MechaX said:I'm more inclined to believe that actually might be a female. A lot of Krogan there do say that the female and children are heavily segregated from the males with the occasional envoy from said group. That, and the voice is noticeably different from virtually every other Krogan seen in both games. And it would make little sense for an envoy of a female tribe to be male.
shuri said:I'm really not feeling the storyline so far. I was such a huge fan of the original game, and its such an heartbreaker to admit that I'm having problems with this one.
Shinjitsu said:The "shawl" that the krogan is wearing is the same as any non armored krogan in the game.
How is the voice noticeably different? It's a low male voice, the same as every other Krogan in the game. It's a male.
Just because some dude on youtube called it a woman, doesn't make it one.:lol
Dax01 said:The main problem with ME2's storyline is nothing really happens. The galaxy is basically in the same position it was at the end of ME1.
syllogism said:
Solo said:This is the problem with games/movies/whatever in the middle act of a planned trilogy. It sucks.
MechaX said:I didn't even bring up the shawl point, so I don't see how that's entirely relevant in response to my post. In addition, I find it difficult to believe that you don't hear how the voice is different than any other Krogan voice (it's not even noticeable on the youtube video, but on an actual TV, the voice carries much more distortion than any other krogan voice). Plus, there's more evidence supporting the notion that its a female based on situational factors alone (again, an envoy for a highly secluded female tribe being male doesn't make much sense at all).
Would it only pass for a female krogan in your eyes if it had a high pitched voice and a bright pink head shell?
firehawk12 said:I will say, if ME3 has me flying around space looking for people/secret technology, I'll be kind of pissed. They have no excuse now, they HAVE to change how they break up their quests.
firehawk12 said:I will say, if ME3 has me flying around space looking for people/secret technology, I'll be kind of pissed. They have no excuse now, they HAVE to change how they break up their quests.
Not really. Halo 2, Gears of War 2, Half-Life 2...Solo said:This is the problem with games/movies/whatever in the middle act of a planned trilogy. It sucks.
Solo said:Im assuming ME3 wont have you scouring the galaxy for a team. It should be some mixture of your ME1 and ME2 crews. Grunt and Wrex? Yes please.
Red Blaster said:They also need to give you access to most of your team within the beginning hours of the game a la ME1.
Amir0x said:God Western RPGs are so rad. Playing this back to back with Mass Effect 1, it's like I'm playing the most uber epic RPG of this generation!
firehawk12 said:Shepard.
My fear is that the third game will be about recruiting races to help you, like Dragon Age. I'm just tired of the same formula over and over again.
firehawk12 said:I will say, if ME3 has me flying around space looking for people/secret technology, I'll be kind of pissed. They have no excuse now, they HAVE to change how they break up their quests.
Solo said:It would be nice if the whole recruiting stuff could be dropped for ME3 completely. Of course, this a Bioware, and that is part of their game design 101, so I dont expect it to leave.
Darklord said:I don't mind the ME2 storyline so far because the locations have been so awesome. The story is kinda lacking so far, I think I need 1 more team mate then have an Illusive man mission and that mission sounds pretty bad arse so it might start picking up.
While I don't know the ending of this game yet, I hope the next one has the reapers attacking right from the start. I want to see planets be destroyed and fleets blown to pieces while trying to stop them. It would be interesting having other story elements like a reaper chasing the Normandy and running into it once or twice. I swear if they stop the reapers before invading I'll be fucking pissed. I know they are insanely strong but I'd rather a Deus ex machina ending than a stopping them before they reach the galaxy ending.
Jtyettis said:It pretty much is. Anyhow I've already clocked in 42 hours on my first play through and I'm pretty sure I've got a decent bit left.
I was really lucky. Game in the uk were doing the art book and Prima guide bundled for £5! But the art book's worth more IMO, I'd say get it.Snuggler said:Since I'm on a huge Mass Effect binge at the moment, I think I might order those books even though I've never bothered to read a videogame book before. Has anyone bought the "Art of Mass Effect" ? It's like $16.50 on Amazon, I might go for it. What about the Redemption comic? I wouldn't normally spend my money on this kind of stuff but I want all the Mass Effect shit I can find.
Solo said:Im assuming ME3 wont have you scouring the galaxy for a team. It should be some mixture of your ME1 and ME2 crews. Grunt and Wrex? Yes please.
Wolffen said:I'm hoping someone in this thread can help me figure something out in regards to the DLC for ME2. My wife and I both have XBL accounts, and both want to play through ME2. My account is a gold account and all of our DLC/XBLA games are tied to my account. I noticed that you have to sign up for an EA Online account to be able to access the Cerebus network and download DLC for ME2. Since anything I download on XBL on my 360 can be used by any other user on the Xbox (since DLC is normally tied to the gamer tag AND the system itself, and can therefore be shared with other users on the 360), will this still be the case with the ME2 DLC?
Basically, I just need to know if I download the DLC via my XBL gamertag and EA Login, will my wife be able to use the DLC as well with her GT? (Which I guess boils down to whether or not mutiple GTs can use the same EA Login or not...I don't have one yet, so I have no idea).
Raging Spaniard said:Quick and stupid question: Where the hell iz Zaeed in the Normandy? I recruited him, but when I go back to the ship I cant find him anywhere :|
Opposite of where Grunt is I believe.Raging Spaniard said:Quick and stupid question: Where the hell iz Zaeed in the Normandy? I recruited him, but when I go back to the ship I cant find him anywhere :|
Shinjitsu said:It looks and dresses just like every other non-armored male Krogan in the game, it sounds DISTINCTLY male.
But whatever, lets just agree to disagree. I'm not going to believe it's a woman, and clearly you think it's one.![]()
Dark FaZe said:I'd expect some kind of return to explorable UCW's and merging of the what made both games so fantastic.
Dax01 said:The party member in ME3 I want the most from ME2 is Legion. Dude was awesome.
Raging Spaniard said:Quick and stupid question: Where the hell iz Zaeed in the Normandy? I recruited him, but when I go back to the ship I cant find him anywhere :|
Dark FaZe said:I'd agree with this except that I'd like a few extra optional characters. A couple of actual Spectres would be fucking awesome, along with.that badass Asari Commando Wrex was talking about in ME1
It'll be interesting to see what Bioware does with ME3. I'm excited because I feel like this bioware team is the type to really take what the fans say into consideration so I'd expect some kind of return to explorable UCW's and merging of the what made both games so fantastic.
Revengeance said:What do I have to do to get Legion? I have everyone else, and have done about 6 of their loyalty quests.
Patryn said:Out of curiousity (endgame spoilers):Has anyone had a non-loyal Miranda on their team at the end and chosen to blow up the collector base? I had a loyal Miranda, and when the Illusive Man told her to stop me, she resigned from Cerberus. I assume a non-loyal Miranda would actually try to stop me. Do you get in a fight with her? Kill her? Anyone know?
Amir0x said:It's amazing how progressive WRPGs are this gen, compared to JRPGs. But I guess that's a controversial subject and probably a bad idea.
Anyhoo, the Blood Dragon Armor I got from Dragon Age Origins looks BADASS in Mass Effect 2. Wish I could take off the helmet though.
I thought he was Tracy Morgan :/comrade said:It has to of been mentioned before but I've been too busy playing to follow how fast this thread moves. I'm not the only one who thinks Jacob is Kanye West right?
Dax01 said:Not really. Halo 2
The character models can look so good...the aliens so lifelike...and yet the very armor they are wearing looks awful. And it's not even every character..Miranda's bodysuit is fine, but then Grunt's armor looks over a decade outdated.
Vehicles/large objects in particular are also so pixelated and jaggedy. I'm no graphics expert, but why was Bioware able to design gorgeous character models...but the their clothing/armor is terrible?
TheFreshPrince said:Does anyone else feel that this game's biggest weakness is it's graphical inconsistency?
The character models can look so good...the aliens so lifelike...and yet the very armor they are wearing looks awful. And it's not even every character..Miranda's bodysuit is fine, but then Grunt's armor looks over a decade outdated.
Vehicles/large objects in particular are also so pixelated and jaggedy. I'm no graphics expert, but why was Bioware able to design gorgeous character models...but the their clothing/armor is terrible?
Some hallways/environments look amazing with great lighting and particle effects...but a lot of that is ruined for me by junky doors/crates.