MisterAnderson said:I love battle damage Garrus :lol
I kept wondering when the hell he would get the damage fixed,
waited in vain...
MisterAnderson said:I love battle damage Garrus :lol
Trickster said:I kept wondering when the hell he would get the damage fixed,waited in vain...
Same here. Plus he got short changed on conversation options as well. I am really bitter about how little attention Garrus got.Trickster said:I kept wondering when the hell he would get the damage fixed,waited in vain...
Won't mapping the powers to the bumpers cause issues when trying to use powers in the heat of battle?Killthee said:You can map two of your powers to the bumpers (tapping them will trigger the power, while holding brings up the wheel), 1 for each squad mate (selecting left or right on the d-pad while aiming at an enemy will trigger the squad power on that enemy), and your class exclusive power which is auto mapped to Y.
Bring up the wheel and press X or B to map your powers to the bumpers and X to map a squad power.
ExtraKr1spy said:The Cerberus sidequests where you have to save smuggled items from 3 of those giant robots is bullshit. The bullets and rockets they fire go through the rocks you can take cover behind in the level. Playing on Insanity so I don't expect it to be easy but its annoying going behind a rock just regen health just to get shot or hit by a rocket. Team mates are also fucking useless in that mission.
Nope, it works great; quick tap to trigger the power, hold to bring up the wheel. It was the same in ME.rhino4evr said:Won't mapping the powers to the bumpers cause issues when trying to use powers in the heat of battle?
Seems silly to map a power to the same buttons as your weapon and action wheel
Zzoram said:How are you guys playing above Veteran in your first go through? It defaulted to Normal for me but I turned it up to Veteran, and it didn't let me turn it up higher.
That level is a pain. Does anyone know if saving more crates results in getting a better reward? I only managed to save 9 out of the 20 because those mechs destroy them so fast.
MisterAnderson said:I managed to save 8, I was on veteran. I read that you get more credits the more crates you save, and that apparently to save them all you need to attack all three mechs at the same time, but when I tried that, two of the three kept ignoring me and just shot up crates, so I think IGN just doesn't know WTF it's talking about, which wouldn't be the first time.
Ok will try it when I get home. ThanksKillthee said:Nope, it works great; quick tap to trigger the power, hold to bring up the wheel. It was the same in ME.
Maybe it has to do with having a completed ME game save? I know I had characters available for import and it let me turn it up to Insanity.Zzoram said:How are you guys playing above Veteran in your first go through? It defaulted to Normal for me but I turned it up to Veteran, and it didn't let me turn it up higher.
That level is a pain. Does anyone know if saving more crates results in getting a better reward? I only managed to save 9 out of the 20 because those mechs destroy them so fast.
yeah that was odd. and i thought if i got the dermal regeneration medical bay it would help him, what a waste of resources.Sebulon3k said:I figured his alternate costume would have the armor fixed, but it still has the crack wtf :lol
MisterAnderson said:I managed to save 8, I was on veteran. I read that you get more credits the more crates you save, and that apparently to save them all you need to attack all three mechs at the same time, but when I tried that, two of the three kept ignoring me and just shot up crates, so I think IGN just doesn't know WTF it's talking about, which wouldn't be the first time.
Edit: If I change it to hardcore will that negate a "beat the game on Veteran difficulty achievement" or whatever? (assuming there is one?)
soldat7 said:I'm merely arguing that BioWare should have enhanced the customization and RPG elements of ME1 rather than tossing them away.
MegaKungFuRadio said:There isn't one, just Insanity.
I hate everything you like. The loot system in ME1 was badly broken and not a very good idea for the type of game it was. When I started ME2 and saw the transport had replaced the mako my heart hath lept for joy.DennisK4 said:The only place where ME2 is "dumbed down " from ME is in the loot and stats elements - but thats pretty bad for someone like me who really like those things.
The combat is hugely improved in ME2.
Also, maybe ME2 is somewhat more linear - at least it feels to me like some of the sense of exploration have been lost. Driving the Mako around in that seaside-like level felt great (I forget the name of the planet).
soldat7 said:I'm merely arguing that BioWare should have enhanced the customization and RPG elements of ME1 rather than tossing them away.
Zzoram said:How are you guys playing above Veteran in your first go through? It defaulted to Normal for me but I turned it up to Veteran, and it didn't let me turn it up higher.
That level is a pain. Does anyone know if saving more crates results in getting a better reward? I only managed to save 9 out of the 20 because those mechs destroy them so fast.
MisterAnderson said:Ah ok, well that clears that up. Also, when you get to the point at which you can upgrade an ability to be more powerful or be AOE, what is generally better have you guys found? In theory I am thinking AOE would be better, but thinking back to all my fights, I can't ever really recall the enemies grouping up too often. The enemy AI tends to split up pretty often.
MisterAnderson said:Ah ok, well that clears that up. Also, when you get to the point at which you can upgrade an ability to be more powerful or be AOE, what is generally better have you guys found? In theory I am thinking AOE would be better, but thinking back to all my fights, I can't ever really recall the enemies grouping up too often. The enemy AI tends to split up pretty often.
Macmanus said:Sure. If their goal was to satisfy a slight minority of NeoGaf gamers.
However if their goal was to appeal to a broader audience and you know, make more money, then they went in the right direction.
I would love broader RPG customization, but you have to make some sacrifices and these big budget games.
Red Blaster said:Pretty annoying how the Normandy always disembarks when you board it. And no cool airlock animation either.
Trickster said:Wait what? 50 rounds in your sniper? I still only have 10 and I'm pretty far into the story, haven't found any ammo upgrades for the snipers yet.
Red Blaster said:Pretty annoying how the Normandy always disembarks when you board it. And no cool airlock animation either.
Dax01 said:How much should I upgrade the Normandy? What are, basically, requirements and what aren't? Do I need to get the upgrade med-lab?
widgetraf said:Just started playing last night, got maybe an hour into the game.
I imported my ME1 character and noticed I have my guns from ME1 equipped! Ha! Anything else that carries over?
Also, I'm playing my character (Soldier class) on Insanity. Is this absurd? Should I have started with Hardcore or Normal? I've died a couple of times already in the first mission (after meeting the Illusive Man) but I figure this is just me getting used to the game again and I should stop failing after I get the hang of it.
Macmanus said:Sure. If their goal was to satisfy a slight minority of NeoGaf gamers.
However if their goal was to appeal to a broader audience and you know, make more money, then they went in the right direction.
I would love broader RPG customization, but you have to make some sacrifices and these big budget games.
MisterAnderson said:This. Thank god you can skip the cut scene, but it always takes me out of the game when I only went in to change up my armor or something.
That mission is what prompted the post. It is a good shot at complex morality, but the conversation options felt really limiting. That's what was so frustrating. I couldn't speak about it in the right tone, or express how I felt about it. Shepard just seemed pissed off at Mordin when I really just wanted to have a decent conversation about it.Zeliard said:I love the Genophage debates - it's one of the few times that Bioware has been able to truly nail grey morality. Did you do Mordin's loyalty quest? I had to ponder a few things at the end there.
I don't actually think there are any Collectors there. What you'll be fighting are Husks and Scions, mostly.firehawk12 said:What crew should I bring with me to. I've read that it's full of Collectors, so I'm thinking of bringing Grunt and Mordin, but if anyone has any better ideas that'd be great.Hawking Eta to get the IFF
I think it's based on which squad-mate you choose first. First is left, second is right. Haven't tested that theory out though.MisterAnderson said:Does the game switch your squadmate's positions every time you reload? It is annoying getting used to giving orders with Q and E for particular party members, and then when you die and reload, for some dumb reason the game swaps their positions.
Also nice avatar Spasm
Trickster said:Sounds like you're more of an oldschool rpg kinda person if you like the combat in DA, yet think the combat in ME2 is bad?
Also, the combat in ME2 is NOT the same as the combat in ME1 :lol
Same here, I said the exact same thing a few pages back. Makes no sense to disembark right away, and no cool airlock animation indeedMisterAnderson said:This. Thank god you can skip the cut scene, but it always takes me out of the game when I only went in to change up my armor or something.
Spasm said:I think it's based on which squad-mate you choose first. First is left, second is right. Haven't tested that theory out though.
Commander Sheppard is ashore. XO Pressly has the deck.MMaRsu said:Same here, I said the exact same thing a few pages back. Makes no sense to disembark right away, and no cool airlock animation indeed.
Coxswain said:I don't actually think there are any Collectors there. What you'll be fighting are Husks and Scions, mostly.
Personally, I took Garrus (for the AP ammo and 'cause he's awesome) and Samara, with my Sentinel. Basic order of operations was to use Area Reave/Warp or a pistol to strip off the Husks' armour, and then hit them with a Throw, which will always kill an unarmoured Husk. The Scions are more bastardly, especially when they pair up on you, but they're entirely Armour so Reave and AP Ammo will still win the day.