Finished the game, took me around 27 hours and 30 minutes. Some random thoughts and musings.
- Plot-wise the game was pretty disappointing compared to ME1. A few extra story planets outside of recruiting your party members, would have fixed this, i think. Although, as someone said earlier there was nothing in ME2 plot-wise that compared to
virmire or even the last part on the citadel. So more story-content, potentially couldn't have fixed the issue.
- Even though this game was worse than ME1 plot-wise, i thought the writing / dialogue was improved over ME1. In addition, i thought they handled the paragon / renegade alignments, better than ME1. Especially when it came to the "paragon" path. Which was kinda cheesy in the original ME.
- The combat was a big improvement over ME1 mechanics-wise. The game actually felt like a great shooter with rpg elements as opposed to a average shooter with rpg elements. However, i was disappointed in the lack of skills and the cooldowns compared to ME1. It's still 10x better than ME1 combat though. But i hope for the sequel they take the mechanics and put it in with ME1 skills and cool downs.
- Side-quests are probably the same quality as ME1. (disappointingly) on the other hand the planet exploration missions felt better than ME1 missions because of the better combat and the lack of mako. Yet, the "city" side-quests were worse then the citadel ones in ME1. It's a shame, if they had ME1 citadel quality side-quests split across planets like illium, omega and the citadel. It would have been a HUGE improvement over ME1.
- Character cast was top-notch. Thane, Mordin, and Legion, were the real stand-outs, but i liked the rest of the cast besides jack. Surprised, by the hate miranda is getting, i thought she was pretty good. (if only for her looks and VA).
- The lack of banter and interactions amongst your party members is pretty dissapointing, especially with what i said above.
- Like ME1, the actual role-playing with your decisions and stuff was pretty weak. But the game had less decisions then ME1 overall. However, it has potential to be a improvement over ME1. If they actually manage to make the decisions you made during ME2 have a big impact on your ME3 playthrough. ME2 kinda undelivered in that aspect.
- The game managed to make me far more engaged in the universe then ME1 ever did for me. I think, diversity of the planets, the small little details, and banter throughout cities like omega / illium / citadel, the interesting party members (and their loyalty missions) had a play in that.
- They didn't disappoint in the length this time around. It took me 27 hours to finish, and i barely did any side-quests, in comparison to ME1. (which took me 20 hours) and i did most of the side-quests in that game.
- As i've probably said earlier in the thread, the 'streamlined" rpg elements in this game, didn't bother me at all, as the rpg elements in ME1 felt pretty shallow compared to orther w-rpgs to begin with. In fact, the rpg elements were my prime complaint with ME1 at launch, so it's pretty funny seeing people here complain about the lack of them in ME2.
- The Galaxy Map in ME1 > The Galaxy Map in ME2. I don't miss the mako though, i'm really surprised that some people here actually miss it.:lol
- The QTE / Interrupt feature, was kinda gimmicky. Wish it were more like the "interrupt" feature they initially showed for ME1 back at E3.
- Game felt more consistent then ME1 pacing-wise. As much as i love the last 2 planets in ME1, and the start of the game. I always found the middle section (with feros noveria and liaras planet) to be pretty boring. ME2 felt great from start to finish, i really can't
pin-point any weak moments, in the game honestly.
- Voice-work was excellent apart from male shepard, they could have had some of the big actors play more significant roles though. Although, i guess they didn't have the budget for that.:lol
- Last mission was epic shit, i was all tense throughout the whole thing, because i kept thinking one of my favorite characters would die.;_; absolutely hated the final boss though. Then again, i hated the last boss in ME1 too.
- And lastly, the biggest problem with this game. (and this applies to biowares game before this actually) is it plays itself to safe for the genre. It delivers a great sci-fic shooter (with rpg elements!), but it doesn't really do anything "mindblowing" with the material. The whole thing feels predictable in a sense, on how it delivers. On the other hand, this might be a good thing, as ME1 felt to ambitious for it's own good, and came off as a really flawed experience overall, this game felt like it delivered on what it set out to do, despite a few blunders.
Still i'm hoping they take a more "ambitious" route for their next game, especially, as they have a good base in ME2 to work from.
Overall - Despite some of my complaints, ME2 is still a excellent game, and i'd no doubt consider myself firmly in the "ME 2 > ME1" camp. (although if you were looking at my responses in my thread, you probably already knew that.
