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Mask Efficacy |OT| Wuhan!! Got You All In Check

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Airbus Jr

Remove mask mandates and explain the evidence is weak as I have presented. Say there was a policy of using social disapproval to enforce them but this has backfired and led to social division, and apologise for that. End mask shaming, saying it is damaging and not backed by the evidence.

People who want to wear masks will wear them, people who don’t won’t.

Not sure why you posted the empty hospital article, that is a separate subject.

Mask shaming?🤭🤭🤭

So what youre trying to prove here is... not wearing mask is safer then wearing mask (in preventing airborne disease) ?

Is that what youre trying to say?
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Mask shaming?

So youre trying to prove here is... not wearing mask is safer then wearing mask?

Is that what youre trying to say?

No I’m trying to say the evidence that masks prevent infection is too weak to mandate masks, so remove mandates and explicitly reverse policy of encouraging social disapproval for people not wearing masks.

Airbus Jr

No I’m trying to say the evidence that masks prevent infection is too weak to mandate masks, so remove mandates and explicitly reverse policy of encouraging social disapproval for people not wearing masks.
So going by this statement...at the same time...youre claiming that the health experts have been wrong the whole time then? And yours is more accurate? Is that correct?

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So going by this statement...at the same time...youre claiming that the health experts have been wrong the whole time then?

“So what you’re saying is”

Are you a ventriloquist? You keep trying to put words in other people’s mouths.
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I marvel at the modern world we live in.

100 years ago (almost to the year) spanish influenza killed anywhere between 17 million (low estimate; highly contested) and 100 million people out of a world population of 1.9 billion.

Current death estimates for COVID 19 along the same timeframe are shy of 2 million for COVID 19, out of a world population of 7.6 billion with far denser megacities and more ubiquitous travel / trade tied into our society.

The deaths are tragic, but this was not a civilization-ending event. We weathered it successfully and can continue evaluating the best ways to do so moving forward.


I’m talking strictly about the United States now, which is a large country with 50 different states doing 50 different things. I’m not really talking about masks. Everyone is doing masks. I’m talking about government restrictions. None of them made any difference. No state is doing drastically better than the rest. Some clamped down hard while others barely at all. It has made no difference in terms of controlling the virus.

Florida has no restrictions essentially. Texas has very few restrictions. In California you aren’t even allowed to eat outside, much less do anything inside. Hasn’t really changed anything. Certainly hasn’t worked well enough to justify the economic impact in California. Schools are open in many places. Never opened in others. Doesn’t seem to matter. Except to the massive increase kids who have been failing thanks to “virtual learning”.

My point is not that masks don’t work. We can agree to disagree. The point is government restrictions aren’t working.

Oh, right. Well from the outsiders perspective, the Trump administration did a horrible fucking job at federal level, leaving states to impose their own restrictions which varied wildly. Restrictions do work - your government just didn’t implement them properly.

A cross state, national response would have worked far better, but Trump was a denier, and so nothing coordinated got done, leading to the current mess your country is in.

Similarly, Johnson’s government in the U.K responded poorly, which is why we’ve had such a bad dose of it. Tories not deniers - just desperate not be seen as ‘bad guys’ in a political environment full of empty suits.
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Oh, right. Well from the outsiders perspective, the Trump administration did a horrible fucking job at federal level, leaving states to impose their own restrictions which varied wildly. Restrictions do work - your government just didn’t implement them properly.

A cross state, national response would have worked far better, but Trump was a denier, and so nothing coordinated got done, leading to the current mess your country is in.

Similarly, Johnson’s government in the U.K responded poorly, which is why we’ve had such a bad dose of it.
So no explanation besides “Trump”.


I have a hard time keeping up with the thread because of work and family taking my time but I see we are back at masks.

I mean, everyone pretty much seems to agree that there is no good evidence they work in a general population, the arguments seem to be that it should have to be proven that they do not work before public health recommendations should be removed.

You should definitely wear them where there is a mandate since that will give good data for analysis later, a lot can be learned from this experience. But believe it or not, we care about our loved ones here in Sweden without using masks also. More and more evidence from other countries seem to indicate that the mandates are useless though, but I am confident the health officials would change their tune here if other countries found a way to really make them work.

Prison Mike

So literally the definition of virtue signally. Good for you.

Why don’t you really show them how much you love them by not visiting them for a year or two?
If you were my loved one i could easy go a decade
James Franco Flirt GIF
So going by this statement...at the same time...youre claiming that the health experts have been wrong the whole time then? And yours is more accurate? Is that correct?

You are ignoring all the evidence that this is political that I have presented. The article you quote is not evidence but 'modelling' which on the hierarchy of scientific evidence is very low and is superceded by RCT studies. The highest standard evidence we have are the RCT studies I have cited. It is very disingenuous of Fauci to say it has become political - by states mandating masks, this makes them political!

If you can find RCT studies on masks (which you won't be able to as I've looked for them) that show they offer statistically significant differences in infection rates, instead of 'modelling' and cherry picked observational studies of dubious origin by Chinese authors, then we can discuss those further. As it is, the weight of scientific and journalistic evidence shows that masks:

1. Have been mandated not due to evidence but due to political lobbying.
2. Are ineffective in controlling infection rates and
3. May be harmful if used improperly

In Switzerland there was no difference in infection rates between different cantons that had different policies: https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-swiss-mask-wearing

Please read this in its entirety - it was posted before in the thread by Joe T. Joe T. but has been ignored as far as I can see:

There is scientific fraud going on for political purposes. You really need to understand this and be very wary and critical when reviewing evidence for masks. RCT studies are the gold standard - modelling and observational studies that go against those studies can safely be dismissed as 'political theatre'.
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Airbus Jr

You are ignoring all the evidence that this is political that I have presented. The article you quote is not evidence but 'modelling' which on the hierarchy of scientific evidence is very low and is superceded by RCT studies. The highest standard evidence we have are the RCT studies I have cited. It is very disingenuous of Fauci to say it has become political - by states mandating masks, this makes them political!

If you can find RCT studies on masks (which you won't be able to as I've looked for them) that show they offer statistically significant differences in infection rates, instead of 'modelling' and cherry picked observational studies of dubious origin by Chinese authors, then we can discuss those further. As it is, the weight of scientific and journalistic evidence shows that masks:

1. Have been mandated not due to evidence but due to political lobbying.
2. Are ineffective in controlling infection rates and
3. May be harmful if used improperly

In Switzerland there was no difference in infection rates between different cantons that had different policies: https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-swiss-mask-wearing

Please read this in its entirety - it was posted before in the thread by Joe T. Joe T. but has been ignored as far as I can see:

There is scientific fraud going on for political purposes. You really need to understand this and be very wary and critical when reviewing evidence for masks. RCT studies are the gold standard - modelling and observational studies that go against those studies can safely be dismissed as 'political theatre'.

So you admitted that this disease is all about politics am i correct?


So no explanation besides “Trump”.

Ah.... I see.

It’s painfully clear to everyone outside the US, and for all those who aren’t Trump supporters, that his administration’s efforts to quell the virus have been lacklustre to say the least - due to his leadership. A better President with a better administration would have done a better job of coordinating and instigating lockdown measures across the US to prevent the amount of cases and deaths we’ve seen.

However, Trump’s leadership is absolutely the central reason why the US’s response has been so awful, and the spread so massive.

I’d imagine for anyone who continues to support him (even after his incitement of the thugs that beat a cop to death) that it’s much easier to look for other reasons as to why America is so badly affected by the pandemic - despite the cold, hard truth staring us all in the face.

As ever, political bias destroys reasoned thinking, and I fully expect you to not agree with any of this.
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So you admitted that this disease is all about politics am i correct?

... I'm doing my best to have a productive discussion with you and present my position as clearly as I can. I'm specifically talking about the effectiveness of masks and how they are being used for political theatre. I've already agreed with you that masks have become political. The disease itself being political is a different discussion and honestly I don't think we know enough to do more than speculate about that. Masks can at least be subject to scientific enquiry to determine the truth, which is out there for anyone who is willing to be objective enough to see it.
Ah.... I see.

It’s painfully clear to everyone outside the US, and for all those who aren’t Trump supporters, that his administration’s efforts to quell the virus have been lacklustre to say the least - due to his leadership. A better President with a better administration would have done a better job of coordinating and instigating lockdown measures across the US to prevent the amount of cases and deaths we’ve seen.

However, Trump’s leadership is absolutely the central reason why the US’s response has been so awful, and the spread so massive.

I’d imagine for anyone who continues to support him (even after his incitement of the thugs that beat a cop to death) that it’s much easier to look for other reasons as to why America is so badly affected by the pandemic - despite the cold, hard truth staring us all in the face.

As ever, political bias destroys reasoned thinking, and I fully expect you to not agree with any of this.

I tagged you in my post above about masks evidence and you haven't responded yet, while notseqi notseqi and Airbus Jr Airbus Jr have. Would be interested in hearing your response.


Gold Member
Man, the new travel restriction on having to have a test within 72 hours of a flight coming back to the US really sucks. Especially during this time of year when a day or two delay in flight because of weather is pretty common.

Airbus Jr

... I'm doing my best to have a productive discussion with you and present my position as clearly as I can. I'm specifically talking about the effectiveness of masks and how they are being used for political theatre. I've already agreed with you that masks have become political. The disease itself being political is a different discussion and honestly I don't think we know enough to do more than speculate about that. Masks can at least be subject to scientific enquiry to determine the truth, which is out there for anyone who is willing to be objective enough to see it.

So essentially the mask itself is more about political control over safety measurement?

I suppose thats the context and correct message here?
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Ah.... I see.

It’s painfully clear to everyone outside the US, and for all those who aren’t Trump supporters, that his administration’s efforts to quell the virus have been lacklustre to say the least - due to his leadership. A better President with a better administration would have done a better job of coordinating and instigating lockdown measures across the US to prevent the amount of cases and deaths we’ve seen.

However, Trump’s leadership is absolutely the central reason why the US’s response has been so awful, and the spread so massive.

I’d imagine for anyone who continues to support him (even after his incitement of the thugs that beat a cop to death) that it’s much easier to look for other reasons as to why America is so badly affected by the pandemic - despite the cold, hard truth staring us all in the face.

As ever, political bias destroys reasoned thinking, and I fully expect you to not agree with any of this.
Oh no. I agree with some of it. Trump didn’t do a good job. Especially with messaging. And he should’ve closed all international travel early on. Not just China. I knew something was up at the end of December in China. If I can see something is up, I’m sure the government knew a hell of a lot more. They should’ve been doing more to get prepared. And been more honest.

Some of his moves were good. Mobilizing the private sector got us the vaccines. Hospitals are well stocked with PPE. It was not all bad. It wasn’t all good. His messaging sucked. Too nonchalant. Too optimistic. You have to be grounded in reality. It’s a bad virus. Pretending it was going to disappear by fucking Easter was incredibly stupid.

I disagree about the lockdowns. My opinion is we were on the track we are on now as soon as there was community spread all over the country. That happened pretty fast. At that point it’s over. You can’t put the genie back in the bottle. Masks do something but not much. Social distancing works a little but humans are social creatures, so good luck maintaining it for very long. Lockdowns work to slow the virus but kill everything else, so not good for very long, and complete lockdowns are impossible without Mad Max level destruction. A good % of society is “essential” to the point where lockdowns aren’t really lockdowns.

I’ve soured on Trump recently but I was never a true believer anyway. There was a time he seemed like the only politician really speaking to issues I found important. I have come to realize that where I thought Trump was the package for the ideas, it was really the ideas that Trump used to package himself. So I’ll admit to being wrong about that.

My feelings on masks are not political. I have worn one every day in every store I go into. I wear one at work nearly all day long. There are times I don’t wear one, like when I’m at home or when I’m exercising. But I’m pretty compliant. My problem with masks is they aren’t working like public health people said they would. They have failed to control the virus.
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So essentially the mask itself is more about political control over safety measurement?

I suppose thats the context and correct message here?

I think that's a fair restatement of my position, yes. Now, whether the politicians mandating masks believe it or not or if there is any ulterior motive or not is another thing. We then move into the realm of speculation as I said.

I am happy to speculate but that's all it is - I know I might be wrong when trying to understand and explain the reasons behind everything happening.

From the evidence I've gathered over this past year I believe the mostly likely thing happening right now is an enormous 4th Generation Warfare move primarily for the benefit of the CCP and others who have converging interests.

I base this on the outcome of:

1. Collapsed economies (apart from China)
2. Increased political division (apart from China)

Driven by:

1. Lockdown policy (from China)
2. PCR test based on the in silico (theoretical) genome sequences used to create the PCR protocol (from China)
3. Divisive mask policy (driven by China - see https://news.cgtn.com/news/2020-10-...hina-s-COVID-19-control-UuUsPC8lOg/index.html)

Don't expect this to be reported. Too inconvienent.

Why inconvenient?

It looks like we're in a permanent state of being vaccinated every 8-12 weeks, lockdown, social distancing, masking etc - this is the holding pattern. Not sure what the exit criteria for all this is - any time a new strain pops up we will presumably just continue doing what we're doing now.
I think that's a fair restatement of my position, yes. Now, whether the politicians mandating masks believe it or not or if there is any ulterior motive or not is another thing. We then move into the realm of speculation as I said.

I am happy to speculate but that's all it is - I know I might be wrong when trying to understand and explain the reasons behind everything happening.

From the evidence I've gathered over this past year I believe the mostly likely thing happening right now is an enormous 4th Generation Warfare move primarily for the benefit of the CCP and others who have converging interests.

I base this on the outcome of:

1. Collapsed economies (apart from China)
2. Increased political division (apart from China)

Driven by:

1. Lockdown policy (from China)
2. PCR test based on the in silico (theoretical) genome sequences used to create the PCR protocol (from China)
3. Divisive mask policy (driven by China - see https://news.cgtn.com/news/2020-10-...hina-s-COVID-19-control-UuUsPC8lOg/index.html)

More fuel for the above speculation: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/20...ins-expected-say-chinese-army-grew-dangerous/


Hey thats not a nice thing to say dont you think prag

You said most healthcare workers are morons

I suppose my fellow gamer friend prag16 from neogaf is the real expert here when it comes to covid 19 ?🤭🤔

Prag...prag..prag...oh my litle prag...

I don't understand what the difficulty that you're having is. I assert that anyone who his disinfecting their groceries is a moron. You state that most healthcare workers you know are disinfecting their groceries. I state that therefore most healthcare workers you know are morons. I highly doubt most healthcare workers in general are disinfecting their groceries, so I wouldn't agree with a statement that "most healthcare workers are morons". It's just the ones you know (or claim to know) apparently. What's so hard about this? And you can lose the condescending bullshit. It doesn't make you look intelligent.
I am relieved you don't have a say in this and your types aren't living close. I'll stick with trying new ways out and keeping the things that work, even if it's only 2% better than what we did before.
Yep, all the devastation we've wrought upon society in order to improve the COVID infection rate by 2% has been SO worth it. Right on.
Good old Fauci. Always following the science, that guy...
“It could be — a possibility — that we have our own mutant that’s being more easily transmissible,” Fauci told The Washington Post on Monday. “We don’t know. We’re looking for it…If you look at the slope of our curve, which is very steep, it looks a bit like the curve in the UK.”
I just love when my public health experts speculate about things for which they have no evidence.
But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says it has found no evidence of that a new strain of the virus in in the U.S., while other health experts say the sudden spike in cases could be happening because of other causes.
I don’t even care if they work. I’m going to wear 5 just to show people how much I care.

You know what really stops covid? A plastic grocery bag....

Good hypothesis - the more masks you wear, the more it shows you care. Plastic bags may present an issue of asphyxiation, but I've just quickly modelled an optimum caring-asphyxiation matrix and I estimate that possibly there could be an optimum usage of 20 masks to display maximum caring before plastic bag-like asphyxiation effects start to kick in.

Can you do a quick peer review for me and then we can get this published and sent out to the papers.
Good hypothesis - the more masks you wear, the more it shows you care. Plastic bags may present an issue of asphyxiation, but I've just quickly modelled an optimum caring-asphyxiation matrix and I estimate that possibly there could be an optimum usage of 20 masks to display maximum caring before plastic bag-like asphyxiation effects start to kick in.

Can you do a quick peer review for me and then we can get this published and sent out to the papers.
The thing is, people who aren’t willing to risk asphyxiation really don’t love their families. That’s how we can sell it. “Nothing stops the spread like being dead”

Or “go into a coma to stop the Rona”
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So going by this statement...at the same time...youre claiming that the health experts have been wrong the whole time then? And yours is more accurate? Is that correct?

You mean this Fauci

The only people who need masks are those who are already infected to keep from exposing others. The masks sold at drugstores aren't even good enough to truly protect anyone, Fauci said.
"If you look at the masks that you buy in a drug store, the leakage around that doesn't really do much to protect you," he said. "People start saying, 'Should I start wearing a mask?' Now, in the United States, there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to wear a mask."

Here is Fauci saying that in the history of pandemics asymptomatic spread was never a driver

Which Fauci do I believe the guy that was so confident in telling everyone masks are useless and that only sick people spread the virus, or the Fauci that did a 180 and said masks are the most important thing and that asymptomatic spread is driving the virus?


Good old Fauci. Always following the science, that guy...

I just love when my public health experts speculate about things for which they have no evidence.

Makes sense. They will say its the mutant strain not the inept work by the government now that Biden is POTUS.

Its not Bizzles fault there is a super strain out there. Oh well open up and get on with it as Cuomo says.

SA, Japan, UK now US, you get a super strain you get a super strain we all get super strains


So will meet a friend today again in the city. Just takinga walk with masks and stuff. He is home alone and has holidays but cant stand it anymore to sit around whole day.

Lets hope the Covid Aliens wont attack us xD


Mask shaming?🤭🤭🤭

So what youre trying to prove here is... not wearing mask is safer then wearing mask (in preventing airborne disease) ?

Is that what youre trying to say?

It's not airborne as in it floats around, it's in droplets.

And I firmly believe that masks are responsible for this huge resurgence. The only way to safely wear a mask outside of a surgery is;

  1. Wash your hands
  2. Open new mask from sterile packaging and place over your pie hole
  3. Wash your hands
  4. Don't touch your mask the entire time you are wearing it
  5. Wash your hands when you are done wearing it
  6. Take it off
  7. Throw away or in laundry
  8. Wash your hands

How people wear them

  1. Pull up at the supermarket
  2. Grab a shopping cart/trolley
  3. Walk to entrance of the supermarket
  4. Stop
  5. Pull out their grotty unwashed mask that they have worn 50 times since they last washed their hands
  6. Put on said mask
  7. Enter supermarket
  8. Pick up a box of cookies,
  9. Decide they don't want those cookies,
  10. Put down said cookies
  11. Fiddle with their mask
  12. Walk away blissfully unaware that the last person that touched said cookie box contaminated it with Covid
  13. Breathe in through now contaminated mask that is to Covid what a chain-link fence is to a mosquito.
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Holy shit. I just posted this as a joke here two days ago.

I've posted the same thing before too.

Funny how "anti-masker" JOKES somehow sound like good ideas to these people.

Guess we know more than the experts!

Maybe they should just listen to our jokes!

Oh and as you posted earlier, COVID warriors always resort to the laughing reaction when they have nothing to say. Seen it on Facebook a million times.
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Good hypothesis - the more masks you wear, the more it shows you care. Plastic bags may present an issue of asphyxiation, but I've just quickly modelled an optimum caring-asphyxiation matrix and I estimate that possibly there could be an optimum usage of 20 masks to display maximum caring before plastic bag-like asphyxiation effects start to kick in.

Can you do a quick peer review for me and then we can get this published and sent out to the papers.
Well, if caring obliterates Covid......


Airbus Jr

You mean this Fauci

Here is Fauci saying that in the history of pandemics asymptomatic spread was never a driver

Which Fauci do I believe the guy that was so confident in telling everyone masks are useless and that only sick people spread the virus, or the Fauci that did a 180 and said masks are the most important thing and that asymptomatic spread is driving the virus?

The latter

I trust him more then the conspiracy theory group and so called cov-19 expert on gaf...

Such as Joe T...

Who declare cov 19 is not a virus..but amalgamation of flu, cancer and tumours...

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Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
I marvel at the modern world we live in.

100 years ago (almost to the year) spanish influenza killed anywhere between 17 million (low estimate; highly contested) and 100 million people out of a world population of 1.9 billion.

Current death estimates for COVID 19 along the same timeframe are shy of 2 million for COVID 19, out of a world population of 7.6 billion with far denser megacities and more ubiquitous travel / trade tied into our society.

The deaths are tragic, but this was not a civilization-ending event. We weathered it successfully and can continue evaluating the best ways to do so moving forward.
probably because we also have better modern medicine remedies as well as ventilators to help people if they are struggling with the virus etc. compared to the spanish influenza which you stated was 100 years ago.......no shit we would be doing better. If we didnt have all this modern advancements in health care we would probably be in the same spot we were 100 years ago.


The latter

I trust him more then the conspiracy theory group and so called cov-19 expert on gaf...

Such as Joe T...

Who declare cov 19 is not a virus..but amalgamation of flu, cancer and tumours...


I would chose a different expert, Fauci has twice admitted that he lied because he thinks you are a stupid idiot.

As far as my fellow canuck and MTL boy, everyone knows that he meant by that comment that things like Flu/cancer/tumors etc are being thrown into the COVID bucket, not that COVID 19 is the Flu/cancer/tumors combining like voltron to create COVID.

But you don't have to believe GAF experts, I just wouldn't put to much faith in Fauci because he has 0 faith in you.



That number per se is somewhat misleading but the communication/PR about this vaccine was awfully handled.

It's a 50.34% against non symptomatic (something that other trials didn't took into account) to mild cases and almost 80% against mild/severe cases.

I believe that this is a very good efficacy considering that this vaccine is way cheaper that Pfizer and Moderna, it don't need the -70° C refrigeration that make the logistics impossible to the Brazilian reality, we have a good quantity in stock and Brazil has the production rights.

It will be a good alternative for developing countries.


Good old Fauci. Always following the science, that guy...

I just love when my public health experts speculate about things for which they have no evidence.
This is a massive problem for me. He’s letting his ego get to him, soaking up how everyone is hanging onto his every word. He should not be out there “riffing” and musing about possibilities. Give us the facts and say that there isn’t enough data to know for everything else. It should be like a crime based press conference, end of story.

I don’t think these people understand that they are directly impacting large swaths of people with every word.
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This is a massive problem for me. He’s letting his ego get to him, soaking up how everyone is hanging onto his every word. He should not be out there “riffing” and musing about possibilities. Give us the facts and say that there isn’t enough data to know for everything else. It should be like a crime based press conference, end of story.

I don’t think these people understand that they are directly impacting large swaths of people with every word.
Oh he realizes it. That’s why he changed his story on herd immunity. Then he changed it again when he got called out for it.

It’s time to realize Fauci is just a shitty guy.


Shit virus is straight up spreading like wildfire around my area, one after the other gets infected and with the english version coming in the lockdowns are going to get worse and worse sooner rather then later.
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