Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
There's something wrong with that image .. can't pinpoint my finger .. probably just Garrus's mutilated jaw.
Thane > Garrus, but there's no bedroom scene like that :lol ... it's still odd to hear female Shep's voice on a male body :lolGillian Seed said:
EmCeeGramr said:From the Codex:
Expecting fiction involving undeveloped technologies to sound authentic seems rather foolish.Cep said:One of biggest problems with ME lore, it always sounds like bullshit.
Of course it may not be fair to them, as they are trying to make their world more authentic, but damn.
It would of course help if ME field and Element zero was not used to explain everything (I know it sorta makes sense with the way ME/Eezo work, but...).
Lakitu said:Just a little summary of what DLC we'll probably see in the future, I've spoiler tagged it all just incase, this is going by dev quotes (from forums, interviews) to stuff that was found out from the code of the PC version:
Cerberus Network (Free DLC)
Hammerhead - New hover vehicle ala Mako, with new missions that will integrate this feature.
Kasumi aka The Thief (12th and final squadmate) - recruitable on Illium, along with a loyalty mission I assume
More weapons and armors
N7 Missions - A dev on the forum stated they would put more N7 Missions on the Cerberus Network.
Possible Premium Content
Liara DLC - Going by the PC code we could get at the most 2 DLCs focusing on Liara's storyline (probably about the Shadow Broker) and it's supposed to tie in with the events of Mass Effect: Redemption.
Dresden said:Expecting fiction involving undeveloped technologies to sound authentic seems rather foolish.
EmCeeGramr said:![]()
Commander (in-Chief) Shepard
And I'd have to disagree with you, because I love Mieville. :lol Perdido and The Scar are two novels I'd be glad to say are in the top 100 novels I've read in my life.Cep said:Read more Sci-Fi.
Besides, there are limits before the entire thing just feels plastic and fake.
As I said, I do realize that I am being harsh, but they can do better.
Reminds me a lot of China Mieville the way he usually tries to explain these things in his novels, always feels like he is trying too hard and being too specific and too vague at the same time.
macfoshizzle said:wow that's pretty damn good!! i wish i could translate those codes to the xbox 360 version
Dresden said:And I'd have to disagree with you, because I love Mieville. :lol Perdido and The Scar are two novels I'd be glad to say are in the top 100 novels I've read in my life.
Most science fiction sounds contrived. It's either that or you go into the hopelessly archaic territory of hard science fiction, where the chemical compound of a particular laser rocket gun is more important than the actual plot.
Jinjo said:I pulled about 6 random codes from that me2 faces site and they all worked. Why would there be a difference in codes between the PC & 360 version?
Edit: Hmm. It seems some codes (I assume the PC ones) have an extra character added at the end. Tried removing it?
macfoshizzle said:oh? how do you decipher the code to the 360? like 221.1GW.RWW.W31.FDS.1DW.DW1.6JW.NFA.DS1.1S7.6.. how do you decipher this into the settings for each feature?
macfoshizzle said:oh? how do you decipher the code to the 360? like 221.1GW.RWW.W31.FDS.1DW.DW1.6JW.NFA.DS1.1S7.6.. how do you decipher this into the settings for each feature?
I would definitely recommend that you play it; otherwise the decision is up to you. You don't really have to play it, as I'm sure you can get all the details by reading up on it and whatnot. Still, it's nice to go through the game and story for yourself, or at least in my opinion it is.OMGLOL A LLAMA said:Is the first game vital to this one? I know there were choices in the first one that affects how the story plays on this one, but what happens if you do not complete the first one? Is knowledge of the first game necessary to understand wtf is happening in this one? I read the wikipedia summary of the plot, is that enough :lol ?
No, it's not necessary at all.OMGLOL A LLAMA said:Is the first game vital to this one? I know there were choices in the first one that affects how the story plays on this one, but what happens if you do not complete the first one? Is knowledge of the first game necessary to understand wtf is happening in this one? I read the wikipedia summary of the plot, is that enough :lol ?
OMGLOL A LLAMA said:Is the first game vital to this one? I know there were choices in the first one that affects how the story plays on this one, but what happens if you do not complete the first one? Is knowledge of the first game necessary to understand wtf is happening in this one? I read the wikipedia summary of the plot, is that enough :lol ?
pmj said:I've had two hard locks, one case of it losing my auto save, one time I was stuck in the death cam with no options to load or quit. Add to that all kinds of jankiness with the cover system and power use, massive difficulty spikes at times, weird animation, party members standing in the air, sometimes several meters up, acting like they're ducking in and out of cover, and, well, it sure could have used a couple of months of bug fixing and balancing.
FromTheFuture said:The code should be able to be put into the 360 directly. If not, you'd have to find out what each of the numbers/letters in the code refers to (i.e a certain character might change the complexion). Then, you could manually change the features on 360 to match.
Yup, 360 version.SlickVic said:Is this the 360 version? Cuz the only issue I had o PC was 1 time I got stuck on top of some platform and couldn't get down. Had to restart from my last quick save.
Select Custom Character and then scroll down to the character code and select it to bring up the keyboard to change it.macfoshizzle said:oh really?? i don't remember seeing anywhere about entering in some code during the custom character creation. hmm gotta check this out.
I'm not saying the game is unplayable or anything, but like any BioWare game it's full of bugs.SlickVic said:Ah that sucks. I have a few friends who got it on 360 and they didn't say anything about issues. I just assumed there weren't much issues with it.
Gillian Seed said:Pic Of The Day:[IMG][/QUOTE]
In case anyone's wondering how to do this:
Bioware's romance restrictions be damned.
Didn't have any issues either(360 version here), but I can understand that it can happen the world is pretty big. The only problem I had was that one assignment with just shepard and that spaceship that could tumble.SlickVic said:Ah that sucks. I have a few friends who got it on 360 and they didn't say anything about issues. I just assumed there weren't much issues with it.
bPod said:Im giving it a lot of thought of getting ME2, looking for a good rpg and haven't played one for a long time.
Patryn said:Engineers are free to laugh at this list, subtract 25% from all the numbers, and feel smugly superior to the other classes.
Damn it, I wanted to create! Oh and I was wondering about how this would affect ME3, since I did this w/Thane and even got the Paramour achievement.SlickVic said::lol
In case anyone's wondering how to do this:
Bioware's romance restrictions be damned.
Pankaks said:Ugh, Collecter's ship on insanity.
Never again.
Just use singularity to keep them in place while you and your teammate shoot at them willy nilly.SenorDingDong said:So what are adepts like playing on insanity. I figured I'd try something different on my renegade run but I have to say it's pretty tough going from having every weapon as a soldier to just a pistol and smg. Sure I've got more powers and such but it seems I have to shoot out their armour and/or shields before any of the powers take effect for about 75% of them.
SenorDingDong said:So what are adepts like playing on insanity. I figured I'd try something different on my renegade run but I have to say it's pretty tough going from having every weapon as a soldier to just a pistol and smg. Sure I've got more powers and such but it seems I have to shoot out their armour and/or shields before any of the powers take effect for about 75% of them.
Mindlog said::lol
That was a lot of fun with cloak.
The only bad part washow long some of the loading screens are.
Pimpbaa said:How come you get to snuggle with Garrus in a comfy bed while I had to bang Miranda in the engine room?!
Papercuts said:You can call Miranda up to do the same stuff after the game.
I'm about 10 hours in on my Adept Insanity run.SenorDingDong said:So what are adepts like playing on insanity. I figured I'd try something different on my renegade run but I have to say it's pretty tough going from having every weapon as a soldier to just a pistol and smg. Sure I've got more powers and such but it seems I have to shoot out their armour and/or shields before any of the powers take effect for about 75% of them.
It's weird actually. As an adept on hardcore, I expected to do lots of warp against enemies, but it seems I have a better time using singularities and pull than warp.pmj said:I'm about 10 hours in on my Adept Insanity run.
As others have said, use Singularity a lot, and then shoot and better yet throw things like Warp on them. Do it right and you'll get a detonation with bonus damage. Still, be prepared having to abuse shitty enemy AI by kiting more difficult enemies around objects. You'll probably want something like Warp ammo as bonus skill, but there might be better options.
And since you can't afford every upgrade in the game, be careful with what you buy.
I would buy this.Pankaks said:Just saw this drawing of Blasto on the Bioware forums by llSEIVll (maybe old?)
Bioware link
Pretty big image
:lolPankaks said:Just saw this drawing of Blasto on the Bioware forums by llSEIVll (maybe old?)
Bioware link
Pretty big image