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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Joe T.

^0% means there is no virus and any measures in place exceeds what is necessary.


"We've taken a very liberal approach to mortality."

I'm curious, what's preventing you and others here from seeing it the same way your experts, doctors and governments do? A Johns Hopkins study highlighted this in November before someone pressured them into deleting it. The truth is apparently too hot to handle.

Mike Pompeo let the cat out of the bag when he called this a live exercise in March. That's what this has felt like, military references and all, because there's a lot that doesn't line up and you aren't allowed to question it. Quebec premier Francois Legault's description of tightening lockdown restrictions as electroshock couldn't have been more blatant.


"At this time, there is no flu in Quebec. If you have symptoms it's probably covid. Get tested and isolate yourself." -Horacio Arruda yesterday, public health director/fool that presented H1N1 as an existential threat requiring everyone get vaccinated (half the province apparently did). Clumsy communicator with some experience in peddling BS.


Covid eradicated the flu. I didn't say it, the experts did. So out of the nearly 1.9M currently attributed to covid we can probably estimate 500-600K would have otherwise died to the flu. How many of the 1.3M remaining are car accidents, gun shots, cancer, diabetes and a long list of other causes that were not at all related to covid symptoms? The multi-trillion dollar question.

That deleted Johns Hopkins study was clearing up that picture before someone decided to muddy it all up again.


Gold Member
they said all this shit a year ago, and were completely wrong in every way, so why should I believe them now

Also CTRL+F “vaccine” zero results, I guess they just pulled the rug from under us for the 900th time

Joe T.

This is not about controlling a virus, it's about controlling you. Another beautiful demonstration of the "cure" being worse than the disease and proving that we're all shooting for an absolutely stupid "covid zero" goal:

Morrison praised Queensland’s rapid but proportionate response to contain the variant, which the state’s chief health officer says could be 70% more infectious than previous versions of the virus. It has pushed some UK hospitals to capacity.

“I know there will be some in Brisbane today asking ‘Why is this necessary? There is only one case.’ Well, this isn’t any ordinary case,” the prime minister told reporters.

“This is a very special case and one that requires us to treat things quite differently until we know more and we will learn much in the next few days. What Queenslanders will be doing over the next few days, they will be doing not just for themselves and their own communities, but for the rest of the country.”

So, general question. To those of you who believe COVID is as bad as they say (you know, people who don't mind that they lump in flu/pneumonia deaths as COVID and stuff like that) here's my question... what is the way to deal with it? What has PROVEN to be effective? What is your solution?


So, general question. To those of you who believe COVID is as bad as they say (you know, people who don't mind that they lump in flu/pneumonia deaths as COVID and stuff like that) here's my question... what is the way to deal with it? What has PROVEN to be effective? What is your solution?
I think this is an interesting idea:



Okay... so why didn't this happen?
The FDA refuses to authorise the tests because they are not deemed accurate enough to act as diagnostic devices. The UK has been using them in schools and major cities, but I guess haven't been able to procure enough to test the entire population regularly. Hopefully Biden will see the light and unblock the needed approval and funding to scale up production.
The FDA refuses to authorise the tests because they are not deemed accurate enough to act as diagnostic devices. The UK has been using them in schools and major cities, but I guess haven't been able to procure enough to test the entire population regularly. Hopefully Biden will see the light and unblock the needed approval and funding to scale up production.

This TIME article claims they're more accurate than PCR, though? What was that claim based on?


This TIME article claims they're more accurate than PCR, though? What was that claim based on?
Notice in the full quote it says:

"This also implies that antigen tests may even be more accurate than PCR, not less, when the goal of testing is to screen seemingly healthy people for presence of live, contagious virus."

The PCR test detects remnants of past cases up to a couple of months or so after the person has been infected. So even if the person is not contagious they will be treated the same as someone who is. On the other hand antigen tests are designed to pick up active infections, so people who are a genuinely a threat. (We can still use PCR tests to track the spread of the virus, since active and historical infections grow together. We just can't use them to accurately determine who should quarantine).
Okay... so why didn't this happen?
It requires 50% of the population to voluntarily take a test every few days and if that test indicates they are positive to then voluntarily isolate themselves. The obvious problem here is that people will not do this, trusting everyone else does and they can live as normal.


The UK's situation is absolutely ridiculous at the moment and its because its not being taken seriously enough by the public. Thankfully I've got my vaccine shot now.

I would say the mass majority are taking it seriously especially with the daily figures rocketing the way that they have. The problem is London should have been in T3 long ago, where I am we had a smaller infection rate (when adjusted for population) but were placed in T3 shortly after Lockdown 1 but the South were allowed to continue with increased infection rates and then they fled London carrying the Kent variant with them and spreading it around.


I would say the mass majority are taking it seriously especially with the daily figures rocketing the way that they have. The problem is London should have been in T3 long ago, where I am we had a smaller infection rate (when adjusted for population) but were placed in T3 shortly after Lockdown 1 but the South were allowed to continue with increased infection rates and then they fled London carrying the Kent variant with them and spreading it around.

We're run by a man who hates to be seen as the bad guy, and is an eternal optimist. Horrible traits to have in a pandemic. The UK would have been so much better off with faster, harder restrictions brought in by people not afraid to look like bastards.

In short, we needed a Thatcher, not a Johnson.


We're run by a man who hates to be seen as the bad guy, and is an eternal optimist. Horrible traits to have in a pandemic. The UK would have been so much better off with faster, harder restrictions brought in by people not afraid to look like bastards.

In short, we needed a Thatcher, not a Johnson.

Thatcher would have had us locked down and vaccinated by now, she was ruthless but what the Country needed. Boris does hate being the guy that pisses all over our civil liberties because he is a lib at heart I'm just glad it wasn't Corbyn or Captain hindsight running the show.

Just in my humble opinion I don't think any Country has got their Covid strategy right those that went with a zero strategy are going to suffer the longest with controlling outbreaks by constant mini lockdowns, those that acted to late (like the UK) are going to suffer lots of deaths but will come out of it quicker.


Thatcher would have had us locked down and vaccinated by now, she was ruthless but what the Country needed. Boris does hate being the guy that pisses all over our civil liberties because he is a lib at heart I'm just glad it wasn't Corbyn or Captain hindsight running the show.

Just in my humble opinion I don't think any Country has got their Covid strategy right those that went with a zero strategy are going to suffer the longest with controlling outbreaks by constant mini lockdowns, those that acted to late (like the UK) are going to suffer lots of deaths but will come out of it quicker.

Yep. She would have taken one look at the science and locked the fucking country down. She didn't give a shit about being popular, or what social media would have said about her. She was a ruthless bitch, who would have handled this pandemic better than any other world leader.

Boris is a 'good times' leader - look at his mayoral run in the noughties, it was great. But at times of great national suffering, he's utterly the wrong man for the job.

Mind you, no other politician currently would have done a better job probably. They're all empty suits more concerned with public image and their personal approval ratings than they are getting the job done.

Our only 'triumph' in all of this might be the fast roll out of the vaccine, if we can actually accomplish this. UK could be lifting restrictions far earlier than other nations if we hit the targets.


This is not about controlling a virus, it's about controlling you. Another beautiful demonstration of the "cure" being worse than the disease and proving that we're all shooting for an absolutely stupid "covid zero" goal:

I'm actually going to agree with you here for once Joe. A lockdown of this size is a massive over reaction to one case. She should be quarantined with all her contacts traced fully and monitored. But one case should not close down a city like Brisbane. Sledgehammer to crack a nut. Knee jerk reactions like this only fuel the paranoia about lockdowns. They are necessary when there are significant cases and deaths. Not before.
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So as far as we are concerned no new restrictions for Paris, just the regions in the east of France. Still no opening for museums, cinemas, gyms, restaurants. No idea if ski resorts will open - they will re-evaluate on the 20th, which is 2 weeks before school holidays start for some regions of France.


I'm actually going to agree with you here for once Joe. A lockdown of this size is a massive over reaction to one case. She should be quarantined with all her contacts traced fully and monitored. But one case should not close down a city like Brisbane. Sledgehammer to crack a nut. Knee jerk reactions like this only fuel the paranoia about lockdowns. They are necessary when there are significant cases and deaths. Not before.
Once these fuckers got a taste of power they can't help it.
I would say the mass majority are taking it seriously especially with the daily figures rocketing the way that they have. The problem is London should have been in T3 long ago, where I am we had a smaller infection rate (when adjusted for population) but were placed in T3 shortly after Lockdown 1 but the South were allowed to continue with increased infection rates and then they fled London carrying the Kent variant with them and spreading it around.
Its more just like I go outside during the stay at home order and see a ton of people outside. The only time I've really seen proper social distancing and mask use has been at the NHS vaccination centre. I think we need to be more like we were in march if we want to beat this.
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Yep. She would have taken one look at the science and locked the fucking country down. She didn't give a shit about being popular, or what social media would have said about her. She was a ruthless bitch, who would have handled this pandemic better than any other world leader.

Boris is a 'good times' leader - look at his mayoral run in the noughties, it was great. But at times of great national suffering, he's utterly the wrong man for the job.

Mind you, no other politician currently would have done a better job probably. They're all empty suits more concerned with public image and their personal approval ratings than they are getting the job done.

Our only 'triumph' in all of this might be the fast roll out of the vaccine, if we can actually accomplish this. UK could be lifting restrictions far earlier than other nations if we hit the targets.

I would say Boris is a good manager but a poor leader him acting too late got us in a worse position not as bad as it would have been anyway but still bad.

I honestly do think a massive vaccination program is now our only way out of this cycle of lockingdown if you don't want it then fine, but to get us out of it shit I'm willing to have it now would prefer the Oxford one though.

Its more just like I go outside during the stay at home order and see a ton of people outside. The only time I've really seen proper social distancing and mask use has been at the NHS vaccination centre

If they're outside, wearing masks, social distancing, and have maintained a strict support bubble system then would you not say that they are taking it seriously?

Cutty Flam

SARS had an estimated fatality rate of 4-8% and it has been circulating around the world since 2003 at what kind of pace? How did the world at large manage to escape that virus so easily? Should we be fearing SARS-CoV-2 this much if we’ve been exposed to SARS in the world since 2003 and it is much worse than the current novel coronavirus?

These are my main questions at the moment, has anyone come across any information?


SARS had an estimated fatality rate of 4-8% and it has been circulating around the world since 2003 at what kind of pace? How did the world at large manage to escape that virus so easily? Should we be fearing SARS-CoV-2 this much if we’ve been exposed to SARS in the world since 2003 and it is much worse than the current novel coronavirus?

These are my main questions at the moment, has anyone come across any information?
The new one has lower fatality but transmits more, the first one was opposite. They are different viruses but similar enough to be classified under a common term-SARS just like there are many dog breeds but they differ drastically from each other.
The numbers are in front of you. From CDC, about the original SARS:

The illness spread to 29 countries, where 8,096 people got SARS and 774 of them died.

COVID-19 had 3,900 deaths in US alone yesterday:

I would say Boris is a good manager but a poor leader him acting too late got us in a worse position not as bad as it would have been anyway but still bad.

I honestly do think a massive vaccination program is now our only way out of this cycle of lockingdown if you don't want it then fine, but to get us out of it shit I'm willing to have it now would prefer the Oxford one though.

If they're outside, wearing masks, social distancing, and have maintained a strict support bubble system then would you not say that they are taking it seriously?
I think the Pfizer is the more effective one.

Also, for Scotland the stay at home order says absolutely should not be out unless essential. But theres still about same amount of people as normal here. I think control measures will increase until people stay at home like at March.


Unconfirmed Member
I think the Pfizer is the more effective one.

Also, for Scotland the stay at home order says absolutely should not be out unless essential. But theres still about same amount of people as normal here. I think control measures will increase until people stay at home like at March.

Beatings will continue until morale improves. If people aren't obeying the current rules what makes you think they'll obey new rules? The public's had enough of this horse shit.
Beatings will continue until morale improves. If people aren't obeying the current rules what makes you think they'll obey new rules? The public's had enough of this horse shit.
Probably nothing. Thats why all hope is likely on the vaccine. The case numbers are growing insanely fast at the moment and thats going to translate into deaths.


Unconfirmed Member
Probably nothing. Thats why all hope is likely on the vaccine. The case numbers are growing insanely fast at the moment and thats going to translate into deaths.

Tbh the vaccine is, as you say, the only shot at getting out of this shit. It gives politicians a way out without having to admit they fucked up, but hey if it gets us out of lockdown fuck it. Personally I'm willing to take the Oxford one as it's the least experimental, the other one can fuck right off. Let's just hope the bastards don't find some other excuse to keep lockdowns going indefinitely.
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SARS had an estimated fatality rate of 4-8% and it has been circulating around the world since 2003 at what kind of pace? How did the world at large manage to escape that virus so easily? Should we be fearing SARS-CoV-2 this much if we’ve been exposed to SARS in the world since 2003 and it is much worse than the current novel coronavirus?

These are my main questions at the moment, has anyone come across any information?
Like Jethalal Jethalal said, this new virus spreads a lot, and I mean it, A LOT more easily than the SARS from 2003. Fortunately it doesn't kill as many people as the former virus did, if that was the case we would be really really fucked.
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I think the Pfizer is the more effective one.

Also, for Scotland the stay at home order says absolutely should not be out unless essential. But theres still about same amount of people as normal here. I think control measures will increase until people stay at home like at March.

I don't know about effectiveness but I like Oxfords agreement with AZ that any vaccine cannot be sold for a profit.


Idk I've been under T3 for a long time now but my area has low covid spread because of it but many people have formed support bubbles or have better work place practices and could return to work with smaller and larger businesses now offering Click and Collect there was always going to be an increase in traffic but on the whole many have kept to it and stayed at home. To us in T3 the only difference schools are shut in Lockdown 3 you just gotta stay at home the same thing we've been doing for fucking ages.
One relatively easy way to know the vaccines should work on the newer variant is that I have been hearing about swaths of people being reinfected during this new surge. So it seems like whatever immunity is required to prevent the old variants also protects against the new one.


Gold Member
I think the Pfizer is the more effective one.

Also, for Scotland the stay at home order says absolutely should not be out unless essential. But theres still about same amount of people as normal here. I think control measures will increase until people stay at home like at March.

I can't speak to Scotland, but people are over this shit. The vast majority of people (90%+) have endured through this, followed the rules, and suffered tremendously, but we're at a point where people are saying, if I get sick I get sick, I need to live my life.

It's basic human psychology, and the fact that the government officials keep breaking their own rules, or ignoring them when it is politically convenient, does not help.

I wonder if this is how civilization kept moving, for hundreds and even thousands of years, even in the face of stuff like smallpox, polio, the pandemics that plagued Constantinople and Athens, the Black Plague, etc.
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I can't speak to Scotland, but people are over this shit. The vast majority of people (90%+) have endured through this, followed the rules, and suffered tremendously, but we're at a point where people are saying, if I get sick I get sick, I need to live my life.

It's basic human psychology, and the fact that the government officials keep breaking their own rules, or ignoring them when it is politically convenient, does not help.

I wonder if this is how civilization kept moving, for hundreds and even thousands of years, even in the face of stuff like smallpox, polio, the pandemics that plagued Constantinople and Athens, the Black Plague, etc.
People had to be. I'm not sure we could consider ourselves advancing if we just give up controlling disease and infection. The way we build cities and approach Healthcare IS a big part of the problem tho.
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Gold Member
People had to be. I'm not sure we could consider ourselves advancing if we just give up controlling disease and infection. The way we build cities and approach Healthcare IS a big part of the problem tho.
The problem is, for the past almost-year, we have become locked in this box of "the only way to control disease and infection is to force everyone into their homes, shame them into contacting other human beings, force them to wear nappies on their face 24/7, cancel all holidays, and constantly annoy them and scare them with constant fear mongering propaganda and lies." As some have said, we got to this point where a lot of people think the default state of our society is lockdown, with openings being granted to us at the whims of the government - an idea that you would have been called a nut for saying a year ago.

This maybe isn't the best way to control disease and infection, and we need to go back and think about this.
I'm actually going to agree with you here for once Joe. A lockdown of this size is a massive over reaction to one case. She should be quarantined with all her contacts traced fully and monitored. But one case should not close down a city like Brisbane. Sledgehammer to crack a nut. Knee jerk reactions like this only fuel the paranoia about lockdowns. They are necessary when there are significant cases and deaths. Not before.
Given how many people seem to be asymptomatic carriers, the sledgehammer may actually be the right tool for once. You can't effectively control a disease the transmission of which you can't fully track, by just employing measures that are adequate for the threat level you can only actually see.


Gold Member
Given how many people seem to be asymptomatic carriers, the sledgehammer may actually be the right tool for once. You can't effectively control a disease the transmission of which you can't fully track, by just employing measures that are adequate for the threat level you can only actually see.

Asymptomatic cases have but a tiny fraction of the transmissibility (?) of symptomatic ones.

Look, the bottom line is, we've all done this heavy handed stuff for a long time, we've all been wearing masks (90%+) since April, the places they theorized to have high rates of transmission have been closed for a long time, etc., this stuff is not working if your goal is to get zero cases on a 40 cycle PCR test. The idea we just need to mask harder or whatever doesn't fly, and more lockdowns are just going to lead to more underground speakeasies and shit like that. We have vaccines which seem to work and we need a new approach.
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Get fucked FunkMiller.
Your anecdote is "the dumbest shit he's ever seen in his life" because it doesn't fit with his narrative. He's totally cool serving up anecdotes of his own though as long as they confirm his bias.

Get fucked FunkMiller.
Our proposed rate of vaccination (if achieved) will see over a quarter of the UK population vaccinated by the end of February - a large amount of which will have had two jabs. This will almost kill the damn thing off in the country and we can start to get back to normal.
What'll kill it off as we go out of winter is the seasonal nature of respiratory infections. That'll be credited to the vaccine either way. The key is to see if it comes roaring back next fall.
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Gold Member
I don't know how it is in other states but here in New York the loser duo of DeBlasio and Cuomo are completely botching this vaccine rollout, it's just utterly comical (because of course they are) and infuriating (because while they bicker and point fingers, people who could benefit from the vaccine are not getting it).

I suspect the issue is that Cuomo decided to take full control of the rollout (of course he did) as opposed to leaving it in the hands of the people who roll out flu vaccines every year, lower level health officials and private businesses. He also decided to turn it into a SJW virtue signaling exercise, so he demands that certain identity groups should get priority and you have to stick with the priority and you will be fined if you don't stick with the priority and so forth.


Its more just like I go outside during the stay at home order and see a ton of people outside. The only time I've really seen proper social distancing and mask use has been at the NHS vaccination centre. I think we need to be more like we were in march if we want to beat this.

You are going outside during the stay at home order?
Then you are moaning because there are other people outside too?
How do you know they aren't all out for the same reasons as you?

Maybe I am misunderstanding here but how can you rationalize going outside yourself but then imagine in your mind that all the other people outside really have no reason to be out there?
You are going outside during the stay at home order?
Then you are moaning because there are other people outside too?
How do you know they aren't all out for the same reasons as you?

Maybe I am misunderstanding here but how can you rationalize going outside yourself but then imagine in your mind that all the other people outside really have no reason to be out there?
I'm a frontliner.

Its certainly possible and I acknowledge that, but theres a difference from March and now.
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