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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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How do you know the sources you’re believing are reliable?

And who’s more likely to be reliable? Scientific organisations independent of politics, or the people you’re listening to here and on social media?
Scientific organizations that aren't putting out the politically correct information are being suppressed. They very attitude you espouse in this thread tells me you aren't listening to "politically independent" anything.
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Unconfirmed Member
For fuck's sake. Furlough in UK extended til end of April. Lost 2 of my 3 devs, the 3rd on furlough, no doubt he'll stay on furlough another fucking month which will mean a total of 13 fucking months of doing 4 fucking people's fucking jobs (and let's face it - it'll extend again). I'm fucking exhausted. I've absolutely fucking had enough of this shit.
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COVID back on the barbie mate.

17 cases and Sydney getting ready for shut down again

Wish the UK had had the same attitude as the Australians. Might have made things better. ScoMo has his faults, but he followed the science and shut down hard and fast. Instead the UK got bullshitting Boris and his ineptitude.
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Why reject a vaccine to cure a practically harmless disease (below the age of let's say 50) when the vaccine has a 1 in 5 side-effect rate?

The world is hopeless.

Yeah, fuck all of them cunts older than that!

And all of those side effects are serious and very, very harmful. TWITTER SAYS SO.
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Contacted PSN to add his card back to his account
For fuck's sake. Furlough in UK extended til end of April. Lost 2 of my 3 devs, the 3rd on furlough, no doubt he'll stay on furlough another fucking month which will mean a total of 13 fucking months of doing 4 fucking people's fucking jobs (and let's face it - it'll extend again). I'm fucking exhausted. I've absolutely fucking had enough of this shit.

You are an owner or a lead/manager in the company?
If I may ask, what your company do?

So the devs can take paid vacations like that, without consequances?


Unconfirmed Member
You are an owner or a lead/manager in the company?
If I may ask, what your company do?

So the devs can take paid vacations like that, without consequances?

I run the department, code, plan the build, architect all the server infrastructure etc, but sadly the owner is a tight-fisted bastard making even more cash than usual so he can get another Tesla. The UK is running furlough where the government will pay 80% of salary and the employer pays nothing, and they've taken full advantage of the scheme. I won't go into too much detail but I write software used by most of the major telecoms companies in the UK. Sadly I can't have a day off because there's nobody to cover me because 2 were fired and one is furloughed.


Yeah, fuck all of them cunts older than that!

And all of those side effects are serious and very, very harmful. TWITTER SAYS SO.

Every friend of a friend of a friend I know who supposedly got COVID ends up completely fine though, same with everyone on GAF who supposedly has it. And what about those celebrities who supposedly got it? All end up fine, POOF.

So pandemic. Much deadly. I'm so terrified.
Why reject a vaccine to cure a practically harmless disease (below the age of let's say 50) when the vaccine has a 1 in 5 side-effect rate?

The world is hopeless.
Vaccines have side effects dude. Thats not a "AH HA" thats common knowledge. The side effects you speak of are also harmless so you can't really have your cake and eat it to if you wanna catch the virus because its benign but not take the vaccine which is more benign. Also I'm gonna need a source on that 1 in 5 rate. And I'm young, my friends are young, I know plenty of them that had COVID fuck their shit up and they too thought it was harmless and quickly changed their tune after.


Every friend of a friend of a friend I know who supposedly got COVID ends up completely fine though, same with everyone on GAF who supposedly has it. And what about those celebrities who supposedly got it? All end up fine, POOF.

So pandemic. Much deadly. I'm so terrified.

Approximately 3700 people die daily from covid in the US.


Unconfirmed Member
Approximately 3700 people die daily from covid in the US.

Most of them old people. For them the balance of risks probably favours the vaccine (though even they still have a very low chance of dying). For anyone under 60 unless they're morbidly obese or seriously ill, the vaccine isn't worth the risk.
Most of them old people. For them the balance of risks probably favours the vaccine (though even they still have a very low chance of dying). For anyone under 60 unless they're morbidly obese or seriously ill, the vaccine isn't worth the risk.
Whats the risk again?

And I don't think you're grasping its not about saving your life if you're young its about cutting off the spread.


Point of order, 3700 people don't die daily since deaths are delayed. Most of those people could have died yesterday, a week ago, some even months ago.

Where I live we adjust our tracking at the end of the month to put the actual date of death not reported death. Its a nice little piece of manipulation to use reported date rather then death date.


Every friend of a friend of a friend I know who supposedly got COVID ends up completely fine though, same with everyone on GAF who supposedly has it. And what about those celebrities who supposedly got it? All end up fine, POOF.

So pandemic. Much deadly. I'm so terrified.

Yeah! Those 3700 who died yesterday in the US? None of them were real! The 537 in the U.K? Completely fake. Made out of paper mache.


Most of them old people. For them the balance of risks probably favours the vaccine (though even they still have a very low chance of dying). For anyone under 60 unless they're morbidly obese or seriously ill, the vaccine isn't worth the risk.

Yeah! Fuck those old people! Let ‘em die! As long as I stop suffering, it’s all good! Woo hoo!


Point of order, 3700 people don't die daily since deaths are delayed. Most of those people could have died yesterday, a week ago, some even months ago.

Where I live we adjust our tracking at the end of the month to put the actual date of death not reported death. Its a nice little piece of manipulation to use reported date rather then death date.

You're making a semantic argument about what daily means here, but largely gloss over the fact the numbers at the end of the month still are the same. Would you rather I tell you deaths per month? Does that change the metric for anyone? Is 1ton of feathers lighter than 1ton of bricks?


Also, "most" of them old people. The younger ones that weren't? Well hey wasn't my dad or girlfriend or cousin or best friend so its fine.

Absolutely. They’re all certainly not important enough for me to be mildly inconvenienced out of my cosseted, soft lifestyle... and Twitter has told me it’s not dangerous anyway, so I can stop being scared and worried, because I don’t like those feelings, and it’s much better and easier knowing the governments are just lying. Woo Hoo!
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Most of them old people. For them the balance of risks probably favours the vaccine (though even they still have a very low chance of dying). For anyone under 60 unless they're morbidly obese or seriously ill, the vaccine isn't worth the risk.

For community protection, you need a large amount of the community involved in taking the vaccinations.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah! Fuck those old people! Let ‘em die! As long as I stop suffering, it’s all good! Woo hoo!

I like how you bolded one bit and then ignored the bit straight after so you could pretend I want to kill old people. That's very clever. Congratulations.


I like how you bolded one bit and then ignored the bit straight after so you could pretend I want to kill old people. That's very clever. Congratulations.

Yes, I did. Because that was your direct response to someone pointing out that 3700 human beings died yesterday in the US of coronavirus. Your callous dismissal absolutely warranted the reply.

...oh, and the vaccine is very much ‘worth the risk’ (very minor, by the way) to people under 60, if it stops more of those old people dying.
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Unconfirmed Member
Yes, I did. Because that was your direct response to someone pointing out that 3700 human beings died yesterday in the US of coronavirus. Your callous dismissal absolutely warranted the reply.

Do fuck off. Callous my arse. People die. My point was not that it's not bad that old people are dying you fucking meathead. I was pointing out where the risk lies, who needs to take the fucking vaccine. Honestly you're utterly incapable of honest discussion. Every fucking thread I see you in it's the same fucking bullshit.


Do fuck off. Callous my arse. People die. My point was not that it's not bad that old people are dying you fucking meathead. I was pointing out where the risk lies, who needs to take the fucking vaccine. Honestly you're utterly incapable of honest discussion. Every fucking thread I see you in it's the same fucking bullshit.



You're making a semantic argument about what daily means here, but largely gloss over the fact the numbers at the end of the month still are the same. Would you rather I tell you deaths per month? Does that change the metric for anyone? Is 1ton of feathers lighter than 1ton of bricks?

Yes it does make a difference and yes report dead per month and via age and comorbities please.

If you say 3700 people died yesterday when thats not accurate thats the semantic argument. What if 3699 of them died on Dec 17th and 1 died yesterday makes a huge difference.

I aint arguing those people didn't die, but the data is being presented based on reporting date not actual date of death. Thats why were I live we decided months ago that at the begining of each month they would adjust the death numbers to reflect actual date of death and not reporting date so you can get a more accurate picture on the increase/decrease of deaths from the virus.
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How do you know the sources you’re believing are reliable?

And who’s more likely to be reliable? Scientific organisations independent of politics, or the people you’re listening to here and on social media?
I just wanted to point something out. ONS is not "independent of politics." They're a far left advocacy group. Here's an article from 2 months ago in which they denounce the "lack of representation" when it comes to "nursing research."
Do fuck off. Callous my arse. People die. My point was not that it's not bad that old people are dying you fucking meathead. I was pointing out where the risk lies, who needs to take the fucking vaccine. Honestly you're utterly incapable of honest discussion. Every fucking thread I see you in it's the same fucking bullshit.
Dude... you can't seriously dismiss mass death like that can you? And then insult the person you're talking to so viciously when he hasn't thrown any personal attacks like that to you? Just kinda lowers the level of discussion don't you think?


Yeah! Those 3700 who died yesterday in the US? None of them were real! The 537 in the U.K? Completely fake. Made out of paper mache.

I'm terrified.

With how much lying there's been you expect me to take their bullshit stats in blind faith lol?
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I'm terrified.

Nah. Course you’re not. You’re young, probably have no relatives or loved ones in the high risk category (and even if you did, you wouldn’t be worried about them), and have read enough stuff on social media from people just like you, to convince yourself covid’s not really that much of an issue.


Unconfirmed Member
Dude... you can't seriously dismiss mass death like that can you? And then insult the person you're talking to so viciously when he hasn't thrown any personal attacks like that to you? Just kinda lowers the level of discussion don't you think?

I've dealt with him trolling in many threads. Which bit of 'Old people die due to the rona so they need the vaccine but the rest of us don't' is callous? Further, where's the concern for the thousands of people dying of obesity, or starvation, or road traffic accidents or good old fashioned flu? Frankly you can fuck off too.


I just wanted to point something out. ONS is not "independent of politics." They're a far left advocacy group. Here's an article from 2 months ago in which they denounce the "lack of representation" when it comes to "nursing research."

That’s.... lovely, I guess?

I’m talking about the Office for National Statistics, but you carry on, mate...
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I've dealt with him trolling in many threads. Which bit of 'Old people die due to the rona so they need the vaccine but the rest of us don't' is callous? Further, where's the concern for the thousands of people dying of obesity, or starvation, or road traffic accidents or good old fashioned flu? Frankly you can fuck off too.

And you, my friend, clearly only care about your own welfare (you‘ve expressed as much a few posts earlier when you complained about the ongoing furlough) and clearly don’t care about who’s dying, and don’t care to take a vaccine that might help people.

You DO need to take the vaccine to stop coronavirus, and the fact you’d rather avoid taking it in case you get a sore arm, instead of helping to stop the deaths of others, speaks volumes.

Edit: I apologise for singling you out on this, but I’m rather sick of the callous attitude to the older community, and snowflake mewling going on in this forum about taking a vaccine with side effects, when doing so can save others, and kill this stupid virus off.
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I've dealt with him trolling in many threads. Which bit of 'Old people die due to the rona so they need the vaccine but the rest of us don't' is callous? Further, where's the concern for the thousands of people dying of obesity, or starvation, or road traffic accidents or good old fashioned flu? Frankly you can fuck off too.
Is this how you resolve all your discussions? By presenting flawed premises and concluding with "fuck off" before the person can even reply?

Joe T.

If someone is brought into hospital with a Ct value of 20 and then later dies from lung failure, would you consider this a death caused by covid ?

You can find that answer in the reply you appear to have glossed over.

This was never about public safety. You aren't following scientists and doctors, you're following capitalists and tyrants. You and the rest of the pandemic propagators here are resisting hard facts in order to keep this narrative alive. Why?



Video: Are Covid-19 restrictions based on data? - The Week in 60 Minutes with Andrew Neil | SpectatorTV (12/17/20)

On this week’s episode, Andrew Neil is joined by Professor Tim Spector, principal investigator of ZOE at Kings College London; Andrew Wilson, former SNP finance spokesperson and founding partner of Charlotte Street Partners; Rod Liddle, associate editor of The Spectator; and a team of Spectator journalists.

In partnership with Charles Stanley Wealth Managers.

00:00 - Welcome from Andrew Neil
02:11 - Will there be a third UK national lockdown?
13:42 - Does the data back coronavirus restrictions? With Professor Tim Spector
27:17 - Scottish independence debate with SNP's Andrew Wilson
46:35 - A review of 2020 with Rod Liddle



Gold Member
Well, at least the people who dropped us in this fucking mess in the first place are all having a nice time, thanks to the totalitarian regime they live under, that ensured full co-operation with lockdown measures.


Well, the "fact" that they did a harsh lockdown in February means absolutely zilch for right now, as we are seeing in South Korea. It's a seasonal virus. It cannot be controlled.

Most likely, they understand that most people are comfortable living in a world where a virus where 99% of people recover just fine, and just test if you show up at a doctor or hospital with symptoms.
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