the infected couple lived very close to our border (and my town) like 40km...
But it is big news here, and people are worried ofc.
There is a local news site I follow,
I live in Holland also, but I bet it’s already here and infecting. As our government seems to be slacking. RIVM (Dutch CDC) says it’s only contagious when you have symptoms... all is fine otherwiseThey must have not followed the news or the medical community.
I live near the German border.
Because of abnormal actionsI am aware that some prefer to see the world end as soon as new expected outbreaks have been detected somewhere in the world. But here are the current numbers as statistics divided into China and the rest of the world.
The statistics for China clearly show that the spread of COVID-19 is very well prevented, despite a general R0 value of 1.4 to 4 for this virus (general info about what R0 is: If the figures for China are correct, then China is on the verge of containing the outbreak and bringing the disease under control there. According to the figures from China, the R0 value currently tends to be less than 1, which usually leads to the extinction of the disease.
For the rest of the world there is a slight increase due to the many tests for COVID-19. Compared to China, the rest of the world has a better starting position than China. What they do with it will be seen and it will depend on the actions that countries take.
The WHO now assumes that China has passed the peak of the disease. This is slightly positive, even if the situation is still critical and everything can go to shit within a few days. But right now, this is were we are at.
New confirmed and resolved cases (worldwide):
Development of the number of infections in China and worldwide:
yes charts will save us all
information is power my friend.yes charts will save us all
These charts only show what your numbers, which you or BNO publish, mean by and large. If you don't like the charts, write to BNO and tell them to publish other numbers or just post some numbers you came up with yourself.
You may not like it and that's bad news for you, but it looks like you and every registered NeoGAF member are very likely to survive COVID-19.
That would also be the case, by the way, if many millions would die from the virus in the next three months.
information is power my friend.
Charts wont save us, but can provide us with knowledge we can use to make decisions.
Don't waste your energy and save the drama for someone else. No human alive is immune to death, we will all die someday.
I don't have to make up those numbers.
The theme of this thread is to follow a very distructive force in Nature. It is no different than Hurricane season threads. It is just following how nature fucks with the everyday hubris of humans. You can downplay it but it does not mean you will avoid it even when chances are you'll die from something else.
Talking the truth while saying nothing at all, we all use infographics, polls, and charts to push our own narratives. That is hardly the height of wisdom, it is just another bullshit thing we all do in life.
Knowledge seekers speak from facts not absolutes.
We have been posting numbers and charts in this thread for over a month and most of us are clear headed enough to undersrtand we are not getting the truth of it just a glimspe. Not all the numbers but what they want to give us. You can't get on the I KNOW IT ALL train from half the story.
'Pro-China youtuber' turns against local government and Chinese coronavirus response, but not for the reasons you might think; I think I have to agree with him.
Iran has received 50,000 free testing kits from china.
That's not what i was talking about. I have no problems with dying to whatever (stupid) reasons. But I find the panic-mongering exaggerated and doomsday scenarios absolutely out of place here.
The whole thread reads mostly like the end of the world and I'm sure there are more than a handful of people here who actually have more than a few fears. But the problem is that the thread, or rather the conclusions made from the available data, completely lose sight of the context and therefore these unrealistic conclusions are drawn.
Apart from that, this is not a regional event like the hurricane season, where 90% of the people have nothing to do with it and just post random shit and memes. This issue, COVID-19, can and will actually affect us all in some way (economically, through traveling, our health, ...).
The charts are based on all official figures published to date. These figures are certainly more likely true than statements such as "In China 1000 people die of COVID-19 every day", "The USA has no interest in testing for the virus" or "The government of xy is suppressing the truth".
At least now I know you suffer from depression. I hope you have a good treatment plan.
Best of luck buddy.
First confirmed case in Vienna was admitted to the hospital 10 days ago, only tested positive today. Second case has tested positive, but they are waiting for more test results before declaring it a confirmed case.
Coronavirus: Wiener Patient seit zehn Tagen im Spital
Ein 72 Jahre alter Mann ist der erste bestätigte Coronavirus-Fall in Wien. Er lag bereits zehn Tage mit klassischen Grippesymptomen im Krankenhaus Rudolfstiftung in Wien-Landstraße. Laut Gesundheitsstadtrat Peter Hacker (SPÖ) fiel bei einem weiteren, deutlich jüngeren Mann ein