1944: Americans dying for freedom, human rights, democracy, world peace.From that same tweet:
2020: Americans dying because of a dysfunctional government led by an imbecile.
1944: Americans dying for freedom, human rights, democracy, world peace.From that same tweet:
In which months do most flu deaths traditionally happen the US?
To see what our world leaders are will to get away with?This was all a giant hoax, just accept it. Question is why.
You can see a chart here which shows the last several years of mortality for Flu and Pneumonia:In which months do most flu deaths traditionally happen the US?
This was all a giant hoax, just accept it. Question is why.
I would say flu season is generally October/November through February/March.
I'm not sure if any group is organized enough to carry this whole event as a full on "hoax". That being said, there was a lot of panic and fear at the beginning, and now nobody seems to be willing to walk back any of the earlier assumptions that were made back in March. Really, the government should be admitting the truth about the impact that this has on the general population. They should let people carry on with their lives, with a stern warning that the elderly, and especially the compromised elderly, need to be protected and watched out for.
Hasn't this been kinda known for a while?
I remember Italy was like 98% with underlying conditions. NYC had 90% for people under 55 had underlying conditions. Its just any time you say it someone will come up with the ancedote of that one healthy (350 lbs) person who got it and died.
Immunity last about 6 months ans you can probably burn this thing out at about 15-25% herd. Just get younger people infected and protect the elderly.
That's because as of right now, we have 2 documented, potential cases of reinfection. 2. In the world. There are more people being struck by lightning for the second time just today. Its interesting in terms of how things might work immunity wise. But anyone who is concerned about it should also be way more concerned about going outside in a thunderstorm.
1944: Americans dying for freedom, human rights, democracy, world peace.
2020: Americans dying because of a dysfunctional government led by an imbecile.
Totally acceptableUsing that logic, only 0.002% of Americans (2811 out of 138 million) died in battle on D-Day or the month after.
Yup , but he is actually wrong as the Netherlands alone has documented 3 cases ...They are confirmed cases not potential cases.
As to how serious it is. Right now not especially but it is worth keeping an eye on how things progress.
PCR actually is a very save method, and the PCR used is tailored for COVID19. That’s why the Netherlands tests when you have Covid symptoms.This is what epidemiologists are starting to say in Germany too. That concentrating too much on the PCR was a mistake because even if the test is positive in most cases the person is no longer contagious. A huge part of the problem is that the RKI is too slow to adjust to new information/studies.
Yup , but he is actually wrong as the Netherlands alone has documented 3 cases ...
Who is talking about making policies from these findings ? He is stating there are 2 found cases WW, which is factually wrong as there are more ...You don’t make general policy on 3 cases. If the vast majority of people don’t get infected again, and infection only has a tiny chance of killing you, then reinfection is a non-issue.
Still a tiny tiny number that is ultimately insignificant. The point is that these are not numbers to give a shit about. Sure it's not much fun for the few individuals affected but it doesn't imply a wider problem yet - it might be that a small number of people find their immune systems don't do a good enough job of maintaining those T-cells, who knows. However, for most purposes, for most analyses, the virus doesn't reinfect you. The danger we have, with a media that is presentist and emotionalises every story to highlight what are in reality small and trivial things if they fit a narrative, is that the media will pick up on this and use it to drive home that fear porn - we'll never escape the rona and we'll have to lock down forever.Who is talking about making policies from these findings ? He is stating there are 2 found cases WW, which is factually wrong as there are more ...
3!!!! 3 people???? 3 whole people? If it gets to 4, you guys should probably lock down again.Yup , but he is actually wrong as the Netherlands alone has documented 3 cases ...
Corona viruses reinfect you all the timeStill a tiny tiny number that is ultimately insignificant. The point is that these are not numbers to give a shit about. Sure it's not much fun for the few individuals affected but it doesn't imply a wider problem yet - it might be that a small number of people find their immune systems don't do a good enough job of maintaining those T-cells, who knows. However, for most purposes, for most analyses, the virus doesn't reinfect you. The danger we have, with a media that is presentist and emotionalises every story to highlight what are in reality small and trivial things if they fit a narrative, is that the media will pick up on this and use it to drive home that fear porn - we'll never escape the rona and we'll have to lock down forever.
Corona viruses reinfect you all the timethey are widespread and even cause common cold that is around for ages , but those don’t leave implications like this one , why do you think the world is in a locked down state? Much is unknown about this virus it’s nothing to be as scared as you guys are for following some simple rules or overreacting like all your freedom is taken away but it’s a point of concern for the scientific community.
I'm not sure if any group is organized enough to carry this whole event as a full on "hoax". That being said, there was a lot of panic and fear at the beginning, and now nobody seems to be willing to walk back any of the earlier assumptions that were made back in March.
Who can disagree that many western countries, led by the US and UK, failed the Covid test? Yet scratch the surface and you find a host of anomalies: why did Quebec and Belgium do so badly and Greece so well? And the book swings between attributing all national differences to the politicians in charge and then claiming that it is “lazy” to blame poor performance on a particular set of leaders.
The idea that relative death figures are a measure of government competence is surely too simple. Population density, a society’s degree of openness, the existence of a global hub such as London, the pre-existing health condition of the population and the efficiency of the state machine must be taken into account before judging how different leaderships have performed. And we simply don’t yet know enough about how Covid-19 works to confidently allocate causal weight to these factors.
Given America’s known vulnerabilities, compounded by a private health sector, would a US Covid strategy led by an intelligent, consensus-building Barack Obama have been more successful than one led by a divisive Donald Trump? It would have helped, but nobody knows how much.
Sweden further complicates the picture. By having the lightest restrictions of any western country, it recorded a worse outcome than other Scandinavians, but its death rate was not as bad as the worst-performing Europeans, and it is now enjoying the least bad economic fallout.
In terms of the West-East comparison the analysis is even more threadbare. The authors clearly have no idea why the East performed so much better. They barely mention the recent Sars experience, which meant that Asian countries were prepared for a Covid virus while many western countries were braced for a flu-style pandemic. And how important to the superior outcomes in Asia was the relative lack of concern for privacy and civil liberties in the track-and-trace systems?
It's not that simple.I remember Italy was like 98% with underlying conditions.
This is why when people talk about listening to the "experts" like they're the clergy, I reflexively push back. The experts are people slightly more informed than the rest of us. But no one knows anything really. They can't even explain the "why" for things that have ALREADY happened, and they're telling us they can predict what WILL happen in the future. I just don't buy it.Interesting review of new COVID book by some Economist editors in The Times - paywalled but here's part of it -
We all have our hypotheses and theories, but the vast majority of people are just projecting their ideological and political priors onto this and calling it a day. Nobody knows the answers now and we may never know.
It's not that simple.
The problem was NEVER died with coronavirus or died by coronavirus. The real problem is covid have an high percentage with cases with critical condition. Italy have "only" 5k unit with critical care and they were all full for two months. This means there were probably lot of people died at home without a monitoring from hospitals, so people not counted as coronavirus related. Hospital had to choose if you are too old for healthcare. Very funny.
There were lot of cases not reported. According to ISTAT (the department for statistics) they were +49% of dead people in march and +36% in april compared to the previous 5 years. According to ISTAT, the anomaly of dead people compared to the previous 5 years is very high, can be more than the official 34k people, I read somewhere more than 40k.
This is what has always pissed me off about Dr. Fauci, who has disappeared from the news by the way. He would always give the vague statements about how "young people are not immune", as though anyone really thinks young people cant get the virus at all. He seems to think that the only way to convince people to take the virus seriously is the scare the shit out of them that THEY might die. When we should've been doing is enouraging people to protect the vulnerable: the elderly and chronicly sick. Instead, he and the media have been using scare tactics to create panic. I guess the strategy is that if everyone is scared they might die, they'll be more careful. The problem is people will see through that and lose trust in what they are being told.And i am sure that all those people had underlying conditions.
Now having hypertension or kidney disease doesnt mean you will die in a year and the CV hurried it up.. you can still live for decades.
Just means that healthy and young people arent dying from this. If your 20 to 60 and in shape its going tl be pretty rare to die or even get really sick from the virus.
This is what has always pissed me off about Dr. Fauci, who has disappeared from the news by the way. He would always give the vague statements about how "young people are not immune", as though anyone really thinks young people cant get the virus at all. He seems to think that the only way to convince people to take the virus seriously is the scare the shit out of them that THEY might die. When we should've been doing is enouraging people to protect the vulnerable: the elderly and chronicly sick. Instead, he and the media have been using scare tactics to create panic. I guess the strategy is that if everyone is scared they might die, they'll be more careful. The problem is people will see through that and lose trust in what they are being told.
Until you are the one that gets it and has pains months after ... it’s all random , well not really people with defects , illnesses but also defects in DNA. And you be one that needs welfare and other people need to work for that . That’s also why the world is on lock down .. To not have to many people sick all at ones and in the hospital.And i am sure that all those people had underlying conditions.
Now having hypertension or kidney disease doesnt mean you will die in a year and the CV hurried it up.. you can still live for decades.
Just means that healthy and young people arent dying from this. If your 20 to 60 and in shape its going tl be pretty rare to die or even get really sick from the virus.
First the world is not on lockdown. At all. So let's just get that straight.Until you are the one that gets it and has pains months after ... it’s all random , well not really people with defects , illnesses but also defects in DNA. And you be one that needs welfare and other people need to work for that . That’s also why the world is on lock down .. To not have to many people sick all at ones and in the hospital.
I just spoke to our mutual friend and she is still recovering, she got it in March and can only work 2 hours a day, 34 years old no prior conditions...
Yes I know that’s only one example , look at the data, but that data hardly takes these into account , she didn’t die .. she survived . But her life has changed completely. She wasn’t even in the hospital .
Take care all and follow the simple rules.
"Someone said something I don't agree withLet's take our "science" from a Qanon source citing Facebook.
Between this, which has transformed into something even dumber than a /r/conspiracy thread, and the Kenosha murderer glorification thread that looks more like a sanitized version of a /pol/thread and less like a GAF thread, I just don't know about this place anymore.
I actually never thought about that. They probably should have hard quarantined the elderly, and told younger folks to actively go out and get the virus. Jesus that would have driven most liberal folks absolutely nutso!
First the world is not on lockdown. At all. So let's just get that straight.
Your friend's case, while very unfornate is not remotely common. There are not wide scale reports of dehibilitating complications after recovery. That does not mean they don't exist. However, we cannot make policy based on what happened to your friend. The disease is rough and we should all take it seriously. But 99.9% of people in your friend's circumstance (relatively young and healthy) will survive. Something like 97-98% of them will never need a hospital and have no lasting consequences from the virus. I'm sorry your friend fell into that very small %.
Until you are the one that gets it and has pains months after ... it’s all random , well not really people with defects , illnesses but also defects in DNA. And you be one that needs welfare and other people need to work for that . That’s also why the world is on lock down .. To not have to many people sick all at ones and in the hospital.
I just spoke to our mutual friend and she is still recovering, she got it in March and can only work 2 hours a day, 34 years old no prior conditions...
Yes I know that’s only one example , look at the data, but that data hardly takes these into account , she didn’t die .. she survived . But her life has changed completely. She wasn’t even in the hospital . I am glad that governments make these decisions, because if you look at how people post online we would be in a different spot right now.
Take care all and follow the simple rules.
This is why when people talk about listening to the "experts" like they're the clergy, I reflexively push back.
I think things in general would have gone smoother under Hillary, but not just because of the press corps. I don't think under a Democrat president you'd have governors actively killing their own people and destroying economies just to "get Hillary". I also don't think the Lancet would be publishing fake stories about medications treating COVID just because Hillary mentioned them in a presser.This is the default frame through which some people view the world - everything is explainable and fixable by the right experts and technocrats who believe the right things. I ask some of my friends in this camp what would have actually been different if Hillary were president.
The only real difference I can see would have been more effective political messaging that experts and technocrats were doing the "right" things (and of course there would have been a much less adversarial press corps where the messaging would be aimed). But what would be different in terms of actual results and why?
The current state of this thread reflects why it’s such a shit show in the USA! Seems people can’t follow and obey the simple rules and are only in it for them selfs !
Good luck with all the conspiracies and how governments and illuminati are trying to oppress the people of the worldAll for one and one for all!
Let's take our "science" from a Qanon source citing Facebook.
Between this, which has transformed into something even dumber than a /r/conspiracy thread, and the Kenosha murderer glorification thread that looks more like a sanitized version of a /pol/thread and less like a GAF thread, I just don't know about this place anymore.
We are certainly much better prepared for any second wave than at the start of the outbreak according to Eleanor Riley, professor of immunology and infectious diseases at the University of Edinburgh.
"We will see an increase in cases but I don't think it's inevitable that we will have the level of hospital admissions and deaths we saw back in April," she says.
"We know enough now about our own individual risks that we can protect older people and those with significant health problems, whilst allowing the rest of the population to get on with their lives."
This is what epidemiologists are starting to say in Germany too. That concentrating too much on the PCR was a mistake because even if the test is positive in most cases the person is no longer contagious. A huge part of the problem is that the RKI is too slow to adjust to new information/studies.
Um... what? No.No longer contagious but any moment his immune system drop the virus reactivate again and can spread again
We have to make sure that the virus is really gone from someones body