Jack sucks. She's all rage and pretty bland and is in the running for the worst character in the game. Joker, Garrus, Tali, Mordin, Legion are all far, far more interesting, far more complex, and far better characters.MMaRsu said:Really? Jack is pretty cool man..![]()
DS9 and TNG are awesome shows. Don't blame me if you can't appreciate them.Himuro said:Says the Trekkie.
Lunchbox said:finally got the save everyone achievement. felt so good
started my insanity playthrough and died on the very first fight :\
zero margin said:Grunt is the baddest ass Krogen ever so for that he gets a pass on being...boring.
Himuro said:Thane is probably tied for Jack but I haven't done his loyalty quest yet.
no uHimuro said:I'm just poking fun. Love you, Dax.
Himuro said:Says the Trekkie.
Castor Krieg said:I really like Miranda. She is trully "perfect" (genes, duh), beautiful but really intelligent and ruthless Cerberus operative. Throughout the game you see she has no problems sacrificing others for the success of the mission. She's not just an eye candy.
Meh characters -.Grunt, Jacob, Jack
Zeliard said:The best character in my view is Thane. I pretty much love everything about that guy - the voice acting, the design, his backstory, his species, his philosophy and outlook on life, his combat prowess, etc.
tadcalabash said:Just got done with Mordin's loyalty mission and was very impressed with how they handled that character. Loved discussing the genophage with him (mostly because I wasn't sure exactly where I came down on it).
Mostly was impressed byReally felt it fleshed out the character and made me feel for him.Mordin's emotional response and feelings of guilt/regret at the end of the level.
Himuro said:Despite all of this, though, I actually like the entire cast. Some are more interesting than others, but even the more plain ones like Jacob or Grunt have their moments.
The dude's fucking awesome. I mean,Sebulon3k said:How is Joker more interesting then Jack?
zero margin said:Grunt is the baddest ass Krogen ever so for that he gets a pass on being...boring.
JoeBoy101 said:Best side conversation with the crew, evah."I had reach, but she had flexibility."
This is why I didn't understand all the hate Jacob got. He is a really cool character to talk to. Sure its nothing great or original but the way the conversations flow so well, its really entertaining.Zeliard said:I think the voice acting goes a long way into selling some of these characters. I think Jacob would be fairly boring except that his voice actor imbues him with a very naturalistic sensibility. Jacob feels more real and grounded than many of the others, and not just because he's human. I felt that way almost right away about the character.
Dax01 said:The dude's fucking awesome. I mean,his robot impression of Legion left a huge grin on my face.:lol :lol
Shrinnan said:I'm not sure if I worded that right, but that's really the first time I have seen a sequel impact me so much.
Zeliard said:I think the voice acting goes a long way into selling some of these characters. I think Jacob would be fairly boring except that his voice actor imbues him with a very naturalistic sensibility. Jacob feels more real and grounded than many of the others, and not just because he's human. I felt that way almost right away about the character.
LukeSmith said:Really? When I met Jacob I thought, "I can't wait till I can sacrifice this guy like that Ashley chick. Make your time, chump."
LukeSmith said:Really? When I met Jacob I thought, "I can't wait till I can sacrifice this guy like that Ashley chick. Make your time, chump."
Himuro said:Time for Samara.
Himuro said:But you don't even talk to grunt in the recruitment quest. You get him on the ship. I'd probably like him more if he was active during my actual mission. That's why I like the other characters, because we worked together for this shit. With Grunt it's like, let's unlock this dude on the Normandy. zzz.
Zeliard said:I can understand that reaction if you stare at Jacob's teeth for too long.![]()
Kagari said:is there a specific bonus if I have a completed save from the first game?
tadcalabash said:So I'm not the only one who thought his teeth looked too big for his head?
Himuro said:That's something I really love about ME2.
In ME1, they're talking about their culture but in ME2 you experience it first hand, which is FAR more interesting and successful towards actually making me give a shit. It also single-handedly solves ME1's variety issue. ME2 has variety in spades.
Himuro said:They keep mentioning children and female variations of the aliens but we never see them. It sucks.
deim0s said:I do not want to see a female Batarian, ever!
Schmitty said:Are there only like 10 guns (not counting heavy), in this game? BUT, the game overall is so awesome that I can overlook all of it.
Castor Krieg said:There are approx. 20 different weapons. And last time I checked ME1 had like 5-6, as all the AR, Pistols, and Snipers play the same.
pringles said:Same here with my female Shephard (posted on page 140). Love the way she looks and that's why I imported her instead of my 2 other ME1 characters who were both much higher levels. Can't really see myself switching back to playing Male, especially since I love the female voice acting better.
But what's this about not romancing female characters? Fem-lesbo Shephard is the way to go![]()
You mean even if it's inferior in quality and plays the same as the useless ones you've been lugging around in ME1?Schmitty said:Yeah, but there's an intangible satisfaction of getting a new gun, even if it looks the same.
Himuro said:Enjoy your dick in your hand, you're probably a virgin with impossible standards to meet.
You can have some mindless fucks, but only one romance interest I think.Akim said:Can I have more than one "love interest" at a time?
Schmitty said:Things I miss about ME1: overheating, weapon customization, and armor customization. I really hate how you can't buy weapons. Are there only like 10 guns (not counting heavy), in this game? BUT, the game overall is so awesome that I can overlook all of it.
Zeliard said:There are definitely some problems with his teeth, especially the upper ones. :lol
So true, though I hope they go further with this next game. Male/female/young variations of all of the races (outside of the Asari), more alien architecture, and more context to how they live their day-to-day lives. Show more of their homeworlds. They've already nailed the various alien species that are in play, as far as I'm concerned, in terms of diversity and quality. Hopefully they'll just show us more next time around.